Research Interests:
1.The nexus between training in a rural environment and workforce development. 2. Peri-operative outcomes, patient risk stratification and communication, and clinical decision making.3. Changing clinical practice and the role and influence of junior doctors and medical students as vectors for change.
Broad Research Areas:
Evidence Based Medicine, Clinical Research, Rural Health, Medical Education
Society Memberships &...view more
Research Interests:
1.The nexus between training in a rural environment and workforce development. 2. Peri-operative outcomes, patient risk stratification and communication, and clinical decision making.3. Changing clinical practice and the role and influence of junior doctors and medical students as vectors for change.
Broad Research Areas:
Evidence Based Medicine, Clinical Research, Rural Health, Medical Education
Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
1. ANZCA- Chair, ANZCA Safety and Quality Committee, previous NSW Regional Committee member, and Clinical Trials Group member
2.Executive Committee- Agency for Clinical Innovation- Anaesthesia and Peri-operative Care
3. Member, Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC)
4. Member, Evaluation Sub Committee, MSAC
Specific Research Keywords:
Clinical Decision Making, Health Care Quality, Evidence-based Decision Support, Patient Safety