Select Publications

Journal articles

Gharavi PSM; Xie L; Park CKY; Ng YH; He JQ; Hart JN; Valanoor N, 2018, 'Interface Engineering of ZnS/GaP Multilayer Films: Understanding the Origins of High Visible-Light Photoactivity', Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24, pp. 142 - 143,

Liu Z; Li X; Mayyas M; Koshy P; Hart JN; Sorrell CC, 2017, 'Growth mechanism of ceria nanorods by precipitation at room temperature and morphology-dependent photocatalytic performance (vol 19, pg 4766, 2017)', CRYSTENGCOMM, 19, pp. 5492 - 5492,

Hojamberdiev M; Bekheet MF; Hart JN; Vequizo JJM; Yamakata A; Yubuta K; Gurlo A; Hasegawa M; Domen K; Teshima K, 2017, 'Elucidating the impact of A-site cation change on photocatalytic H2 and O2 evolution activities of perovskite-type LnTaON2 (Ln = la and Pr)', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19, pp. 22210 - 22220,

Wong RJ; Scott J; Kappen P; Low GKC; Hart JN; Amal R, 2017, 'Enhancing bimetallic synergy with light: The effect of UV light pre-treatment on catalytic oxygen activation by bimetallic Au-Pt nanoparticles on a TiO2 support', Catalysis Science and Technology, 7, pp. 4792 - 4805,

Liu Z; Li X; Mayyas M; Koshy P; Hart JN; Sorrell CC, 2017, 'Growth mechanism of ceria nanorods by precipitation at room temperature and morphology-dependent photocatalytic performance', CrystEngComm, 19, pp. 4766 - 4776,

Kurnia F; Liu C; Liu G; Vasudevan RK; Yang SM; Kalinin SV; Valanoor N; Hart JN, 2017, 'Localised nanoscale resistive switching in GaP thin films with low power consumption', Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5, pp. 2153 - 2159,

Chen L; Lin Q; Hart J; Li S; Wang D, 2016, 'Enhanced Photovoltaic Effect in Fe-Doped (Bi, Na) TiO3-BaTiO3 Ferroelectric Ceramics', International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 13, pp. 896 - 903,

Kurnia F; Ng YH; Amal R; Valanoor N; Hart JN, 2016, 'Defect engineering of ZnS thin films for photoelectrochemical water-splitting under visible light', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 153, pp. 179 - 185,

Jung M; Hart JN; Scott J; Ng YH; Jiang Y; Amal R, 2016, 'Exploring Cu oxidation state on TiO2 and its transformation during photocatalytic hydrogen evolution', Applied Catalysis A: General, 521, pp. 190 - 201,

Adabifiroozjaei E; Koshy P; Pardehkhorram R; Rastkerdar E; Hart J; Sorrell CC, 2016, 'Interfacial Reactions Between BaAl2Si2O8 and Molten Al Alloy at 1423 K and 1523 K (1150 °C and 1250 °C)', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 47, pp. 1753 - 1764,

Jung M; Hart JN; Boensch D; Scott J; Ng YH; Amal R, 2016, 'Hydrogen evolution via glycerol photoreforming over Cu-Pt nanoalloys on TiO2', Applied Catalysis A: General, 518, pp. 221 - 230,

Kurnia F; Ng YH; Tang Y; Amal R; Valanoor N; Hart JN, 2016, 'ZnS thin films for visible-light active photoelectrodes: Effect of film morphology and crystal structure', Crystal Growth and Design, 16, pp. 2461 - 2465,

Wong RJ; Scott J; Low GKC; Feng H; Du Y; Hart JN; Amal R, 2016, 'Investigating the effect of UV light pre-treatment on the oxygen activation capacity of Au/TiO2', Catalysis Science and Technology, 6, pp. 8188 - 8199,

Kurnia F; Hart JN, 2015, 'Band-Gap Control of Zinc Sulfide: Towards an Efficient Visible-Light-Sensitive Photocatalyst', ChemPhysChem, 16, pp. 2397 - 2402,

Sharma N; Gonzalo E; Pramudita JC; Han MH; Brand HEA; Hart JN; Pang WK; Guo Z; Rojo T, 2015, 'The Unique Structural Evolution of the O3-Phase Na2/3Fe2/3Mn1/3O2 during High Rate Charge/Discharge: A Sodium-Centred Perspective', Advanced Functional Materials, 25, pp. 4994 - 5005,

Feng Y; Hart JN; Patterson RJ; Lowe A, 2015, 'Electrospinning of TiO2 nanofibers: The influence of Li and Ca doping and vacuum calcination', Materials Letters, 139, pp. 31 - 34,

Claeyssens F; Hart JN; Norman NC; Allan NL, 2013, 'Ultra-flexible boron-oxygen 3D solid-state networks', Advanced Functional Materials, 23, pp. 5887 - 5892,

Hart JN; Allan NL, 2013, 'GaP-ZnS solid solutions: Semiconductors for efficient visible light absorption and emission', Advanced Materials, 25, pp. 2989 - 2993,

Hart JN; May PW; Allan NL; Hallam KR; Claeyssens F; Fuge GM; Ruda M; Heard PJ, 2013, 'Towards new binary compounds: Synthesis of amorphous phosphorus carbide by pulsed laser deposition', Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 198, pp. 466 - 474,

Taylor CR; Bygrave PJ; Hart JN; Allan NL; Manby FR, 2012, 'Improving density functional theory for crystal polymorph energetics', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14, pp. 7739 - 7743,

Mitea S; Zeleznik M; Bowden MD; May PW; Fox NA; Hart JN; Fowler C; Stevens R; Braithwaite NS, 2012, 'Generation of microdischarges in diamond substrates', Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 21,

Hart JN; Allan NL; Claeyssens F, 2011, 'Ternary silicon germanium nitrides: A class of tunable band gap materials', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 84,

Hart JN; Allan NL; Claeyssens F, 2010, 'Predicting crystal structures ab initio: Group 14 nitrides and phosphides', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12, pp. 8620 - 8631,

Hart JN; Parker SC; Lapkin AA, 2009, 'Energy minimization of single-walled titanium oxide nanotubes', ACS Nano, 3, pp. 3401 - 3412,

Claeyssens F; Hart JN; Allan NL; Oliva JM, 2009, 'Solid phases of phosphorus carbide: An ab initio study', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 79,

Hart JN; May PW; Allan NL; Dahl JEP; Liu S; Carlson RMK; Adcock JL, 2008, 'Vibrational analysis of per-fluorinated-triamantane', Chemical Physics Letters, 460, pp. 237 - 240,

Hart JN; Cheng YB; Simon GP; Spiccia L, 2008, 'Alternative materials and processing techniques for optimized nanostructures in dye-sensitized solar cells', Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8, pp. 2230 - 2248

Hart JN; Bourgeois L; Cervini R; Cheng YB; Simon GP; Spiccia L, 2007, 'Low temperature crystallization behavior of TiO2 derived from a sol-gel process', Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 42, pp. 107 - 117,

Hart JN; Menzies D; Cheng YB; Simon GP; Spiccia L, 2007, 'A comparison of microwave and conventional heat treatments of nanocrystalline TiO2', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 91, pp. 6 - 16,

Hart JN; Menzies D; Cheng YB; Simon GP; Spiccia L, 2006, 'Microwave processing of TiO2 blocking layers for dye-sensitized solar cells', Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 40, pp. 45 - 54,

Hart JN; Menzies D; Cheng YB; Simon GP; Spiccia L, 2006, 'TiO2 sol-gel blocking layers for dye-sensitized solar cells', Comptes Rendus Chimie, 9, pp. 622 - 626,

Hart JN; Cheng YB; Simon GP; Spiccia L, 2005, 'Challenges of producing TiO2 films by microwave heating', Surface and Coatings Technology, 198, pp. 20 - 23,

Menzies DB; Hart JN; Cheng YB; Simon GP; Dai Q; Spiccia L, 2005, 'Nanostructured TiO2 films in dye-sensitized solar cells', International Journal of Nanoscience, 4, pp. 785 - 793,

Hart JN; Cervini R; Cheng YB; Simon GP; Spiccia L, 2004, 'Formation of anatase TiO2 by microwave processing', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 84, pp. 135 - 143,

Hart JN; Cervini R; Cheng YB; Simon GP; Spiccia L, 2004, 'Low temperature formation of anatase titanium dioxide', Key Engineering Materials, 264-268, pp. 1221 - 1224

Rodríguez-Lorenzo LM; Hart JN; Gross KA, 2003, 'Structural and chemical analysis of well-crystallized hydroxyfluorapatites', Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107, pp. 8316 - 8320,

Rodríguez-Lorenzo LM; Hart JN; Gross KA, 2003, 'Influence of fluorine in the synthesis of apatites. Synthesis of solid solutions of hydroxy-fluorapatite', Biomaterials, 24, pp. 3777 - 3785,

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