Select Publications

Journal articles

Schubert E, 2024, 'Liking music with and without sadness: Testing the direct effect hypothesis of pleasurable negative emotion', PLoS ONE, 19,

Canazza S; Pretto N; Bosi M; Schubert E, 2024, 'Editorial: Preservation and exploitation of audio recordings: from archives to industries', Frontiers in Signal Processing, 4,

Susino M; Thompson WF; Schubert E; Broughton M, 2024, 'Emotional Responses to Music: The Essential Inclusion of Emotion Adaptability and Situational Context', Empirical Studies of the Arts,

Schubert E, 2024, 'The Aesthetic Emotion Lexicon: A Literature Review of Emotion Words Used by Researchers to Describe Aesthetic Experiences', Empirical Studies of the Arts, 42, pp. 3 - 37,

Almeida A; Li W; Schubert E; Smith J; Wolfe J, 2023, 'Expressive goals for performing musicians: The case of clarinetists', Musicae Scientiae, 27, pp. 655 - 671,

Schubert E, 2023, 'Involuntary, Limited, and Contiguously Repeating Musical Imagery (InLaCReMI): Reconciling Theory and Data on the Musical Material Acquired by Earworms', Music and Science, 6,

Almeida A; Li W; Schubert E; Smith J; Wolfe J, 2023, 'Recording and analysing physical control variables used in clarinet playing: A musical instrument performance capture and analysis toolbox (MIPCAT)', Frontiers in Signal Processing, 3,

Mazzarolo I; Burwell K; Schubert E, 2023, 'Teachers' approaches to music performance anxiety management: a systematic review', Frontiers in Psychology, 14,

Schubert E, 2023, 'Unexpected Aspects of Expectancy in Music: A Spreading Activation Explanation', Psihologijske Teme, 32, pp. 35 - 55,

Murney A, 2023, 'Tarot as affective cartography in the uneven Anthropocene', Journal of Visual Culture, 22, pp. 243 - 263,

Chmiel A; Milne AJ; Dean RT; Schubert E, 2022, 'Increasing music preference through guided self-framing: A comparison of historical and imaginative approaches', Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 18, pp. 968 - 977,

Canazza S; Schubert E; Chmiel A; Pretto N; Rodà A, 2022, 'The Magnetic Urtext: Restoration as Music Interpretation', Frontiers in Psychology, 13,

Schubert E, 2022, 'A Special Class of Experience: Positive Affect Evoked by Music and the Arts', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19,

McDonald J; Canazza S; Chmiel A; De Poli G; Houbert E; Murari M; Rodà A; Schubert E; Zhang JD, 2022, 'Illuminating Music: Impact of Color Hue for Background Lighting on Emotional Arousal in Piano Performance Videos', Frontiers in Psychology, 13,

Mazzarolo I; Schubert E, 2022, 'A Short Performance Anxiety Scale for Musicians', Frontiers in Psychology, 12,

Pretto N; Pozza ND; Padoan A; Chmiel A; Werner KJ; Micalizzi A; Schubert E; Roda A; Milani S; Canazza S, 2022, 'A Workflow and Digital Filters for Correcting Speed and Equalization Errors on Digitized Audio Open-Reel Magnetic Tapes', Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 70, pp. 495 - 509,

Schubert E, 2021, 'Creativity Is Optimal Novelty and Maximal Positive Affect: A New Definition Based on the Spreading Activation Model', Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15,

Almeida A; Schubert E; Wolfe J, 2021, 'Timbre Vibrato Perception and Description', Music Perception, 38, pp. 282 - 292,

Pretto N; Micheloni E; Chmiel A; Dalla Pozza N; Marinello D; Schubert E; Canazza S, 2021, 'Erratum: Multimedia Archives: New Digital Filters to Correct Equalization Errors on Digitized Audio Tapes (Advances in Multimedia (2021) 2021 (5410218) DOI: 10.1155/2021/5410218)', Advances in Multimedia, 2021,

Pretto N; Micheloni E; Chmiel A; Pozza ND; Marinello D; Schubert E; Canazza S, 2021, 'Multimedia archives: New digital filters to correct equalization errors on digitized audio tapes', Advances in Multimedia, 2021,

Susino M; Schubert E, 2020, 'Musical emotions in the absence of music: A cross-cultural investigation of emotion communication in music by extra-musical cues', PLoS ONE, 15,

Chmiel A; Schubert E, 2020, 'Imaginative Enrichment Produces Higher Preference for Unusual Music Than Historical Framing: A Literature Review and Two Empirical Studies', Frontiers in Psychology, 11,

Dickson GT; Schubert E, 2020, 'Music on Prescription to Aid Sleep Quality: A Literature Review', Frontiers in Psychology, 11,

Dickson GT; Schubert E, 2020, 'Self-reported reasons for listening to music for sleep', Music and Medicine, 12, pp. 188 - 191,

Zhang JD; Susino M; McPherson GE; Schubert E, 2020, 'The definition of a musician in music psychology: A literature review and the six-year rule', Psychology of Music, 48, pp. 389 - 409,

Schubert E; Hargreaves DJ; North AC, 2020, 'Empirical Test of Aesthetic Experience Using the Affect-Space Framework', Psychomusicology Music Mind and Brain, 30, pp. 28 - 36,

Dickson GT; Schubert E, 2020, 'Musical Features that Aid Sleep', Musicae Scientiae,

Zhang JD; Schubert E; McPherson GE; Zhang D, 2020, 'Aspects of Music Performance That Are Most Highly Related to Musical Sophistication', Psychomusicology Music Mind and Brain, 30, pp. 64 - 71,

Chmiel A; Schubert E, 2019, 'Unusualness as a predictor of music preference', Musicae Scientiae, 23, pp. 426 - 441,

Garrido S; Millington C; Cheers D; Boydell K; Schubert E; Meade T; Nguyen QV, 2019, 'What Works and What Doesn’t Work? A Systematic Review of Digital Mental Health Interventions for Depression and Anxiety in Young People', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10,

Dickson GT; Schubert E, 2019, 'How does music aid sleep? literature review', Sleep Medicine, 63, pp. 142 - 150,

Garrido S; Cheers D; Boydell K; Nguyen QV; Schubert E; Dunne L; Meade T, 2019, 'Young people's response to six smartphone apps for anxiety and depression: Focus group study', JMIR Mental Health, 6,

Wendler E; Schubert E, 2019, 'Synaesthesia, Creativity and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Is There a Link?', Creativity Research Journal, 31, pp. 329 - 334,

Zhang JD; Schubert E, 2019, 'A single item measure for identifying musician and nonmusician categories based on measures of musical sophistication', Music Perception, 36, pp. 457 - 467,

Susino M; Schubert E, 2019, 'Cultural stereotyping of emotional responses to music genre', Psychology of Music, 47, pp. 342 - 357,

Schubert E; Murari M; Rodà A; Canazza S; Da Pos O; De Poli G, 2019, 'Verbal and Cross-Modal Ratings of Music: Validation and Application of an Icon-Based Rating Scale', i-Perception, 10,

Broughton MC; Schubert E; Harvey DG; Stevens CJ, 2019, 'Continuous self-report engagement responses to the live performance of an atonal, post-serialist solo marimba work', Psychology of Music, 47, pp. 109 - 131,

Susino M; Schubert E, 2019, 'Negative Emotion Responses to Heavy-Metal and Hip-Hop Music with Positive Lyrics', EMPIRICAL MUSICOLOGY REVIEW, 14, pp. 2 - 15,

Chmiel A; Schubert E, 2019, 'Psycho-historical contextualization for music and visual works: A literature review and comparison between artistic mediums', Frontiers in Psychology, 10, pp. 182,

Schubert E, 2019, 'Which Nonvocal Musical Instrument Sounds Like the Human Voice? An Empirical Investigation', Empirical Studies of the Arts, 37, pp. 92 - 103,

Chmiel A; Schubert E, 2018, 'Using psychological principles of memory storage and preference to improve music recommendation systems', Leonardo Music Journal, 28, pp. 77 - 81,

Murari M; Schubert E; Rodà A; Da Pos O; De Poli G, 2018, 'How >:(is Bizet? Icon ratings of music', Psychology of Music, 46, pp. 749 - 760,

Schubert E; Halpern AR; Kreutz G; Garrido S, 2018, 'Attraction to sad music: The role of imagery, absorption, and rumination', Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 12, pp. 251 - 258,

Chmiel A; Schubert E, 2018, 'Emptying Rooms: When the Inverted-U Model of Preference Fails—An Investigation Using Music With Collative Extremes', Empirical Studies of the Arts, 36, pp. 199 - 221,

Nordström H; Laukka P; Thingujam NS; Schubert E; Elfenbein HA, 2017, 'Emotion appraisal dimensions inferred from vocal expressions are consistent across cultures: A comparison between Australia and India', Royal Society Open Science, 4,

Chmiel A; Schubert E, 2017, 'Back to the inverted-U for music preference: A review of the literature', Psychology of Music, 45, pp. 886 - 909,

Almeida A; Schubert E; Smith J; Wolfe J, 2017, 'Brightness scaling of periodic tones', Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 79, pp. 1892 - 1896,

Lynar E; Cvejic E; Schubert E; Vollmer-Conna U, 2017, 'The joy of heartfelt music: An examination of emotional and physiological responses', International Journal of Psychophysiology, 120, pp. 118 - 125,

Garrido S; Bangert D; Schubert E, 2017, 'Mood induction studies: Distinguishing between emotional response and long-term mood impacts of music', SAGE Research Methods Cases,

Schubert E; Canazza S; De Poli G; Rodà A, 2017, 'Algorithms can Mimic Human Piano Performance: The Deep Blues of Music', Journal of New Music Research, 46, pp. 175 - 186,

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