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Connection to County with and for older Aboriginal peoples living in urban Australia
Institute member Dr Aryati Yashadhana has co-led research that explores the therapeutic effects of participation in a cultural camp for older Aboriginal peoples.
Navigating Community-Based Aged Care Services from the Consumer Perspective

Institute members, including UNSW PhD student Ms Yuchen Xie and her supervisors, Myra Hamilton, Carmelle Peisah, Kaarin J Anstey, and Craig Sinclair, have conducted an international scoping review to investigate how older adults navigate complex aged care systems across different countries.  

Institute Member Awarded Innovation Award and Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Heart Foundation
Dr Rona Macniven, member of the UNSW Ageing Futures Institute and Research Fellow from UNSW Medicine, was one of five recipients of the Heart Foundation’s Innovative Award and received a Postdoctoral Fellowship for her research into physical activity and how it can achieve health and wellbeing benefits over the life-course of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.