My Expertise
I am recognised nationally and internationally as a leader in research focused on HCV epidemiology, testing, and treatment, with an expanding research focus on reducing harms that may relate to drug use, including drug treatment. My vision is to use clinical trials and cohort studies to evaluate novel strategies to enhance HCV testing (including point-of-care) and address harms that may relate to drug use to improve the health of people who use drugs. I have a strong focus on research and outcomes that impact clinical practice and public health policy, with a particular focus on marginalised populations, including people who use drugs. I work closely with affected communities to ensure that my research is co-developed and co-designed through strong partnerships, ensuring that my research has relevance for those most impacted.
Fields of Research (FoR)
Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology, Public Health and Health Services, Gastroenterology and HepatologyBiography
As a clinical epidemiologist, I lead a research group undertaking internationally leading research to improve the health of people who use drugs, with a specific focus on hepatitis C infection. I am the Head of the Hepatitis C and Drug Use Group in the Viral Hepatitis Clinical Research Program at the Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney.
My research includes the evaluation of novel strategies (including diagnostic testing) and models of care to...view more
As a clinical epidemiologist, I lead a research group undertaking internationally leading research to improve the health of people who use drugs, with a specific focus on hepatitis C infection. I am the Head of the Hepatitis C and Drug Use Group in the Viral Hepatitis Clinical Research Program at the Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney.
My research includes the evaluation of novel strategies (including diagnostic testing) and models of care to enhance linkage to testing and treatment for hepatitis C infection, clinical trials and cohort studies evaluating hepatitis C treatment and reinfection among people who inject drugs, and clinical trials to evaluate hepatitis C treatment as prevention. My research group also conducts research to understand harms that may be related to drug use and interventions to address these harms. This includes systematic reviews of the global epidemiology of injecting drug use, infectious diseases, and coverage of interventions to reduce harms among people who inject drugs. My research group conducts evidence synthesis, cohort studies, and clinical trials to undertake this work. Our research incorporates social science to understand barriers and facilitators for the uptake of new interventions from the perspective of the affected community, practitioners, and policy makers. My research group conducts research which engages with affected communities, practitioners, policy makers, and other stakeholders to impact practice and policy. Our work aims to generate new knowledge, change clinical guidelines, improve clinical practice, transform health service delivery, and inform policy, placing Australia at the global forefront of hepatitis C and drug use research.
I manage a team of two senior academic staff, four professional staff, and five PhD students, in addition to leading a range of initiatives to build capacity and presence of research within our institute. Outside of my University role, I am also the President of the International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU).
My Research Supervision
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