Select Publications


Stadnik YV; Gossel GH; Flambaum VV; Berengut JC, 2012, Resonant scattering of light in a near-black-hole metric, ,

Spencer-Smith AF; Gossel GH; Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2012, Bound states of spin-half particles in a static gravitational field close to the black hole field, ,

Dzuba VA; Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Roberts B, 2012, Revisiting parity non-conservation in cesium, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Ong A, 2012, Highly charged ions with E1, M1, and E2 transitions within laser range, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Ong A, 2012, Optical transitions in highly-charged californium ions with high sensitivity to variation of the fine-structure constant, ,

Berengut JC; Kava EM; Flambaum VV, 2012, A reanalysis of quasar absorption spectra results suggesting a spatial gradient in values of the fine-structure constant, ,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2012, Comment on "Global Positioning System Test of the Local Position Invariance of Planck's Constant", ,

Berengut JC, 2011, Isotope shifts and relativistic shifts of Cr II for study of alpha-variation in quasar absorption spectra, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2011, Transitions in Zr, Hf, Ta, W, Re, Hg, Ac and U ions with high sensitivity to variation of the fine-structure constant, ,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Kava EM, 2011, Search for variation of fundamental constants and violations of fundamental symmetries using isotope comparisons, ,

Curran SJ; Tanna A; Koch FE; Berengut JC; Webb JK; Stark AA; Flambaum VV, 2011, Measuring space-time variation of the fundamental constants with redshifted submillimetre transitions of neutral carbon, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Ong A, 2011, Hole transitions in multiply-charged ions for precision laser spectroscopy and searching for alpha-variation, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; King JA; Kozlov MG; Murphy MT; Webb JK, 2010, Atomic transition frequencies, isotope shifts, and sensitivity to variation of the fine structure constant for studies of quasar absorption spectra, ,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2010, Astronomical and laboratory searches for space-time variation of fundamental constants, ,

Lybarger WE; Berengut JC; Chiaverini J, 2010, Precision measurement of the 5 2S1/2 - 4 2D5/2 quadrupole transition isotope shift between 88Sr+ and 86Sr+, ,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; King JA; Curran SJ; Webb JK, 2010, Is there further evidence for spatial variation of fundamental constants?, ,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2010, Manifestations of a spatial variation of fundamental constants on atomic clocks, Oklo, meteorites, and cosmological phenomena, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2010, Enhanced laboratory sensitivity to variation of the fine-structure constant using highly-charged ions, ,

Gossel GH; Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2010, Energy levels of a scalar particle in a static gravitational field close to the black hole limit, ,

Ong A; Berengut JC; Flambaum VV, 2010, The effect of spin-orbit nuclear charge density corrections due to the anomalous magnetic moment on halonuclei, ,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; King-Lacroix J, 2009, Magnetic blackbody shift of hyperfine transitions for atomic clocks, ,

Berengut JC; Dmitriev VF; Flambaum VV, 2009, Effect of quark-mass variation on big bang nucleosynthesis, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Porsev SG, 2009, A proposed experimental method to determine $\alpha$-sensitivity of splitting between ground and 7.6 eV isomeric states in Th-229, ,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2008, Isotope shift calculations in Ti II, ,

Berengut JC; Loch SD; Ballance CP; Pindzola MS, 2006, Electron-impact ionization of the metastable excited states of Li+, ,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2005, Calculation of isotope shifts and relativistic shifts in CI, CII, CIII and CIV, ,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2005, Improved calculation of relativistic shift and isotope shift in Mg I, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Marchenko MV, 2004, Calculation of the dependence of transition frequencies on the fine structure constant and the search for variation of alpha in QSO spectra, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG; Marchenko MV; Murphy MT; Webb JK, 2004, Laboratory spectroscopy and the search for space-time variation of the fine structure constant using QSO spectra, ,

Kozlov MG; Korol VA; Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2004, Space-time variation of the fine structure constant and evolution of isotope abundances, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Marchenko MV, 2004, The alpha-dependence of transition frequencies for some ions of Ti, Mn, Na, C, and O, and the search for variation of the fine structure constant, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV; Kozlov MG, 2003, Configuration interaction calculation for the isotope shift in Mg I, ,

Berengut JC; Dzuba VA; Flambaum VV, 2003, Isotope shift calculations for atoms with one valence electron, ,

Flambaum VV; Berengut JC, 2000, Atom made from charged elementary black hole, ,

Berengut JC; Flambaum VV; Gribakin GF, 1999, Unusual statistics of interference effects in neutron scattering from compound nuclei, ,

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