Select Publications
Journal articles
2015, 'It’s Time: The Case for PrEP as an Active Comparator in HIV Biomedical Prevention Trials', Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 12, pp. 239 - 249,
,2015, 'Ethical testing of experimental ebola treatments', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 313, pp. 421,
,2015, 'HIV transmission law in the age of treatment-as-prevention', Journal of Medical Ethics, 41, pp. 982 - 986,
,2014, 'Considering Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis: Do the Pros Outweigh the Cons as an HIV Prevention Strategy?', LGBT Health, 1, pp. 253 - 255,
,2014, 'Beyond Informed Consent: Ethical Considerations in the Design and Implementation of Sexual and Reproductive Health Research Among Adolescents', African Journal of Reproductive Health, 18, pp. 118,
,2014, 'Development of Guidelines for the Conduct of HIV Research Monitoring by Ethics Committees in Nigeria', African Journal of Reproductive Health, 18, pp. 66 - 73,
,2014, 'Ethics of Ancillary Care in Clinical Trials in Low Income Countries: A Nigerian Case Study', African Journal of Reproductive Health, 18, pp. 135,
,2014, 'Standards and Guidelines for HIV Prevention Research: Considerations for Local Context in the Interpretation of Global Ethical Standards', African Journal of Reproductive Health, 18, pp. 55,
,2014, 'Ethical challenges for doctors working in immigration detention', Medical Journal of Australia, 201, pp. 1 - 3,
,2014, 'Ethics of ancillary care in clinical trials in low income countries: a Nigerian case study', African journal of reproductive health, 18, pp. 135 - 142
,2014, 'Compassionate use of experimental drugs in the Ebola outbreak', The Lancet, 384, pp. 1843 - 1844,
,2013, 'Standard of Prevention in the Real World: A Qualitative Study of Principal Investigators in HIV Biomedical Prevention Trials', AJOB Primary Research, 4, pp. 14 - 25,
,2013, 'Ethical considerations in determining standard of prevention packages for HIV prevention trials: Examining PrEP', Developing World Bioethics, 13, pp. 87 - 94,
,2013, 'Ethics of medical care and clinical research: A qualitative study of principal investigators in biomedical HIV prevention research', Journal of Medical Ethics, 39, pp. 231 - 235,
,2013, 'Ethics of ARV based prevention: Treatment-as-prevention and PrEP', Developing World Bioethics, 13, pp. 63 - 69,
,2013, 'Mind the gap: An empirical study of post-trial access in HIV biomedical prevention trials', Developing World Bioethics,
,2013, 'The seventh (and last?) International Microbicides Conference: From discovery to delivery', Sexual Health, 10, pp. 240 - 245,
,2012, 'How good is “Good Enough”? The case for varying standards of evidence according to need for new interventions in HIV prevention', American Journal of Bioethics, 12, pp. 21 - 30,
,2011, 'Treatment-as-Prevention Needs to Be Considered in the Just Allocation of HIV Drugs', American Journal of Bioethics, 11, pp. 48 - 50,
,2011, 'Because we can: Clashes of perspective over researcher obligation in the failed prep trials', Developing World Bioethics, 11, pp. 63 - 74,
,2010, 'No sex please in sexuality research', American Journal of Bioethics, 10, pp. 43 - 44,
,2009, 'Back to basics in clinical research ethics', American Journal of Bioethics, 9, pp. 48 - 49,
,2007, 'National guidelines for post-exposure prophylaxis after non-occupational exposure to HIV', Sexual Health, 4, pp. 277 - 283,
,2002, 'OPEN process support for web development', ANNALS OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, 13, pp. 163 - 201,
,'Adding Web support to OPEN', JOOP-JOURNAL OF OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING, 14, pp. 34 - 38