Select Publications

Conference Papers

Maletzke AG; Lee HD; Batista GEAPA; Rezende SO; Machado RB; Voltolini RF; Maciel JN; Silva F; dos Santos LB; Wu FC, 2013, 'Time Series Classification using Motifs and Characteristics Extraction: A Case Study on ECG Databases', in Lopez JCL; Andrade RAE; Perez RB; Carrillo PAA (eds.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND DECISION SUPPORT (EUREKA-2013), ATLANTIS PRESS, MEXICO, Mazatlan, pp. 322 - 329, presented at 4th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Management and Decision Support (Eureka), MEXICO, Mazatlan, 06 November 2013 - 08 November 2013,

Domingues MA; Cherman EA; Nogueira BM; Conrado MS; Rossi RG; De Padua R; Marcacini RM; Souza VMA; Batista GEAPA; Rezende SO, 2013, 'A comparative study of algorithms for recommending given names', in 2013 2nd International Conference on Informatics and Applications, ICIA 2013, pp. 66 - 71,

Domingues MA; Marcacini RM; Rezende SO; Batista GEAPA, 2013, 'Improving the recommendation of given names by using contextual information', in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 61 - 72

Silva D; Papadopoulos H; Batista GEAPA; Ellis DPW, 2013, 'A video compression-based approach to measure music structural similarity', in International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, pp. 95 - 10

Giusti R; Batista GEAPA, 2013, 'An empirical comparison of dissimilarity measures for time series classification', in 2013 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, IEEE, pp. 82 - 88, IEEE

Silva DF; De Souza VMA; Batista GEAPA; Keogh E; Ellis DPW, 2013, 'Applying machine learning and audio analysis techniques to insect recognition in intelligent traps', in 2013 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, IEEE, pp. 99 - 104, IEEE

de Souza VMA; Silva DF; Batista GEAPA, 2013, 'Classification of data streams applied to insect recognition: Initial results', in 2013 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, IEEE, pp. 76 - 81, IEEE

Rakthanmanon T; Keogh E, 2013, 'Data mining a trillion time series subsequences under dynamic time warping', in Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Chen Y; Hu B; Keogh E; Batista GEAPA, 2013, 'DTW-D: time series semi-supervised learning from a single example', in Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, pp. 383 - 391

de Sousa CAR; Rezende SO; Batista GEAPA, 2013, 'Influence of graph construction on semi-supervised learning', in Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 160 - 175, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

Silva DF; De Souza VMA; Batista GEAPA, 2013, 'Time series classification using compression distance of recurrence plots', in 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining, IEEE, pp. 687 - 696, IEEE

Qiang Z; Rakthanmanon T; Batista G; Keogh E, 2012, 'A novel approximation to dynamic time warping allows anytime clustering of massive time series datasets', in SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, pp. 999 - 1010

Alves GEDAP; Silva DF; Prati RC; others , 2012, 'An experimental design to evaluate class imbalance treatment methods', in 2012 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, IEEE, pp. 95 - 101, IEEE

Rakthanmanon T; Campana B; Mueen A; Batista G; Westover B; Zhu Q; Zakaria J; Keogh E, 2012, 'Searching and mining trillions of time series subsequences under dynamic time warping', in Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, pp. 262 - 270

Silva DF; de Souza VMA; Batista GEAPA; Giusti R, 2012, 'Spoken digit recognition in portuguese using line spectral frequencies', in Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 241 - 250, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

Batista G; Wang X; Keogh E, 2011, 'A Complexity-Invariant Distance Measure for Time Series', in SDM-2011: Proceedings of SIAM International Conference on Data Mining

Batista G; Keogh E; Neto AM; Rowton E, 2011, 'SIGKDD demo: sensors and software to allow computational entomology, an emerging application of data mining', in Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, ACM, pp. 761 - 764, ACM

Batista GEAPA; Hao Y; Keogh E; Mafra-Neto A, 2011, 'Towards automatic classification on flying insects using inexpensive sensors', in 2011 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications and Workshops, IEEE, pp. 364 - 369, IEEE

Batista GEAPA; Campana B; Keogh E, 2010, 'Classification of Live Moths Combining Texture, Color and Shape Primitives', in Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2010 Ninth International Conference on, IEEE, pp. 903 - 906, IEEE

Giusti R; Batista GEAPA, 2010, 'Discovering Knowledge Rules with Multi-Objective Evolutionary Computing', in Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2010 Ninth International Conference on, IEEE, pp. 119 - 124, IEEE

Prati RC; Batista GEAPA; Monard MC, 2009, 'Data mining with imbalanced class distributions: concepts and methods.', in IICAI, pp. 359 - 376

Batista GEAPA; Silva DF, 2009, 'How k-Nearest Neighbor Parameters Affect its Performance', in X Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence

Prati RC; Batista GEAPA; Monard MC, 2008, 'A study with class imbalance and random sampling for a decision tree learning system', in IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice, Springer, Boston, MA, pp. 131 - 140, Springer, Boston, MA

Giusti R; Batista GEAPA; Prati RC, 2008, 'Evaluating Ranking Composition Methods for Multi-Objective Optimization of Knowledge Rules', in Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2008. HIS’08. Eighth International Conference on, IEEE, pp. 537 - 542, IEEE

Matsubara ET; Prati RC; Batista GEAPA; Monard MC, 2008, 'Missing value imputation using a semi-supervised rank aggregation approach', in Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 217 - 226, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

Batista GEAPA; Prati RC; Monard MC, 2005, 'Balancing strategies and class overlapping', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 24 - 35,

Matsubara ET; Monard MC; Batista GEAPA, 2005, 'Multi-view semi-supervised learning: An approach to obtain different views from text datasets', in Proceeding of the 2005 conference on Advances in Logic Based Intelligent Systems: Selected Papers of LAPTEC 2005, IOS Press, pp. 97 - 104, IOS Press

Batista GEAPA; Monard MC; Bazzan ALC, 2004, 'Improving rule induction precision for automated annotation by balancing skewed data sets', in International Symposium on Knowledge Exploration in Life Science Informatics, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 20 - 32, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

Prati RC; Batista GEAPA; Monard MC, 2004, 'Learning with class skews and small disjuncts', in Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 296 - 306, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

Batista GEAPA; Bazan AL; Monard MC, 2003, 'Balancing training data for automated annotation of keywords: a case study', in Proceedings of the Second Brazilian Workshop on Bioinformatics, pp. 35 - 43

Lorena AC; Batista GEAPA; De Carvalho ACPLF; Monard MC, 2002, 'Splice junction recognition using machine learning techniques', in Proceedings of the First Brazilian Workshop on Bioinformatics, Citeseer, pp. 32 - 39, Citeseer

Lorena AC; Batista GEAPA; de Carvalho ACPLF; Monard MC, 2002, 'The influence of noisy patterns on the performance of learning methods in the splice junction recognition problem', in Neural Networks, 2002. SBRN 2002. Proceedings. VII Brazilian Symposium on, IEEE, pp. 31 - 36, IEEE

Batista GEAPA; Monard MC, 2001, 'A study of K-nearest neighbour as a model-based method to treat missing data', in Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence

Baranauskas JA; Monard MC; Batista GEAPA, 2000, 'A computational environment for extracting rules from databases', in Management Information Systems, pp. 321 - 330

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