ORCID as entered in ROS

Select Publications
2023, Metabolic Scales (video), Earthern, Cement Fondu, 13 October 2023 - 03 December 2023, medium: Video, at: https://cementfondu.org/better-nature-earthen/
,2023, Dust of these domains, SITEWORKS, Bundanon, 26 February 2023 - 27 February 2023, at: https://www.bundanon.com.au/whats-on/dust-of-these-domains-bianca-hester-performance/
,2022, Registering inscrutable forces from the edges of time, 2022 Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize, Woollahra Gallery at Redleaf, 12 October 2022 - 20 November 2022, at: https://www.woollahragallery.com.au/whats-on/prizes/woollahra-small-sculpture-prize/2022/bianca-hester
,2022, Reading Walking Lithic Bodies, Perspectives on Place, Museum of Contemporary Art, 30 April 2022 - 30 April 2022, at: https://www.mca.com.au/whats-on/reading-walking-lithic-bodies/
,2021, Constellating bodies in temporary correspondence, Perspectives on Place: Works from the MCA Collection relating to land, mapping and environmental change., Museum of Contemporary Art, 26 February 2021 - 01 March 2023, medium: sculpture, video, installation, image, at: https://www.mca.com.au/artists-works/exhibitions/mca-collection-perspectives-on-place/
,2017, Open Spatial Workshop: Converging in time, Open Spatial Workshop: Converging in time, Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), 11 February 2017 - 10 April 2017, at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2017/open-spatial-workshop
,2017, Cape Liptrap, Converging in time, Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), 11 February 2017 - 08 April 2017, medium: Cape Liptrap formation (Gippsland, Victoria on Boon Wurrung, Bunurong and Gunaikurnai country). Video: 4.55 minutes, at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2017/open-spatial-workshop
,2017, Fossilised Kauri Log, Converging in time, Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), 11 February 2017 - 08 April 2017, medium: Papercrete platform with fossilised Kauri log (23 million years old) collected from Loy Yang open cut mine (Gunaikurnai Country) on loan from Museum Victoria, 7 bronze casts of meteorite impressions, pine, bronze., at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2017/open-spatial-workshop
,2017, Graphite Ball, Converging in time, Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), 11 February 2017 - 08 April 2017, medium: Polymer activated gypsum, fibreglass, glue, graphite., at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2017/open-spatial-workshop
,2017, Hanging Form Incorporating Natural and Artificial Tektites, Converging in time, Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), 11 February 2017 - 08 April 2017, medium: Steel, Perspex, tektites (on loan from Museum Victoria), fittings., at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2017/open-spatial-workshop
,2017, Linear Structure for a Room, Converging in time, Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), 11 February 2017 - 08 April 2017, medium: Polymer activated gypsum, fibreglass, paint, mild steel, found concrete form, molten scoria form, Murchison meteorite (on loan from Museum Victoria from Ngurai-illamwurrung Country), blown glass form, basalt log (on loan from Museum Victoria, collected from Footscray circa 1860’s), lava bomb., at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2017/open-spatial-workshop
,2017, Pothole Assemblage, Converging in time, Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), 11 February 2017 - 08 April 2017, medium: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2017/open-spatial-workshop, at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2017/open-spatial-workshop
,2017, Saléeite Crystals, Converging in time, Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), 11 February 2017 - 08 April 2017, medium: Blown glass forms, lead caps and saléeite crystals collected from Ranger uranium mine, Northern Territory (Mirarr Country), mild steel, steel wire, fittings., at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2017/open-spatial-workshop
,2017, Sand Particles at Big Drift, Converging in time, Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), 11 February 2017 - 08 April 2017, medium: Video of sand particles from ‘Big Drift’, Wilson’s Promontory (Boon Wurrung, Bunurong and Gunaikurnai Country). Video: 3.06 minutes., at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2017/open-spatial-workshop
,2017, Shelf of artefacts, Converging in time, Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), 11 February 2017 - 08 April 2017, medium: Crinoid (sea lily) fossil (416-443 million years old), Silurian era collected from Brunswick clay pits circa 1900’s (Wurundjeri Country); vitrified brick for chemical works made by Hoffman’s Brickworks collected 1923; and greenstone from Wil-im-ee Moor-ring / Mt William, Lancefield (Wurundjeri Country) collected 1853-68, MDF and Perspex., at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2017/open-spatial-workshop
,2017, Slumped Pasticine Form, Converging in time, Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), 11 February 2017 - 08 April 2017, medium: Slumped plasticine form and steel models of crystals including graphite [brown coal], vivianite, quartz, copper, saléeite, iron [Murchison meteorite], hermatite [banded iron], jadeite [Victorian greenstone], sanidine [lava bomb], olivine [basalt tree], calcite [trilobite eyes]., at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2017/open-spatial-workshop
,2017, Trilobite with Crystal Eyes, Converging in time, Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA), 11 February 2017 - 08 April 2017, medium: Trilobite fossil, Cambrian era (488-542 million years ago), mild steel and stainless steel plate, fittings., at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2017/open-spatial-workshop
,2016, Constellating bodies in temporary correspondance, NSW Visual artist fellowship exhibition, Artbank, 01 December 2016 - 27 February 2017, at: http://artbank.gov.au/exhibitions/nsw-visual-artist-fellowship/
,2016, Constellating bodies in temporary correspondance, Endless Circulation: Tarrawarra Biennial 2016, Tarrawarra Museum of Art, 19 August 2016 - 06 November 2016, at: http://www.twma.com.au/exhibition/tarrawarra-biennial-2016-endless-circulation/
,2015, GLIMPSE, Feeling Material, c3 contemporary Artspace, 28 October 2015 - 22 November 2015, at: https://www.c3artspace.com.au/feeling-material/
,2015, FAULT, Performing Mobilities: Traces, Storey Hall, RMIT, 25 September 2015 - 24 October 2015, at: http://www.performingmobilities.net/symposium/traces_gallery/fault/
,2015, Anthropocite, Earth Sciences Garden, Monash Earth Sciences Garden, 15 September 2015 - 01 October 2029, at: https://www.monash.edu/news/articles/9288
,2015, Cut continuum, The Material Turn, Margaret Lawrence Gallery, Victorian College of the Arts, 10 September 2015 - 03 October 2015, at: http://vca.unimelb.edu.au/engage/margaret-lawrence-gallery/the-material-turn
,2015, SPLINTER, From the collection: Gertrude Regional Residencies: Chapter 2, Latrobe Regional Gallery, Morwell, 01 August 2015 - 20 September 2015, at: https://latroberegionalgallery.com/project/from-the-collection/
,2015, Movements Materialising Momentarily, Movements Materialising Momentarily, St Paul Street Gallery, 31 July 2015 - 11 September 2015, medium: Collaborative walking event, Installation, Sculpture, Video, at: https://stpaulst.aut.ac.nz/exhibitions/past-exhibitions/2015/past-2
,2015, Fashioning propositions, Art as a verb, Artspace, Sydney, 04 June 2015 - 26 August 2015, at: https://www.artspace.org.au/program/exhibitions/2015/art-as-a-verb/
,2014, Performance Objects, HOLD, Sarah Scout Presents, 10 October 2014 - 08 November 2014, at: http://www.sarahscoutpresents.com/web/hold-akira-akira-and-bianca-hester/
,2014, Fashioning propositions, Art as a Verb, Monash University Museum of Art, 03 October 2014 - 16 December 2014, at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/exhibition-archive/2014/art-as-a-verb
,2014, Re-orchestrating: objects, actions, Restaging, Restaging, Alaska Projects, 28 September 2014 - 28 September 2014, medium: sculptural objects, construction materials, bodies, performative action, at: http://home.alaskaprojects.com/Performance
,2014, Hoops: sound tests, performances, So long as you move: recent video works form the Monash University Collection, Ark Gallerie, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 15 August 2014 - 15 September 2014, at: https://www.monash.edu/muma/exhibitions/offsite-and-touring/2014/so-long-as-you-move
,2014, contexts, cuts, convergences, SITUATION, Design Hub, RMIT, Melbourne, 31 July 2014 - 03 August 2014, at: https://idea-edu.com/symposiums/2014-situation/
,2014, Sonic Objects, Solar Objects: Variously, The Cinemas Project, Warrnambool, Victoria, 04 July 2014 - 05 July 2014, at: http://www.thecinemasproject.com.au/project/
,2014, Fashioning Discontinuities, 19th Biennale of Sydney: You Imagine What You Desire, Sydney, various sites, 21 March 2014 - 09 June 2014, medium: sculpture, performance, photography, installation, texts, symposium, at: https://www.biennaleofsydney.com.au/19bos/artists/hester/
,2013, Hoops, sound tests, performances, documents (2011-2013), Melbourne Now, National Gallery of Victoria, 22 November 2013 - 23 March 2014, at: https://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/media_release/melbourne-now-first-artists-and-projects-announced/
,2012, only from the perspective of a viewer situated on the surface of the earth does day and night occur, ACCA pop-up program, Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art, The Common Guild, Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art, Glasgow, 20 April 2012 - 07 May 2012, at: https://acca.melbourne/exhibition/acca-pop-up-program-glasgow/
,2012, Lumpen Falls, Lumpen Falls, Conical, 03 March 2012 - 24 March 2012, at: http://www.conical.org.au/archive/index.html#
,2011, Big Log Jam, Big Log Jam, Australian Experimental Art Foundation, 25 November 2011 - 06 December 2011
,2011, bits and pieces, here and there, bits and pieces, here and there, Society, Sydney, 23 September 2011 - 25 September 2011, at: https://www.welcome-to-society.com/bits%20and%20pieces%20here%20and%20there
,2011, selection of fragments, composed, Galaxy Garden, Sutton Project Space, Melbourne, 07 May 2011 - 28 May 2011, at: http://ushindo.blogspot.com/2011/05/the-galaxy-garden.html
,2011, multiple assemblages, ACCA #2 ACCA Regional Tour, Horsham Regional Art Gallery, 07 May 2011 - 03 July 2001, at: https://acca.melbourne/exhibition/art2-acca-regional-tour-horsham/
,2011, these circumstances temporarily generating open forms improvising encounters, these circumstances temporarily generating open forms improvising encounters, Sarah Scout Presents, 13 April 2011 - 07 May 2011, at: https://www.sarahscoutpresents.com/exhibitions/59-bianca-hester-these-circumstances-temporarily-generating-forms-improvising/installation_shots/
,2011, untitled (wearable fragments), Rock Solid, Pieces of 8 Gallery, Melbourne, 22 March 2011 - 07 May 2011
,2011, A world, fully accessible by no living being, Melbourne Prize for Urban Sculpture, Federation Square, Melbourne, 07 February 2011 - 12 November 2011, medium: sculpture, performance, publication, text, at: http://aworldfullyaccessiblebynolivingbeing.blogspot.com.au/
,2010, solar system, system, Friends, TCB art inc., 01 September 2010 - 18 September 2010, at: https://tcbartinc.org.au/content/friends/
,2010, Please leave these windows open overnight to enable the fans to draw in cool air during the early hours of the morning, Please leave these windows open overnight to enable the fans to draw in cool air during the early hours of the morning, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, 06 August 2010 - 26 September 2020, medium: installation and performance, at: https://acca.melbourne/exhibition/bianca-hester-please-leave-these-windows-open-overnight-to-enable-the-fans-to-draw-in-cool-air-during-the-early-hours-of-the-morning/
,2009, Enabling Constraints, Imprint, Artspace, Sydney, 03 July 2009 - 01 August 2009, at: https://www.artspace.org.au/program/exhibitions/2009/imprint/
,2009, Fashioning Discontinuities (Part 1), Fashioning Discontinuities (Part 1), Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne, 05 June 2009 - 02 August 2009, at: https://art.base.co/event/1618-fashioning-discontinuities
,2009, only from the perspective of an observer situated on the surface of the earth does day and night occur, only from the perspective of an observer situated on the surface of the earth does day and night occur, The Narrows, Melbourne, 02 April 2009 - 02 May 2009, at: http://www.thenarrows.org/archive/2009/36.shtml
,2008, monstera deliciosa, Advance/Retreat, Westspace, Melbourne, 07 November 2008 - 29 November 2008, at: https://westspace.org.au/exhi/6287/advance-retreat-three-experiments-in-transdisciplinary-collaboration
,2008, Implements, Actions and a Scoring of Moments, Line Drawing, South Australian School of Art, Adelaide, 15 July 2008 - 17 August 2008, at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/26709405?selectedversion=NBD43672902