Animal Transfer & Tissue Sharing


To support the principles of the 3Rs, the UNSW has an animal transfer and tissue sharing program. This is managed by the RECS Animal Care Team.

Animal Transfer

The NHMRC Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes states that the number of animals used may be reduced by the appropriate reuse of individual animals. The benefits of reusing animals must be balanced against any adverse effects on their wellbeing, taking into account the lifetime experience of the individual animal. Reuse of animals requires particular justification and specific approval from the UNSW ACECs.

If you would like to transfer animals between ACEC protocols please complete the Animal Transfer Request Form to via email.

Tissue Sharing

The tissue sharing program was developed in line with the principle of Reduction as per the Code. Investigators should ensure that, if practicable, tissue samples from animals that have died or been humanely killed are provided or made available to other investigators for their work, or deposited in a tissue bank for subsequent distribution.


If you have tissues to share:

Please email


If you require tissues:

Please register your interest and provide details in the following form.