Select Publications

Journal articles

Shah M; Knights AJ; Vohralik EJ; Psaila AM; Quinlan KGR, 2023, 'Blood and adipose-resident eosinophils are defined by distinct transcriptional profiles', Journal of leukocyte biology, 113, pp. 191 - 202,

Psaila AM; Vohralik EJ; Quinlan KGR, 2022, 'Shades of white: new insights into tissue-resident leukocyte heterogeneity', FEBS Journal, 289, pp. 308 - 318,

Vohralik EJ; Psaila AM; Knights AJ; Quinlan KGR, 2020, 'EoTHINophils: Eosinophils as key players in adipose tissue homeostasis', Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 47, pp. 1495 - 1505,

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