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Visualising trends in ageing across Australia
Dr Edgar Liu leads the development of a data visualisation tool that profiles localised ageing trends to support service planning and policy for an ageing society.
Can the perception of neighbourhood environments influence active and healthy ageing?

A recent study has highlighted an important link between how older people perceive their neighbourhood and their levels of physical activity.

To what extent does the World Health Organisation inspire age-friendly policymaking?

Recent work by Institute members have analysed the World Health Organisation's (WHO) impact on age-friendly policymaking across different levels of Australian governments.

Experiences of Older Aboriginal People in Navigating Transport Systems in an Urban Setting

A recent study exploring the transport experiences of older Aboriginal people has identified several ways for shaping the transport system so that it better serves these communities and begins to facilitate equity in access and mobility.

Parks, Trees and Gardens: the importance of green spaces to older people’s health and wellbeing
A recent publication has explored the inequities around access to green spaces for certain groups including older people