
Dr Jialing Lin


Fields of Research (FoR)

Public health, Health services and systems, Community and primary care, Cardiovascular medicine and haematology, Infectious diseases


I am an epidemiologist and a researcher, based in the Medicines Intelligence (MedIntel) Research Program, School of Population Health, UNSW. My research focuses on using large administrative health datasets and survey data to understand the real-world use, benefits and harms of medicines and vaccines and explore how national policies impact health outcomes. Ultimately, my research seeks to inform the development of evidence-based healthcare...view more

I am an epidemiologist and a researcher, based in the Medicines Intelligence (MedIntel) Research Program, School of Population Health, UNSW. My research focuses on using large administrative health datasets and survey data to understand the real-world use, benefits and harms of medicines and vaccines and explore how national policies impact health outcomes. Ultimately, my research seeks to inform the development of evidence-based healthcare policies that promote optimal health outcomes for all.

In addition, I have conducted surveys investigating the epidemiology of multidrug-resistant bacteria colonisation among vulnerable populations (including children, pregnant women, people living with HIV, people with diabetes and drug users). I have also used molecular epidemiology to explore the association between multidrug-resistant bacteria colonisation in populations and the surrounding environment. My work aims to identify strategies to mitigate the spread of these dangerous pathogens and improve public health outcomes.

Previously, I worked as a public health officer where I gained experience in infectious disease surveillance, chronic disease management, child and women health management, and immunisation management.

My Qualifications

  • PhD, University of New South Wales, 2022
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