
Associate Professor Juno Kim

My Expertise

I am an authority on virtual reality and cybersickness, multi-sensory integration and why we see materials as we do (e.g., gloss, colour shape, transparency), including visual illusions.


Fields of Research (FoR)

Sensory processes, perception and performance, Ophthalmology and optometry


My research is concerned with understanding how we perceive real-world and virtual environments. Our brain infers information about the physical properties of objects in the environment through neural signals it receives from our six senses. I seek to identify specific patterns in sensory information that are critically important for explaining optimal perception and action in real-world scenarios. I have particular strengths in research...view more

My research is concerned with understanding how we perceive real-world and virtual environments. Our brain infers information about the physical properties of objects in the environment through neural signals it receives from our six senses. I seek to identify specific patterns in sensory information that are critically important for explaining optimal perception and action in real-world scenarios. I have particular strengths in research topics on visual and vestibular neurophysiology, including the development of future technologies in head-mounted display virtual reality (HMD VR) for interactive entertainment and gamification in health.

My Grants

  • 2023 Kim J., Palmisano, S., Iwasaki, S. Enhancing sensory perception and balance control in HMD-based VR. ARC Discovery Project (DP230100303)
  • 2021 Palmisano, S., Kim, J. Unleashing the potential of VR: reducing sickness in head-mounted displays. ARC Discovery Project (DP210101475)
  • 2014 Kim, J. Image constraints on the perception of surfaces and materials. ARC Future Fellowship (FT140100535)
  • 2010 Anderson, B.L., Kim, J., Fleming, R. The perception of surfaces and materials. ARC Discovery Project (DP1097229)

My Qualifications

  • 2005 PhD in Psychology at the University of Sydney
  • 1998 BSc (Honours-I) at the University of Sydney
  • 1997 BSc studies in Computer Science, Psychology and Mathematical Statistics at the University of Sydney

My Awards

2022 Educational Excellence Award - Faculty of Medicine and Health

My Research Activities

  • Explain / predict the experience of cybersickness in HMD VR.
  • Determine the image properties for the perception of surfaces and materials.
  • Understand multi-sensory mechanisms for the perception of self-motion.
  • Explore the role of eye movements and retinal motion in perception of form and motion.
  • Develop psychophysical approaches for artificial intelligence to automatically assess morphological structures seen in ophthalmic images.


Find out more on our research laboratory webpage: Sensory Processes Research Laboratory

My Research Supervision

Areas of supervision

  • Vestibular neurophysiology
  • Human movement
  • Material and surface perception
  • Virtual Reality
  • Perception of self-motion

Currently supervising

  • Perception of surface shape and translucency in natural scenes.
  • Perception of shape and materials in virtual environments.
  • The illusory experience of self-motion perception (vection).
  • Improving the perception of corneal nerve morphology in ophthalmology and clinical optometry.
  • Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS) for HMD VR.
  • Using HMD VR to understand multisensory integration during standing and walking.

My Engagement

I regularly engage with key industry partners, the following being only a few examples:

  • Bandicoot Imaging Sciences Australia
  • Video Games Deluxe
  • Canon Inc
  • NATO (HFM-MSG-346)

My Teaching

Courses I teach

  • VISN1101 Vision Science Perspectives (Term 1)
  • OPTM3201 Ocular Imaging and Applied Vision Science (Term 1)
  • VISN5512 Sensory Processes and Movement (Term 1)
  • OPTM7218 Research Project (Term 1, 2, 3)

Educational outreach

I also actively engage in educational outreach activities, which you can read about in the public MyEducation portfolio:

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School of Optometry and Vision Science
Level 3, Room 3.006
North Wing, Rupert Myers Building

Map reference (Google map)


+61 2 9065 1218
+61 2 9313 6243
