
My Expertise

Mechanics of unsaturated soils

Numerical modeling of Geotechnical Engineering problems

Constitutive modeling of multi-phase porous media


Fields of Research (FoR)

Civil Geotechnical Engineering

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Senior Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dr Arman Khoshghalb is a Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UNSW Sydney. He joined the academic staff of the School in 2012.

My Grants

Nasser Khalili; Arman Khoshghalb; Bernhard Schrefler 2019-2021. ARC Discovery Project, "Non-isothermal dynamic strain localisation in unsaturated porous...view more


Civil Engineering Building (H20)
Level 5, Room CE503
Kensington Campus


(+61 2) 9385 5016
(+61 2) 9385 6139