Fields of Research (FoR)
Community and primary care, Higher educationSEO tags
I am a Primary care Physician with many years’ clinical experience in primary care particularly HIV and TB care in South Africa. I am currently based within the Discipline of General Practice teaching undergraduate medical students at UNSW. I am passionate about instilling an interest in holistic primary care in areas of need.
I convene and teach a course called Society and Health in Year 3 but also teach in Primary Care in Year 5/6,...view more
I am a Primary care Physician with many years’ clinical experience in primary care particularly HIV and TB care in South Africa. I am currently based within the Discipline of General Practice teaching undergraduate medical students at UNSW. I am passionate about instilling an interest in holistic primary care in areas of need.
I convene and teach a course called Society and Health in Year 3 but also teach in Primary Care in Year 5/6, Clinical Transition Course in Year 4 and Society and Health in Year 2. I am also the co convenor for Phase 2 of the undergraduate medical degree at UNSW.
I am involved in research in Medical education and in primary care and have supervised several HDR students. I am currently leading a suite of research projects assessing the long-term educational outcomes of the Year 4 Medical students independent research projects. I am interested in streamlining student assessments and have led all the Year 3 course convenors in the development and evaluation of new performance-based marking rubrics for all student assignments in Year 3. I am involved in primary research projects looking at implementation models for shared care for cancer survivors. I have also supervised research projects with one PhD student, one Masters student and two Honours students as well as two GP registrars looking at a variety of topics ranging from CPD in developing countries to physical activity interventions for cancer survivors.
My Grants
$5,200 SPH Grant Building scheme 2021
My Qualifications
BSc Med University of Sydney 1978; MBBS University of Sydney 1981; Dip Child Health College of Medicine South Africa 1988; Dip Ophthalmology College of Medicine South Africa 1994; MFamMed University of Free State 2003; PhD University of Free State 2013; Dip HIV Management College of Medicine South Africa 2016; FULT UNSW 2018
My Awards
2019 Alan Hodgkinson prize for outstanding contribution to teaching. School of Public Health and Community Medicine
2021 Heroes award. For contributions to Faculty of Medicine and Health response to major disruptions to student learning from COVID-19 shutdowns and border closures
My Research Activities
I am passionate about research in a couple of areas in medical education including educational outputs of medical student independent research programmes, and improving feedback in student assessments. I am also involved in a number of projects looking at the implementation of shared care for cancer survivors including the development of mutual trust and interventions to improve physical activity for cancer survivors
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Areas of supervision
I have supervised HDR students in a number of different research fields including CPD in developing countries, HIV care and ARV adherence programmes in developing countries, educational outcomes of medical student independent research and shared care for cancer survivors:
PhD student Completed 2016. Impact of task shifting of HIV care on primary care services
PhD student Completed 2021. Implementing CPD for developing countries
Masters Student Completed 2020. Interventions to improve ARV adherence in vulnerable populations
Honours student Completed 2021. Research outputs of ILP/Honours research projects at UNSW
Honours student Completed 2022. Realist review of physical activity interventions for cancer survivors
GR registrar Completed 2022. Exploring models of care to implement physical activity interventions in primary care for cancer survivors
GP registrar Completed 2022. Exploring perceptions of Cardiovascular care among Australians of West African descent
My Engagement
Member RACGP
Co-Chair Phase 2 committee
Member Advanced study and research, CLAC, FH25, CAC, Phase ARG and CDC Committees Faculty of Medicine and Health UNSW
Member Student feedback and Digital assessment CoP UNSW
My Teaching
I am passionate to teach undergraduate medical students about the importance of providing holistic patient care in areas of need. I have overarching academic responsibilities as Co convenor of Phase 2 (Year 3 and 4) of the undergraduate medical programme and convenor of a course in Year 3 Society and Health. I also teach in Primary Care Year 5/6, Clinical transition course (Year 4) and in Society and Health in Year 2. I have led an update of all teaching material in my course and all marking rubrics for assignments in all courses in Year 3 to align with Faculty policy of streamlining assessments.
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