
Scientia Professor Henry Brodaty

My Expertise

Dementia; depression; psychiatric illness in the aged / elderly; Alzheimer's disease & related disorders; prevention; carers; health services for the elderly; community services for the elderly; nursing home; psychogeriatrics.

Fields of Research (FoR)

Psychiatry, Aged Health Care, Geriatrics and Gerontology

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Research Interests:
1) Prevention of cognitive decline and dementia - Maintain Your Brain, a randomised controlled trial of 6326persons has been completed; analyses are underway; (2) Cognitive health and ageing: What predicts cognitive decline in older people? Our Memory and Ageing Study followed a population based sample of 1037 people aged 70-90 when recruited in 2006/07 in detail every two years in order to discover  risk and protective...view more

Research Interests:
1) Prevention of cognitive decline and dementia - Maintain Your Brain, a randomised controlled trial of 6326persons has been completed; analyses are underway; (2) Cognitive health and ageing: What predicts cognitive decline in older people? Our Memory and Ageing Study followed a population based sample of 1037 people aged 70-90 when recruited in 2006/07 in detail every two years in order to discover  risk and protective factors for cognitive decline and dementia. We are now repeating this study to determine  whether there has been a change in risk factors and in rate of cognitive decline (3) Dementia, particularly Alzheimer's disease: a) how to improve its detection and management by GPs; b) the effects on family carers and on how best to help them; c) ways to improve quality of life in people with dementia and d) reduce behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)   5) Improve post-diagnostic care - we have developed to provide assistance to people after diagnosis, their care partners and health care practitioners.

Broad Research Areas:
Ageing, Psychiatry, Gerontology - Geriatrics, Neurodegenerative Diseases


Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, International Psychogeriatric Association, Alzheimer's Association, NSW, Alzheimer's Association, Australia, Alzheimer's Disease International, Australian Association of Gerontology

Specific Research Keywords:
Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia, Depression, Nursing Homes, Behavioural Symptoms, Prevention 

My Grants

  1. Sachdev PS, Brodaty H. COSMIC: an international consortium to identify risk and protective fators and biomarkers of cognitive ageing and dementia in diverse ethno-racial groups and geographical settings. National Institutes of Health (USA) . (USD?) $2,573,572 15 Sep 2017-30 Jun 2022.
  2. Kochan NA…. Brodaty H* et al Implementation of Dementia Research into Clinical Practice and Care, NHMRC Boosting Dementia Research Grant #1135908, Cross-comparison, validation and performance of computerised neuropsychological assessment devices in the evaluation of mild cognitive impairment and dementia.   2017-2019 $700,482.
  3. Jeon Y-H… Brodaty H* et al  Implementation of Dementia Research into Clinical Practice and Care, NHMRC Boosting Dementia Research Grant # 1137050 Optimising functional independence of older persons with dementia: Implementation and Evaluation of the Interdisciplinary Home-bAsed Reablement Program (I-HARP) (2017-2019) $1,864,344.80
  4. McNeil J, Brodaty H. A pilot dementia clinical quality registry to improve dementia clinical care. National Health and Medical Research Council Boosting Dementia Research Grant #1140485 $1,571,501 (2017-2019).
  5. Celler B, Brodaty H, Sachdev PS, Sivaraman V, Sethu V. Biomedical Seed Fund $450,000 (2018-2020)
  6. Brodaty H et al. Maintain your Brain: an internet based RCT to prevent cognitive decline. NHMRC Boosting Dementia Research Team Grant 2016-2022, $6.5m
  7. Brodaty H et al, CO-desiGning demeNtia dIagnoSis ANd post-diagnostic CarE (COGNISANCE) Joint Program for Neurodegenerative Diseases (EU/NHMRC)  RG181644 (2019-2021)(Australia - $742,041; total E1.5m) .
  8. Ikram MA...Brodaty H et al, Social Health And REserve in the Dementia patient journey (SHARED) Joint Program for Neurodegenerative Diseases (EU/NHMRC) RG181672 (2019-2021)(Australia  $745,395; total E2.5m) .
  9. Brodaty H et al, Understanding intergenerational change in the health and well-being of older adults and its effects: The Sydney Memory and Ageing Study 2. NHMRC Clinical Trials and Cohorts Grant, (2022-2027) $3,304,760.

My Qualifications


My Awards

1978, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists College Medallion - awarded by the RANZCP to the best candidate in Australasia in 1977 examinations.
1980, Organon Junior Research Award - awarded by the RANZCP for the best research contribution by a psychiatrist less than 35 years of age.
1987, (Inaugural) Ian Simpson Award, awarded by the RANZCP for the most outstanding contribution to clinical psychiatry in Australasia as assessed through service to patients and the community.
1989, Bayer AG Research Award, International Psychogeriatric Association, equal second prize for best research paper submitted.
1994, Alumni Award, University of New South Wales for services to the community.
1995, Paul Harris Fellow, nominated by Rotary (Sydney) awarded by the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International, for services to the community.
2000, Officer of the Order of Australia, awarded by the Australian Government "for services to the health and well-being of older people in the community as a leader in dementia care through the Alzheimer's Association, both nationally and internationally, and to medicine through contributions to the specialty of old age psychiatry and academic and research knowledge in psychogeriatrics".
2002, Rotary Club of Sydney Vocational Service Award – for work in the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease.  (This is the highest award given by Sydney Rotary, the largest club in Australia).
2002, Novartis Oration, awarded by the Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research (given to a person who is prominent in the Australian and New Zealand psychiatric research community).
2003, Organon Senior Research Award, awarded by the RANZCP  (The Organon Senior Research Award is made annually to the Fellow who, in the opinion of the Prizes and Awards Committee, has made the most significant contribution to psychiatric research in Australia and New Zealand over the preceding two years.)
2009, Distinguished Service to the Field of Psychogeriatrics Award. Awarded by International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) – ‘recipients of the award demonstrate inspiration, leadership, vision, ethics, innovation, organisational development and motivation in the discipline of psychogeriatrics’.
2011, UNSW Dean of Medicine’s Award for Community Engagement. This is the highest award made by the Faculty of Medicine in recognition of significant achievements, usually over a prolonged period of time, by academic staff in the areas of education, research and community activity. 
2013, Alzheimer’s Australia Lifetime Award. For a lifetime of leadership, clinical excellence and research dedicated to improving the quality of life and care of people living with dementia. 
2014, UNSW Faculty of Medicine Dean’s Award ‘For outstanding contribution to research and teaching in the faculty of medicine’.
2016, The Ryman Prize, an annual NZ$250,000 award for the world’s best discovery, development, advance or achievement that enhances quality of life for older people. The prize is awarded each year by an international jury appointed by The Ryman Foundation. It has been called the “Nobel Prize of Ageing”

My Research Activities

Over 750 papers published in refereed journals


Maintain your Brain, RCT most successful online intervention to prevent cognitive decline in 55-77 year olds

GP diagnosis and management of dementia: 1) I developed GPCOG, a brief screening tool designed specifically for primary care, now translated into 22 languages, available on line, adopted in several countries. 2) Program to improve GP diagnosis and management – face-to-face to 1000 GPs, e-learning modules to 2000 GPs, key articles in GP magazines

Management of Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of dementia (BPSD): 1) Conceptualised model of how to organise services, adopted by Commonwealth and state; 2) led review of guide to management of BPSD -  print, online and App versions for clinicians, for carers

Improved quality of nursing home (NH) care: RCTs of a) humour therapy which demonstrated benefits & spawned Arts Health Institute now operating in >100 Nursing homes; b) Demonstrated that Person Centred Care reduced agitation with cost benefit, helped build case for use generally; c) HALT study reduced or ceased use of antipsychotics in nursing home residents 

Carers of people with dementia: first study to demonstrate reduced rate of NH admission following carer training program and cost savings; emulated internationally. Program adapted for use in conjunction with respite care now being rolled out nationally by Commonwealth  Dept of Health

Dangers of antipsychotics: first study to find increased risk of stroke with antipsychotics, led to finding higher mortality, black box warnings worldwide. Current study of deprescribing antipsychotics in nursing homes, widely quoted in media

Public forums: annual forum on healthy ageing and multiple public forums about research. Multiple media appearances, ≈monthly radio, TV and print.

My Research Supervision

Supervision keywords

Areas of supervision

Med IV Honours (and ILP) students


Currently supervising

4 PhDs (all as primary supervisor)

2 PHDs (as mentor)

1 Masters

1 Med Honours student

My Engagement

Dementia Australia

Alzheimer's Disease International

International Psychogeriatric Association




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Euroa Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital


02 9385 2585 for research, teaching and academic or 02 9382 3759 for clinical matters
02 9385 2200 for research, teaching and academic or 02 9382 3562 for clinical matters