Select Publications
, 2002, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Schubert E; McPherson GE; Renwick JM; Stevens C; Burnham DK, (eds.)
Book Chapters
2022, 'MUSICAL EXPRESSION', in The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance: Development and Learning, Proficiencies, Performance Practices, and Psychology: Volume 1, pp. 273 - 293,
,2022, 'Enhancing Music Performance Appraisal', in The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Volume 2,
,2021, 'Contemporary Research on Music and Emotion', in The Science and Psychology of Music: From Beethoven at the Office to Beyoncé at the Gym, pp. 233 - 238
,2021, 'Music and Emotion across Cultures', in The Science and Psychology of Music: From Beethoven at the Office to Beyoncé at the Gym, pp. 243 - 248
,2017, 'Beyond Emotion', in The Routledge Companion to Embodied Music Interaction, Routledge, pp. 78 - 86,
,2017, 'Beyond emotion: multi-sensory responses to musical expression.', in Lesaffre M; Maes P; Leman M (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Embodied Music Interaction, Routledge, pp. 78 - 86
,2017, 'Musical identity and individual differences in empathy', in MacDonald R; Hargreaves DJ; Dorothy Miell (ed.), Handbook of Musical Identities, pp. 322 - 342
,2016, 'A new look at musical expectancy: The veridical versus the general in the mental organization of music.', in Kronland-Martinet R; Ystad S; Aramaki M (ed.), Music, Mind, and Embodiment 11th International Symposium, CMMR 2015, Plymouth, UK, June 16-19, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, Springer, pp. 358 - 371
,2016, 'In the heat of the moment: Audience real-time response to music and dance performance', in Coughing and Clapping: Investigating Audience Experience, pp. 68 - 87,
,2015, 'Underlying mechanisms and processes in the development of emotion perception in music', in McPherson GE (ed.), The Child as Musician A Handbook of Musical Development, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 221 - 243
,2014, 'Afterthought', in , Oxford University PressOxford, pp. 352 - 356,
,2014, 'Quantitative methods: Motion analysis, audio analysis, and continuous response techniques', in Fabian D; Timmers R; Schubert E (ed.), Expressiveness in music performance: Empirical approaches across styles and cultures, Oxford University Press, pp. 221 - 239,
,2014, 'In the Heat of the Moment: Audience Real-time Response to Music and Dance Performance', in Burland K; Pitts S (ed.), COUGHING AND CLAPPING: INVESTIGATING AUDIENCE EXPERIENCE, ROUTLEDGE, pp. 69 - 87,
,2014, 'A taxonomy of listeners' judgments of expressiveness in music performance', in Fabian D; Timmers R; Schubert E (ed.), Expressiveness in Music Performance, Oxford University Press, pp. 283 - 303
,2014, 'ln the Heat of the Moment: Audience Real-time Response to Music and Dance Performance', in Burland K; Pitts S (ed.), Coughing and Clapping: Investigating Audience Experience, pp. 69 - 88
,2014, 'ln the Heat of the Moment: Audience Real-time Response to Music and Dance Performance', in Burland K; Pitts S (ed.), Coughing and Clapping: Investigating Audience Experience, pp. 69 - 88
,2013, 'The role of inhibition and perception in artistic creativity: A cognitive explanation', in Chan J; Thomas K (ed.), Handbook of Research on Creativity, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 308 - 322,
,2013, 'The six emotion-face clock as a tool for continuously rating discrete emotional responses to music', in From sounds to music and emotions, Springer, London, pp. 1 - 18,
,2012, 'Spreading activation and dissociation: A cognitive mechanism for creative processing in music.', in Hargreaves DJ; Miell DE; MacDonald RAR (ed.), Musical Imaginations Multidisciplinary perspectives on creativity, performance, and perception, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 124 - 140
,2006, 'The perception of emotion in music', in The child as musician: A handbook of musical development, Oxford University Press, Oxford -- New York, pp. 193 - 212
,2005, 'An experimental investigation of musical character portrayed by piano versus harpsichord performances of a J. S. Bach excerpt', in Mackinlay E; Collins D; Owens S (ed.), Aesthetics and Experience in Music Performance Proceedings of the Musicological Society of Australia National Workshop Brisbane October 2003, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK, pp. 70 - 84
,2004, 'D. Cope, Virtual Music: Computer Synthesis of Musical Style', in Psychology of Music, Society for Research in Psychology of Music & Musi, Manchester, England, pp. 118 - 129
,2004, 'Measuring performance enhancement in music', in Williamson A (ed.), Musical Excellence: Strategies and techniques to enhance performance, Oxford University press, Oxford -- New York, pp. 61 - 82
,2001, 'Continuous measurement of self-report emotional response to music', in Juslin P; Sloboda J (ed.), Music and Emotion, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 393 - 414
,Edited Books
Fabian D; Timmer R; Schubert E, (eds.), 2014, Expressiveness in Music Performance: Empirical Approaches across Styles and Cultures, Oxford University Press, USA, Oxford, UK,
Fabian D; Timmers R; Schubert E, (eds.), 2014, Expressiveness in music performance: Empirical approaches across styles and cultures, 1, Oxford University Press, Oxfrod, UK,
Journal articles
2024, 'Liking music with and without sadness: Testing the direct effect hypothesis of pleasurable negative emotion', PLoS ONE, 19,
,2024, 'Editorial: Preservation and exploitation of audio recordings: from archives to industries', Frontiers in Signal Processing, 4,
,2024, 'Emotional Responses to Music: The Essential Inclusion of Emotion Adaptability and Situational Context', Empirical Studies of the Arts,
,2024, 'The Aesthetic Emotion Lexicon: A Literature Review of Emotion Words Used by Researchers to Describe Aesthetic Experiences', Empirical Studies of the Arts, 42, pp. 3 - 37,
,2023, 'Expressive goals for performing musicians: The case of clarinetists', Musicae Scientiae, 27, pp. 655 - 671,
,2023, 'Involuntary, Limited, and Contiguously Repeating Musical Imagery (InLaCReMI): Reconciling Theory and Data on the Musical Material Acquired by Earworms', Music and Science, 6,
,2023, 'Recording and analysing physical control variables used in clarinet playing: A musical instrument performance capture and analysis toolbox (MIPCAT)', Frontiers in Signal Processing, 3,
,2023, 'Teachers' approaches to music performance anxiety management: a systematic review', Frontiers in Psychology, 14,
,2023, 'Unexpected Aspects of Expectancy in Music: A Spreading Activation Explanation', Psihologijske Teme, 32, pp. 35 - 55,
,2023, 'Tarot as affective cartography in the uneven Anthropocene', Journal of Visual Culture, 22, pp. 243 - 263,
,2022, 'Increasing music preference through guided self-framing: A comparison of historical and imaginative approaches', Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 18, pp. 968 - 977,
,2022, 'The Magnetic Urtext: Restoration as Music Interpretation', Frontiers in Psychology, 13,
,2022, 'A Special Class of Experience: Positive Affect Evoked by Music and the Arts', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19,
,2022, 'Illuminating Music: Impact of Color Hue for Background Lighting on Emotional Arousal in Piano Performance Videos', Frontiers in Psychology, 13,
,2022, 'A Short Performance Anxiety Scale for Musicians', Frontiers in Psychology, 12,
,2022, 'A Workflow and Digital Filters for Correcting Speed and Equalization Errors on Digitized Audio Open-Reel Magnetic Tapes', Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 70, pp. 495 - 509,
,2021, 'Creativity Is Optimal Novelty and Maximal Positive Affect: A New Definition Based on the Spreading Activation Model', Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15,
,2021, 'Timbre Vibrato Perception and Description', Music Perception, 38, pp. 282 - 292,
,2021, 'Erratum: Multimedia Archives: New Digital Filters to Correct Equalization Errors on Digitized Audio Tapes (Advances in Multimedia (2021) 2021 (5410218) DOI: 10.1155/2021/5410218)', Advances in Multimedia, 2021,
,2021, 'Multimedia archives: New digital filters to correct equalization errors on digitized audio tapes', Advances in Multimedia, 2021,
,2020, 'Musical emotions in the absence of music: A cross-cultural investigation of emotion communication in music by extra-musical cues', PLoS ONE, 15,
,2020, 'Imaginative Enrichment Produces Higher Preference for Unusual Music Than Historical Framing: A Literature Review and Two Empirical Studies', Frontiers in Psychology, 11,
,2020, 'Music on Prescription to Aid Sleep Quality: A Literature Review', Frontiers in Psychology, 11,