Dr Conor Clune
Associate Professor
School of Accounting, Auditing & Taxation
B.Comm (Accounting), University College Dublin | MSc. Strategic Management, University College Dublin | PhD (Accounting), University of Amsterdam | Member of Chartered Accountants Ireland (ACA)
About Conor
Conor Clune is an Associate Professor in the School of Accounting at the UNSW Business School. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) and an MSc in Strategic...view more
Dr Conor Clune
Associate Professor
School of Accounting, Auditing & Taxation
B.Comm (Accounting), University College Dublin | MSc. Strategic Management, University College Dublin | PhD (Accounting), University of Amsterdam | Member of Chartered Accountants Ireland (ACA)
About Conor
Conor Clune is an Associate Professor in the School of Accounting at the UNSW Business School. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) and an MSc in Strategic Management from the University College Dublin. He completed his PhD at the University of Amsterdam.
Conor’s research interests are located at the intersection of governance and accounting. He has a particular interested in the governance and regulation in the accounting profession. He specializes in case-based research methods.
Conor’s teaching interests are in financial reporting and and the emergence of non financial related disclosures. He is currently the course coordinator for financial management, one of the eight courses offered in an integrated first year in the Bachelor of Commerce and is leading the development of Current Developments in Sustainable Business, a core unit in the Business Sustainability and Social Impact major. Previously, he has taught intermediate financial accounting, financial statement analysis, and sustainability, accountability, and ethics at both undergraduate and graduate levels. He has also supervised numerous bachelor, master and PhD theses.
Conor previously worked in the tax department of PwC Dublin where he qualified as a Chartered Accountant. He also worked as a credit analyst for KBC Bank.
Teaching and Supervision
- COMM1140 – Financial Management
- ACCT2562 - Current Developments in Sustainable Business
- Thesis supervisor in qualitative accounting research
My Grants
2019 AFAANZ Research Grant. Project: Disrupting planned CSR-focused governance reform: the lobby against the social license to operate. Amount: $7,433.
My Qualifications
Member of Chartered Accountants Ireland
My Research Activities
Journal Articles
Clune C; Andon P, 2024, 'Oligarchy in professional accounting bodies: Challenges for governance and leader‐member relations', Contemporary Accounting Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1911-3846.12946
Clune C; McDaid E, 2024, 'Content moderation on social media: constructing accountability in the digital space', Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 37, pp. 257 - 279, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/AAAJ-11-2022-6119
Andon P; Clune C, 2021, 'Governance of professional accounting bodies: a comparative analysis', Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 34, pp. 1769 - 1801, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/AAAJ-08-2020-4756, ROS ID: 1576848
Clune, C. & O'Dwyer, B. 2020. Organizing dissonance through institutional work: the embedding of social and environmental accountability in the Dutch investment field. Accounting, Organizations and Society. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aos.2020.101130
Clune, C. & O'Dwyer, B. 2020. Framing engagement that resonates: Organising advocacy for corporate social and environmental accountability. European Accounting Review. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09638180.2020.1746374
Clune, C., Boomsma R., & Pucci, R. 2019. The disparate roles of accounting in an amateur sports organisation: the case of logic assimilation in the Gaelic Athletic Association. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. DOI: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/AAAJ-06-2018-3523/full/html
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