Division of Research & Enterprise Contact List

Key Executive, Administrative & Support Units within the Division of Research & Enterprise


Graduate Research School
Research Grants & Contracts
Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre
Research Ethics & Compliance Support
Research Strategy Office
Research Training
Knowledge Exchange
Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise)
Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure)
Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Training) 
Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Industry & Innovation) 


Graduate Research School

The Graduate Research School (GRS) provides leadership, support and central administration for UNSW HDR Candidates and their Supervisors. GRS works closely with Student Administrative Services at the UNSW Canberra campus, the UNSW Art & Design Student Centre, and all Schools and Faculties to coordinate and manage higher degree research admissions, scholarships, candidatures and thesis examinations.
The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Training) and Dean of Graduate Research, Professor Jonathan Morris, provides leadership and support to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise) in the development and improvement of high quality HDR programs.
The Dean has oversight of all UNSW HDR candidatures, and is responsible for the development and implementation of HDR policy. Professor Morris works collaboratively with Faculties to ensure the delivery of high quality HDR programs.
The Dean provides the UNSW Graduate Research School with academic leadership and strategic direction to ensure seamless support for HDR Candidates and their Supervisors, and to enhance the HDR Candidate experience.
General Enquiries
T | +61 2 9385 5500
E | mailto:grs@unsw.edu.au
W | /graduate-research
Executive Staff Contacts    
Name Position Phone / Email

Professor Jonathan Morris

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Training) and Dean of Graduate Research

Please contact Kylie Madden
+61 2 9065 7405
Professor Penny Martens Deputy Dean of Graduate Research
Please contact Kylie Madden
+61 2 9065 7405
Kylie Madden Executive Assistant to the Dean of Graduate Research
+61 2 9065 7405
Lucy Jones Director, Graduate Research School 
+61 2 9065 7575

Research Grants & Contracts (RGC)

Research Grants & Contracts provides the University's researchers with support in pursuing and administering research funding. RGC facilitates the research efforts of UNSW staff by assisting with applications for grants and fellowships, the negotiation of research contracts and the administration of externally funded funds.

General Enquiries
E | mailto:rgc@unsw.edu.au 
W | https://research.unsw.edu.au/about-rgc-school-contacts
Executive Staff Contacts    
Name Position Phone / Email
Debbie Docherty Director, Research Grants and Contracts
0413 314 841

Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre (MWAC)

The Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre houses major instrumentation used by researchers in the Faculties of Science, Medicine and Engineering for the study of the structure and composition of biological, chemical and physical materials. The Centre also does specialist consulting work for external clients. In addition, it provides the technical/professional support for the instruments.

General Enquiries 
E | mailto:analytical@unsw.edu.au
W | www.analytical.unsw.edu.au/
Executive Staff Contacts    
Name Position Phone / Email
A/Professor Renee M Whan Executive Director

Research Ethics & Compliance Support

The Research Ethics & Compliance Support (RECS) team coordinates committees and processes for research involving humans, animals, gene technology and radiation safety and provides advice on legislative and other requirements in these areas.

General Enquiries
E | Please direct your query to the relevant area: 
mailto:humanethics@unsw.edu.au | mailto:animalethics@unsw.edu.au | mailto:animalcare@unsw.edu.au | mailto:genetechnology@unsw.edu.au | 
mailto:radiationsafety@unsw.edu.au | mailto:drones@unsw.edu.au | mailto:exportcontrols@unsw.edu.au
W | /research-ethics-compliance-support 
Executive Staff Contacts    
Name Position Phone / Email
Samela Husakovic Director, Research Ethics & Compliance Support
0417 844 054

Research Strategy Office

The Research Strategy Office (RSO) aims to enhance UNSW’s research performance and profile by identifying opportunities for research funding (including awards and fellowships) and maximising the opportunity for success by advising and directly assisting researchers with the development of high quality applications. The RSO also provides strategic leadership in the identification, establishment and effective management of local and international research partnerships.

General Enquiries
E | Please direct your query to the relevant area:
mailto:Grants.RSO@unsw.edu.au | mailto:MedicalGrants.RSO@unsw.edu.au | mailto:Linkage.RSO@unsw.edu.au | mailto:International.RSO@unsw.edu.au 
W | /research-strategy-office
Executive Staff Contacts    
Name Position Phone / Email
Dr Alison Butt Director, Research Strategy Office 
T: +61 2 9065 3082

Research Training

The Research Training team provides and coordinates training programs for UNSW researchers, including HDR candidates, supervisors and research training leaders. The team works collaboratively within the Division of Research and Enterprise and with stakeholders across the University to facilitate training resources, modules, and activities. 

General Enquiries
E | mailto:researchtraining@unsw.edu.au
W | /research-training
Executive Staff Contacts    
Name Position Phone / Email

Professor Jonathan Morris

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Training) and Dean of Graduate Research

Please contact Kylie Madden
+61 2 9065 7405
Professor Penny Martens Deputy Dean of Graduate Research
Please contact Kylie Madden
+61 2 9065 7405

Kylie Madden

Executive Assistant to the Dean of Graduate Research 

+61 2 9065 7405


Business Development and Commercialisation

Business Development and Commercialisation helps researchers and staff transform research discoveries into successful innovations to benefit our communities and society. BDC can help researchers: identify and connect to partners to fund research; negotiate contracts to fund research activities; protect ideas and innovations; prepare confidentiality agreements; draft patents, copyright and trademark applications; and connect researchers to the right people in business, industry and government.

General Enquiries 
T | +61 2 9385 5008
E | mailto:knowledge.exchange@unsw.edu.au
W | knowledgeexchange.unsw.edu.au
Executive Staff Contacts    
Name Position Phone / Email
Jamie Conyngham Director, Business Development and Commercialisation
+61 2 9385 7929
Drita Baljevic-Kuzmanovic Administration 
+61 2 9385 1023
Naomi Levi Contract Enquiries 



The Founders Program is UNSW's platform to embed entrepreneurship at campus and online. The Founders Program supports all UNSW students, staff and alumni to build entrepreneurship skills and translate their ideas and research into growing startup companies.

General Enquiries
W | www.unswfounders.com
Executive Staff Contacts    
Name Position Phone / Email
David Burt  Director, Entrepreneurship 
+61 2 9065 4432

Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise)

Professor Bronwyn Fox, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise) is responsible for the strategic research direction and overall research performance of the University, and in particular, maintaining and advancing the University's profile in research and research training, as well as technology transfer.
Executive Staff Contacts    
Name Position Phone / Email
Professor Bronwyn Fox Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise)
+61 2 9065 2574
Suzanne Simpson Executive Assistant
+61 2 9348 0128
Aya Horne  Director of Operations 
+ 61 2 9065 8451


Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research)

Professor Dane McCamey, Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) provides strategic leadership and support to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) in the generation of external research income and improving UNSW’s overall research performance, and in attracting and retaining outstanding academic staff, research-only staff and higher degree research students to UNSW.
The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) is also responsible for UNSW’s international research strategy, research partnerships including affiliated research institutes, eResearch strategy, research ethics and safety and effective promotion of the University’s research capability and research profile.
The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) acts in the position of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) in their absence.
General Enquiries
E | mailto:pvcr@unsw.edu.au 
T | +61 2 9385 5638
W | research.unsw.edu.au
Executive Staff Contacts    
Name Position Phone / Email
Professor Dane McCamey Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research)
+61 2 9385 5979
Claudia Abouarrage Project Officer and Executive Assistant 

Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure)

Professor Grainne Moran, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure) provides strategic leadership and support to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise) in overseeing the centrally managed shared research facilities at UNSW. The PVC (Research Infrastructure) is responsible for strategy and policy relating to research infrastructure in general, including internal and external infrastructure funding schemes and effective operation, development and financial sustainability of infrastructure, and also also aims to increase collaboration between leading academic, research and health care institutions.

The PVC (Research Infrastructure) portfolio includes the Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre (the central unit managing major shared experimental research facilities across UNSW), Research Technology Services (including HPC), Research Imaging NSW (a strategic initiative developed in partnership between UNSW and South East Sydney Local Health District to provide researchers with state-of-the-art MR imaging capabilities, Animal Services and Cold Storage Services. 

General Enquiries
T | +61 2 9065 9905
E | mailto:pvcresin@unsw.edu.au
W | research.unsw.edu.au/research-infrastructure
Executive Staff Contacts    
Name Position Phone / Email
Professor Grainne Moran Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure)
Please contact Tina Lee:
Kellie Kouts Senior Program Manager 
Melissa Ryan Executive Assistant


Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Training)

Professor Jonathan Morris, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Training) and Dean of Graduate Research, provides strategic leadership and support to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise) in the development and improvement of high-quality higher degree research and research training.
The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Training) portfolio includes the Graduate Research School and Research Training.
General Enquiries
E | pvcrtea@unsw.edu.au
W | research.unsw.edu.au
Executive Staff Contacts    
Name Position Phone / Email
Professor Jonathan Morris Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Training) and Dean of Graduate Research
Please contact Kylie Madden
Kylie Madden Executive Assistant




Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Industry & Innovation) 

Dr Stephen Rodda, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Industry & Innovation) provides strategic leadership and support to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise) in the development and implementation of industry engagement, commercialisation, and knowledge transfer activities to drive outcomes with national and international impact at scale.
The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Industry & Innovation) drives changes to embed a culture of innovation that paves the way for the next generation of technologies and businesses and plays a pivotal role in nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit of staff, students and alumni.
General Enquiries
E | research.services@unsw.edu.au
W | research.unsw.edu.au
Executive Staff Contacts    
Name Position Phone / Email
Dr Stephen Rodda Pro Vice-Chancellor (Industry & Innovation)
Vanessa Moore Executive Assistant