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Intergenerational programs – do they tackle social isolation in older people?

Institute members have researched the feasibility and impact of a 10-week intergenerational program between older adults and preschool children.

Aftercare interventions for older people who have self-harmed: strengths and limitations

Recent research has studied some of the needs of older people who have self-harmed to inform guiding principles for appropriate Aftercare.

Older people, particularly men over 85 years, have the highest rates of suicide across any age group in Australia. However these numbers are not well known or publicised and consequently there are relatively few interventions or programs targeting older people for suicide prevention.

Protecting the human rights of older mental health patients during a pandemic
Institute members Professors Carmelle Peisah and Andrew Byrnes have published recommendations for mental health practitioners to promote autonomy, connectedness, and dignity for older people during a health crisis