
My Expertise

I am an authority on virtual reality and cybersickness, multi-sensory integration and why we see materials as we do (e.g., gloss, colour shape, transparency), including visual illusions.


Fields of Research (FoR)

Sensory processes, perception and performance, Ophthalmology and optometry


My research is concerned with understanding how we perceive real-world and virtual environments. Our brain infers information about the physical properties of objects in the environment through neural signals it receives from our six senses. I seek to identify specific patterns in sensory information that are critically important for explaining optimal perception and action in real-world scenarios. I have particular strengths in research...view more


School of Optometry and Vision Science
Level 3, Room 3.006
North Wing, Rupert Myers Building

Map reference (Google map)


+61 2 9065 1218
+61 2 9313 6243
