Select Publications

Journal articles

Sedzinski J; Biro M; Oswald A; Tinevez JY; Salbreux G; Paluch E, 2011, 'Polar actomyosin contractility destabilizes the position of the cytokinetic furrow', Nature, 476, pp. 462 - 468,

Puah WC; Cheok LP; Biro M; Ng WT; Wasser M, 2011, 'TLM-converter: Reorganization of long time-lapse microscopy datasets for downstream image analysis', BioTechniques, 51, pp. 49 - 54,

Biro M; Kroschwald S; Paluch E, 2010, 'Analysis of De Novo Cell Cortex Assembly in Blebs as a Novel Assay for Probing Cortical Dynamics and Regulation', BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 98, pp. 159A - 159A,

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