
Professor Emery Schubert

My Expertise

emotion and music; scientific study of music aesthetics

Fields of Research (FoR)

Music, Psychology

SEO tags


.Research expertise includes:

  • Emotion in music;
  • Empirical aesthetics;
  • Music health and wellbeing;
  • Continuous response to music and dance;
  • Cognitive modelling of aesthetic experience;
  • Creativity
  • Statistical analysis techniques applied to questions concerning empirical aesthetics


Teaching experience in nearly all music related courses.

Considerable Honours and postgraduate research supervision experience.


My Grants

Over 20...view more

.Research expertise includes:

  • Emotion in music;
  • Empirical aesthetics;
  • Music health and wellbeing;
  • Continuous response to music and dance;
  • Cognitive modelling of aesthetic experience;
  • Creativity
  • Statistical analysis techniques applied to questions concerning empirical aesthetics


Teaching experience in nearly all music related courses.

Considerable Honours and postgraduate research supervision experience.


My Grants

Over 20 years of successful grant income exceeding AUD$5m, mostly from various Australian Research Council schemes, and all collaborative in nature.

Please see

My Qualifications

PhD (Music)

My Awards


  • Humanities, Arts & Literature - Individual Leader in Field of Music and Musicology (The Australian’s Research magazine) - twice (2020 and 2022)
  • Excellence in Postgraduate Supervision Award (UNSW Australia) - twice
  • ARC Future Fellowship (4 years)
  • ARC Australian Research Fellowship (5 years)
  • 10th Anniversary Award, European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music
  • UNSW Vice-Chancellors Postdoctoral Fellowship (3 awarded out of 132 applicants) (3 years)
  • Thesis writing award for best PhD thesis in the Faculty ($10,000 cash prize).
  • Alumni Award for Achievement, University of New South Wales, Alumni Association 

My Research Activities

For convenient access to research outputs, please see this link to Google Scholar.

Or visit ORCID:


My Research Supervision

Supervision keywords

Areas of supervision

At the broadest level, I supervised projects related to music, psychology and wellbeing.  My students receive special support through automatic membership of the Empirical Musicology Laboratory, which provides them (1) with resources for conducting world class empirical investigations through the lab itself, in addition to various other spaces (recording studios, music technology laboratories, performance spaces etc.), specialist equipment, as well as (2) the Empirical Musicology research group where ideas and knowledge are shared and developed among members (students, staff and invited guests).  Graduating students have had great success in finding or returning to careers.  I have received supervision excellence awards.

Students have studied a wide range of topics with me.  The summary below is not exhaustive.

Broad area



Computer composition of music


Synaesthesia, mental health and creativity

Music education

Motivation to play music

Music perception

Cross cultural communication of emotion in music


Music and emotion


Music and preference


Music and spirituality


Tracking emotional responses to music 


Why can music be relaxing?


Perception of film music

Music performance

Communication of conducting gestures


Decision making in music performance


Strategies used by elite musicians


Use of singer’s formant and vibrato in different styles of singing


What does it mean to be a musician?

Music, health and wellbeing

Music and depression


Music and People with Dementia


Music Performance Anxiety reduction


Uses of background music

  Music and Sleep

Currently supervising

In 2024 I supervised 3 postgraduate students and 4 honours.

If you are interested honours or postgraduate research in music psychology or a related area, and have sufficient qualifications, you are warmly invited to contact me.  Scholarships may also be available.

My Teaching

In recent years:
MUSC3102 - Psychology of Music

GENT0508 - Music on My Mind: Psychology and music

HUMS1009 - Sounds Good: Music, Pleasure and Well-being

MUSC2001- Good Sounds Feel Better: Music and Musicians for Wellbeing and Healthcare Settings

MUSC1604 - Western Music: a Panorama

MUSC3807 - MusiCultures

MUSC2113 - The Function of Music in Film (until 2023)

MUSC3162 - Twentieth Century Music

Guest lectures in Performance Laboratory classes


Other courses convened or taught include:

MUSC4706 Music Ensembles

MUSC2332 - Electronic Music

MUSC1603 - Materials and Structures 2

MUSC5138 - Method and Techniques (no longer available)

University of New South Wales Orchestra (replaced by MUSC4706 Music Ensembles)

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101, Level 1 Robert Webster


+61 2 9385 6808