Fields of Research (FoR)
Photodetectors, Optical Sensors and Solar Cells, Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (excl. Textiles), Compound Semiconductors, Composite and Hybrid MaterialsBiography
Anita Ho-Baillie is an Adjunct Professor at the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering. She has been the Program Manager for the Perovskite Solar Cell Research at the Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics in 2016 to 2019. She is now the John Hooke Chair of Nanoscience at the University of Sydney.
Anita Ho-Baillie is an Adjunct Professor at the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering. She has been the Program Manager for the Perovskite Solar Cell Research at the Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics in 2016 to 2019. She is now the John Hooke Chair of Nanoscience at the University of Sydney.
Eddy Meyer (2019), "Roof becomes a solar panel", National Nine News on 14 Oct 2019.
Graham Phillips (2018), "Paint - If The Walls Could Talk", Tripe M Podcast on 17 Apr 2018.
Jason Foster (2017), "Solar paint: How to generate energy from any object under the sun", pg. 120-123, The State of Innovation Report 2017 – The Relentless Desire to Advance, Clarivate Analytics 2017.
Bernard Lane (2017), “Window of opportunity for solar power” The Australian, 04 Oct 2017.
Cameron Jewell (2017), “The holy grail of glazing: high-insulating, energy-generating glass on the way”, http://www.thefifthestate.com.au/energy-lead/business-energy-lead/the-holy-grail-of-glazing-high-insulating-energy-generating-glass-on-the-way/92314, 7 June 2017
UNSW MEDIA (2017), “UNSW leads the state in industry linkage grants”, UNSW Media Office 31 May 2017.
Nick Whigham (2017), “This crystallised material holds the promise of revolutionary liquid solar cells”, http://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/inventions/this-crystallised-material-holds-the-promise-of-revolutionary-liquid-solar-cells/news-story/db5e34d1fc8b201ea557f85fd9376b28, 23 March 2017.
Andy Extance (2017), “Commercial dawn approaches for perovskite solar cells”, pg. 25-28, Photonics West Show Daily, 31 Jan 2017
Wilson Da Silva (2016), “Trendy solar cells hit new world efficiency record”, UNSW Media Office 02 Dec 2016.
Myles Gough (2013), “Solar Partnership with Top US Universities Aims for 29% Efficient Cells”, UNSW Media Office 25 October 2013.
Peter Trute (2009), “New Solar Power World Record”, Media Release, UNSW 25 Aug 200
Heidi Couch and Alex Morales (2009), “Solar-Powered Ferries to Sail Hong Kong Harbour”, Solar Sailor Media Release & Bloomberg 30 July 2009.
Peter Trute (2008), “Magic solar milestone reached”, Media Release, UNSW 4 Nov 2008.
Rory McGuire, Branko Celler, David Hogg & Anita Ho (1999), “Aust Industry Snuggles up to Best Electrical and Telecoms Engineers”, Media Release, UNSW 27 Aug 1999.
Rory McGuire, Branko Celler, David Hogg & Anita Ho (1999), “Project Finished Early”, Ascent Technology Magazine No.34 Sep 1999.
University of Sydney 2019-present
UNSW 2010-2019
Solar Sailor Holdings Ltd 2009-2010
UNSW 2002-2009 (Deputy Director, Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Photovoltaics 2006-2008);
PhD Electrical Engineering, UNSW 2005
BE Electrical Engineering, UNSW 2001 (Honours Class 1, Rank: 2nd in the Year)
Higher School Certificate, NSW 1994, TER: 99.35
Other Training
Project Management (AQF 5), Australian College of Project Management
My Grants
Lead CI, ARC Discovery Project DP200103420 “Efficient Photovoltaic-electrochemical Water Splitting for Clean Hydrogen”. 2020-2023
CI, Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) 2017/RND 008 “Next Generation Silicon Sub-cells for High Efficiency III-V/Si Multi-junction Solar Cells”. 2017-2021
CI, ARENA 2017/RND 012 “Manufacturing of Printed Perovskite Solar Cells”. 2017-2021
Lead Chief Investigator (CI), ARC Linkage Project LP160101322 “Hermetic Encapsulated Perovskite Solar Cells for Energy Harvesting Glazings”. 2016-2019
Lead CI, ARC Discovery Project DP160102955 “Stable Non-toxic Organic-inorganic Halide Perovskite Solar Cells”. 2016-2018
CI and Project Manager, ARENA 2014/RND 075 “High-Efficiency Silicon/Perovskite Tandem Cells and Modules: Demonstration and Commercial Evaluation”. 2015-2019
Project Manager and CI, ARENA 1-UFA002 “Multi-junction c-Si Solar Cells Based on Virtual Ge Substrates” 2012-2017
Principal Investigator, SunShot Foundational Program to Advance Cell Efficiency Round 2 (F-PACE II) "Thin Silicon Solar Cells: A Path to 35% Shockley-Queisser Limits" 2013-2016
CI, Australian Solar Institute 2-A002 "40% Efficient Photovoltaic ‘Power Cube’ Power Tower Receiver" 2011-2016
CI, ARC Photovoltaic Centre of Excellence 2008-2010
Program Manager, ARENA "Perovskite Solar Cell Research at ACAP". Nodes: UNSW, ANU, UQ, CSIRO, Monash and Melbourne Universities. 2016-2021
CI, UNSW Research Infrastructure Scheme (RIS) “Dual chamber evaporator for commercial Si wafter solar cells and emerging earth-abundant thin film solar cells”. 2017
CI, UNSW Major Research Equipment & Infrastructure Initiative (MREII) “A high resolution Raman micro-spectrometer for materials characterisation and imaging”. 2016
CI, UNSW MREII “SULA Technologies Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) unit”. 2009
Lead CI, UNSW MREII "Multifunction wafer and device characterization tool (SEMILAB WT-2000)" 2008
CI, ARENA US-Australia Institute for Advanced Photovoltaics (USAIAPV) Strategic Research Initiative 1-SRI001 “Outdoor stability / durability assessment of 2-terminal perovskite-silicon tandem cells ” 2018
CI, ARENA USAIAPV Strategic Research Initiative 1-SRI001 “Development of GaAsBi Based 1.0-1.2 ev Sub-cells for Multi-junction Solar Cells on Silicon Substrates” 2017
CI, ARENA USAIAPV Strategic Research Initiative 1-SRI001 “Cost Evaluation of Emerging PV Technologies” 2016-2017
My Awards
Finalist, The Judy Raper Award for Leadership, UNSW Faculty of Engineering 2017
Lane Cove Citizenship Award in Leadership, Lane Cove Council 2016
Australian Postgraduate Award, Australian Government 2001-2004
Supplementary Engineering Award, UNSW 2001-2004
The Photovoltaics Thesis Prize 2001
UNSW Co-op Scholarship, UNSW 1996-2000
My Research Activities
A. Ho-Baillie, S. Huang, C. F. J. Lau, M. Zhang, Self-assembled surface passivation via lead displacement for perovskite solar cells. Provisional Application 2018901203
A. Ho-Baillie, L. Shi, T. Young, M. Keevers, X. J. Hao, M. A. Green, Encapsulation and Sealing Method for Perovskite Solar Cells. Provisional Application 2017902609
X.J. Hao, A.W.Y Ho-Baillie, M.A. Green, Z. Liu, A Method for Forming a Germanium Substrate using a Laser, WO/2016/033641, US 2017/0244005 A1, Taiwanese Patent Application No. 104129315
A. Lennon, S.R. Wenham, A.W.Y Ho-Baillie, Method of Patterned Etching of Selected Material, WO 2009094711 A1; US 8273659 B2; EP 2245655 A4
A. Lennon, R.Y. Utama, S.R. Wenham, A.W.Y. Ho-Baillie, Method of Forming Openings in Selected Material, US8398877 B2
My Research Supervision
Currently supervising
Thesis and project supervisions
30 PhD (22 completions)
5 Masters by Research (5 completions)
>15 Undergraduate
1 photovoltaic installation in Nepal 2004
Courses coordinated
Wind Energy Converters 2005-2006
Solar Architecture 2006
My Engagement
Program Committee
International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors 2020, Aug 9-14 International Convention Centre Sydney, Australia.
Symposium Organiser
"Full Spectrum Solar Energy Harvesting", Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, Mar 28 - Apr 01, 2016 Phoenix, AZ, USA
"Low Cost Tandem Photovoltaics", Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting, Apr 2 - Apr 6, 2018 Phoenix, AZ, USA
Invited Speaker
2020 International Conference on Organics, Perovskites and their Hybrids for Optoelectronic Applications, June 7-10, 2020, Hong Kong
2020 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN), Feb 9-13, 2020, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia
2020 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Materials, Feb 6-8, 2020, Goldcoast, Australia
2019 Monash University Photovoltaics Workshop, Dec 12-13, 2019, Sydney, Australia
2019 Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics Conference, Dec 3-5, 2019, Sydney, Australia
2019 Symposium for Light Management in New Photovoltaic Materials (LMPV) Program at AMOLF, Aug 30, 2019, AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS
2019 Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting APR 22 –26, 2019, PHOENIX, ARIZONA Symposium ES16, “Perovskite Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics”
2019 Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science Seminar Series MAR 29, 2019, Monash University
International Conference on Perovskite and Organic Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics Conference (IPEROP19) JAN 27 –29, 2019, KYOTO, JAPAN
2018 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting NOV 25 –30, 2018, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Symposium ET04, “Perovskite Solar Cells—Challenges and Opportunities” & ET02, “Silicon for Photovoltaics”
4th International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics (PSCO-18) SEP 30 – OCT 2 2018, LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND
International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN 2018) JAN 29 – FEB 2 2018, UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG, NSW, AUSTRALIA
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