Select Publications

Journal articles

Young TK; Hockham C; Sukkar L; Kang A; Jun M; Foote C; Baker J; Rogers K; Zoungas S; Cass A; Sullivan D; Jardine MJ, 2023, 'Duration and effectiveness of glucose-lowering regimens in the real world management of diabetes: Data from the Australian EXTEND45 Linked Cohort Study', Endocrine and Metabolic Science, 12,

Jun M; Scaria A; Andrade J; Badve SV; Birks P; Bota SE; Campain A; Djurdjev O; Garg AX; Ha J; Harel Z; Hemmelgarn B; Hockham C; James MT; Jardine MJ; Levin A; Mcarthur E; Ravani P; Shao S; Sood MM; Tan Z; Tangri N; Whitlock R; Gallagher M, 2023, 'Kidney function and the comparative effectiveness and safety of direct oral anticoagulants vs. warfarin in adults with atrial fibrillation: a multicenter observational study', European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes, 9, pp. 621 - 631,

Mehrotra R; Davison SN; Farrington K; Flythe JE; Foo M; Madero M; Morton RL; Tsukamoto Y; Unruh ML; Cheung M; Jadoul M; Winkelmayer WC; Brown EA; Bagasha P; Bargman JM; Bavanandan S; Beckwith H; Bennett PN; Bohm C; Brennan F; Burton JO; Cavanaugh KL; Chilcot J; Choi P; Cukor D; Dember LM; Dong J; Edwards D; Erickson KF; Figueiredo A; Finkelstein FO; Fukagawa M; Germain M; Guillano FB; Hurst H; Iseki K; Jardine MJ; Jauré A; Jha V; Jhamb M; Kanjanabuch T; Lerma E; Kam-Tao Li P; Liew A; Małyszko J; Proenca de Moraes T; Moranne O; Nam Ng MS; Ostermann M; Perl J; Pigford J; Pommer W; Richardson MM; Rivara MB; Roberts GV; Sarafidis P; Shroff R; Slon Roblero MF; Smyth B; Søndergaard H; Van Der Veer SN; Vassalotti JA; Vervloet M; Vincent L; Walker R; Warren M; Wasylynuk BA; West M; Wilkie C, 2023, 'Managing the symptom burden associated with maintenance dialysis: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference', Kidney International, 104, pp. 441 - 454,

Kang A; Smyth B; Neuen BL; Heerspink HJL; Di Tanna GL; Zhang H; Arnott C; Hockham C; Agarwal R; Bakris G; Charytan DM; de Zeeuw D; Greene T; Levin A; Pollock C; Wheeler DC; Mahaffey KW; Perkovic V; Jardine MJ, 2023, 'The sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor canagliflozin does not increase risk of non-genital skin and soft tissue infections in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A pooled post hoc analysis from the CANVAS Program and CREDENCE randomized double-blind trials', Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 25, pp. 2151 - 2162,

Fletcher RA; Arnott C; Rockenschaub P; Schutte AE; Carpenter L; Vaduganathan M; Agarwal R; Bakris G; Chang TI; Heerspink HJL; Jardine MJ; Mahaffey KW; Neal B; Pollock C; Jun M; Rodgers A; Perkovic V; Neuen BL, 2023, 'Canagliflozin, Blood Pressure Variability, and Risk of Cardiovascular, Kidney, and Mortality Outcomes: Pooled Individual Participant Data From the CANVAS and CREDENCE Trials', Journal of the American Heart Association, 12, pp. e028516,

Inker LA; Collier W; Greene T; Miao S; Chaudhari J; Appel GB; Badve SV; Caravaca-Fontán F; Del Vecchio L; Floege J; Goicoechea M; Haaland B; Herrington WG; Imai E; Jafar TH; Lewis JB; Li PKT; Maes BD; Neuen BL; Perrone RD; Remuzzi G; Schena FP; Wanner C; Wetzels JFM; Woodward M; Heerspink HJL; Estacio RO; Hanratty R; Chalmers J; Canetta P; Barrett B; Neal B; Perkovic V; Mahaffey KW; Johnson D; Jardine M; von Eynatten M; Verde E; Verdalles U; Arroyo D; Chapman A; Torres V; Yu A; Brosnahan G; Hannedouche T; Chow KM; Szeto CC; Leung CB; Xie D; Hou FF; Dwyer J; Pohl MA; Raz I; Hunsicker LG; Vanacker A; Malfait T; Maschio G; Locatelli F; Blankestijn PJ; van Zuilen A; Kobayashi F; Makino H; Chan JCN; Andrulli S; Pozzi C; Casartelli D; Praga M; Trujillo H; Cavero T; Sevillano A; Ruggenenti P; Perna A; Carrara F; Keane WF; Manno C; Haynes R; Baigent C; Landray M; Rauen T; Seikrit C; Wied S; Toto RD; de Jong PE; Saddelli M, 2023, 'A meta-analysis of GFR slope as a surrogate endpoint for kidney failure', Nature Medicine, 29, pp. 1867 - 1876,

Yi TW; Smyth B; Di Tanna GL; Arnott C; Cardoza K; Kang A; Pollock C; Agarwal R; Bakris G; Charytan DM; de Zeeuw D; Heerspink HJL; Neal B; Wheeler DC; Cannon CP; Zhang H; Zinman B; Perkovic V; Levin A; Mahaffey KW; Jardine M; Brenner BM; Greene T; Jardine MJ; Meininger G; Li N; Kolesnyk I; Aizenberg D; Pecoits-Filho R; Cherney D; Obrador G; Chertow G; Chang T; Hawley C; Ji L; Wada T; Jha V; Lim SK; Lim-Abrahan MA; Santos F; Chae DW; Hwang SJ; Vazelov E; Rychlík I; Hadjadj S; Krane V; Rosivall L; De Nicola L; Dreval A; Nowicki M; Schiller A; Distiller L; Górriz JL; Kolesnyk M; David ; Wheeler C; Guerrero RAA; Albisu JP; Alvarisqueta A; Bartolacci I; Berli MA; Bordonava A; Calella P; Cantero MC; Cartasegna LR; Cercos E; Coloma GC; Colombo H; Commendatore V; Cuadrado J; Cuneo CA; Cusumano AM; Douthat WG; Dran RD; Farias E; Fernandez MF; Finkelstein H; Fragale G; Fretes JO; Garcia NH; Gastaldi A; Gelersztein E; Glenny JA; Gonzalez JP; Colaso PDCG; Goycoa C; Greloni GC; Guinsburg A; Hermida S; Juncos LI; Klyver MI; Kraft F; Krynski F; Lanchiotti PV; Leon de la Fuente RA; Marchetta N; Mele P; Nicolai S; Novoa PA; Orio SI, 2023, 'Kidney and Cardiovascular Effects of Canagliflozin According to Age and Sex: A Post Hoc Analysis of the CREDENCE Randomized Clinical Trial', American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 82, pp. 84 - 96.e1,

Ha JT; Scaria A; Andrade J; Badve SV; Birks P; Bota SE; Campain A; Djurdjev O; Garg AX; Harel Z; Hemmelgarn B; Hockham C; James MT; Jardine MJ; Lam D; Levin A; McArthur E; Ravani P; Shao S; Sood MM; Tan Z; Tangri N; Whitlock R; Gallagher M; Jun M, 2023, 'Safety and Effectiveness of Rivaroxaban Versus Warfarin Across GFR Levels in Atrial Fibrillation: A Population-Based Study in Australia and Canada', Kidney Medicine, 5,

Charytan DM; Mahaffey KW; Jardine MJ; Cannon CP; Neal B; Lambers Heerspink HJ; Agarwal R; Bakris GL; De Zeeuw D; Levin A; Pollock C; Zhang H; Zinman B; Rosenthal N; Perkovic V; Di Tanna GL; Yu J; Rogers K; Arnott C; Wheeler DC, 2023, 'Cardiorenal protective effects of canagliflozin in CREDENCE according to glucose lowering', BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, 11, pp. e003270,

van der Hoek S; Jongs N; Oshima M; Neuen BL; Stevens J; Perkovic V; Levin A; Mahaffey KW; Pollock C; Greene T; Wheeler DC; Jardine MJ; Heerspink HJL, 2023, 'Glycemic Control and Effects of Canagliflozin in Reducing Albuminuria and eGFR: A Post Hoc Analysis of the CREDENCE Trial', Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN, 18, pp. 748 - 758,

Payne T; Coburn M; Dieleman S; Heller G; Jardine M; Shehabi Y; Sanders RD, 2023, 'The impact of dexmedetomidine on postoperative delirium: should we throw out a DECADE of research?', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 130, pp. e479 - e481,

Heerspink HJL; Radhakrishnan J; Alpers CE; Barratt J; Bieler S; Diva U; Inrig J; Komers R; Mercer A; Noronha IL; Rheault MN; Rote W; Rovin B; Trachtman H; Trimarchi H; Wong MG; Perkovic V; Alarmartine E; Chae DW; Del Vecchio L; Floege J; Hwang SJ; Jelakovic B; Maes B; Malecki R; Miglinas M; Nolasco FEB; Praga M; Rabindranath K; Rosenberg M; Tang SCW; Tesar V; Bose B; Gangadharan M; McDonald S; Peh C; Jahan S; Yeap C; Clayton P; Irish G; Thyagarajan N; Hollett P; Krishnasamy R; Carroll R; Jesudason S; Crail S; Coates T; Waugh J; Noble E; Mahadevan K; Campbell V; Salehi T; Lim W; Boudville N; Chakera A; Chan D; Krishnan A; Eqbal Y; Gillies A; Vilayur E; Maung Myint TM; Gray N; Cheetham M; Pollock C; Cooper B; Mather A; Roxburgh S; Shen Y; Stangenberg S; Siriwardana A; O'Lone E; Wan S; Neuen B; Tsun Kit Ha J; Kim D; Heath L; Jain A; Phua E; Li Y; Gallagher M; Jardine M; Ritchie A; Razavian M; Foote C; Wyndham R; Sen S; Endre Z; Erlich J; Fernando M; Yong K; Luxton G; Kotwal S; Roger S; Wijeratne V; Packham D; Fraser I; Vandewiele B; Laute M; Lemahieu W; Jamar S, 2023, 'Sparsentan in patients with IgA nephropathy: a prespecified interim analysis from a randomised, double-blind, active-controlled clinical trial', The Lancet, 401, pp. 1584 - 1594,

Koshino A; Oshima M; Arnott C; Fletcher RA; Bakris GL; Jardine M; Mahaffey KW; Perkovic V; Pollock C; Heerspink HJL; Neuen BL, 2023, 'Effects of canagliflozin on liver steatosis and fibrosis markers in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease: A post hoc analysis of the CREDENCE trial', Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 25, pp. 1413 - 1418,

Collister D; Pyne L; Bhasin AA; Ahmed SB; Smyth B; Herrington W; Jardine M; Walsh M, 2023, 'Sex and Gender in Randomized Controlled Trials of Adults Receiving Maintenance Dialysis: A Meta-epidemiologic Study', American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 81, pp. 575 - 582.e1,

Collier W; Inker LA; Haaland B; Appel GB; Badve SV; Caravaca-Fontán F; Chalmers J; Floege J; Goicoechea M; Imai E; Jafar TH; Lewis JB; Li PKT; Locatelli F; Maes BD; Neuen BL; Perrone RD; Remuzzi G; Schena FP; Wanner C; Heerspink HJL; Greene T; Estacio RO; Woodward M; Parving HH; Canetta P; Brenner BM; Barrett B; Neal B; Perkovic V; Mahaffey KW; Johnson D; Jardine M; Fervenza F; von Eynatten M; Verde E; Verdalles U; Arroyo D; Chapman A; Torres V; Yu A; Brosnahan G; Hannedouche T; Chow KM; Szeto CC; Leung CB; Xie D; Hou FF; Dwyer J; Pohl M; Raz I; Hunsicker L; Becker GJ; Katafuchi R; Vanacker A; Malfait T; Maschio G; van den Brand J; Wetzels JFM; Blankestijn P; van Zuilen A; Kobayashi F; Makino H; Chan JCN; Passerini P; Del Vecchio L; Locatelli F; Andrulli S; Pozzi C; Casartelli D; Praga M; Trujillo H; Cavero T; Sevillano A; Ruggenenti P; Perna A; Carrara F; Gherardi G; Keane WF; Manno C; Haynes R; Herrington WG; Baigent C; Landray M; Rauen T; Seikrit C; Wied S; Toto RD; de Zeeuw D; de Jong PE; Saddelli M; Zucchelli P, 2023, 'Evaluation of Variation in the Performance of GFR Slope as a Surrogate End Point for Kidney Failure in Clinical Trials that Differ by Severity of CKD', Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 18, pp. 183 - 192,

Talbot B; Cass A; Walker R; Hooi L; Jardine M; Jun M; Rogers K; Sukkar L; Smyth B; Gallagher M, 2023, 'Comparing survival in patients with chronic kidney disease across three countries – Results from the study of heart and renal protection-extended review', Nephrology, 28, pp. 36 - 43,

Xie Y; Lin J; Gallagher M; Bellomo R; Wang X; Jardine M; Duan M; Wang A, 2023, 'Prognostic Significance of Baseline Blood Glucose Levels and Glucose Variability in Severe Acute Kidney Injury: A Secondary Analysis from the RENAL Study', Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12,

Jain SS; Yu J; Arnott C; Neal B; Perkovic V; Neuen BL; Jardine M; Mahaffey KW, 2023, 'Treatment effect of canagliflozin for patients on therapy for heart failure: Pooled analysis of the CANVAS program and CREDENCE trial', International Journal of Cardiology, 395,

Koshino A; Neuen BL; Oshima M; Toyama T; Hara A; Arnott CG; Neal B; Jardine M; Badve S; Mahaffey KW; Pollock CA; Hansen MK; Wada T; Heerspink HJ, 2023, 'Autoantibodies to Erythropoietin Receptor and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and CKD: A Post Hoc Analysis of the CREDENCE Trial', Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 34, pp. 140 - 140,

Koshino A; Neuen BL; Arnott CG; Neal B; Jardine M; Badve S; Mahaffey KW; Pollock CA; Hansen MK; Wada T; Heerspink HJ, 2023, 'Iron Biomarkers and Effects of Canagliflozin in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and CKD: A Post Hoc Analysis of the CREDENCE Trial', Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 34, pp. 140 - 140,

Jun M; Wick J; Neuen BL; Kotwal SS; Badve S; Chalmers JP; Jardine M; Perkovic V; Gallagher MP; Ronksley PE, 2023, 'The Prevalence of CKD in Australian Primary Care: Analysis of a National General Practice Dataset', Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 34, pp. 373 - 373,

Jain SS; Yu J; Arnott C; Neal BC; Perkovic V; Neuen B; Jardine M; Mahaffey KW, 2023, 'TREATMENT EFFECT OF CANAGLIFLOZIN FOR PATIENTS ON THERAPY FOR HEART FAILURE: POOLED ANALYSIS OF THE CANVAS PROGRAM AND CREDENCE TRIAL', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 81, pp. 283,

TALBOT B; Davies S; Burman J; Ritchie A; Snelling P; Lynch S; Park Y; Jones B; Garvey V; Jaure A; Jardine M; Perkovic V; Gallagher M; Brandwood A; Knight J, 2023, 'WCN23-0574 THE ELLEN MEDICAL DEVICES AFFORDABLE POINT-OF-CARE PERITONEAL DIALYSIS SYSTEM - A PILOT STUDY', Kidney International Reports, 8, pp. S350 - S350,

Lambers Heerspink H; Jardine M; Kohan DE; Lafayette R; Levin A; Liew A; Zhang H; Sheth K; Camargo M; Jones-Burton C; King AJ; Barratt J, 2023, 'WCN23-1085 A PHASE 3, RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDY OF ATRASENTAN IN PATIENTS WITH IGA NEPHROPATY- THE ALIGN STUDY', Kidney International Reports, 8, pp. S279 - S280,

Nunes JC; Yu J; Arnott C; Jardine MJ; Perkovic V; Mahaffey KW, 2022, 'Canagliflozin, mental health adverse events and diabetes: Exploratory analysis of the CREDENCE trial and CANVAS Program', Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 24, pp. 2459 - 2464,

McGree JM; Hockham C; Kotwal S; Wilcox A; Bassi A; Pollock C; Burrell LM; Snelling T; Jha V; Jardine M; Jones M, 2022, 'Controlled evaLuation of Angiotensin Receptor Blockers for COVID-19 respIraTorY disease (CLARITY): statistical analysis plan for a randomised controlled Bayesian adaptive sample size trial', Trials, 23, pp. 361,

O'Hara DV; Yi TW; Lee VW; Jardine M; Dawson J, 2022, 'Digital health technologies to support medication adherence in chronic kidney disease', Nephrology, 27, pp. 917 - 924,

Viecelli AK; Teixeira-Pinto A; Valks A; Baer R; Cherian R; Cippà PE; Craig JC; DeSilva R; Jaure A; Johnson DW; Kiriwandeniya C; Kopperschmidt P; Liu WJ; Lee T; Lok C; Madhan K; Mallard AR; Oliver V; Polkinghorne KR; Quinn RR; Reidlinger D; Roberts M; Sautenet B; Hooi LS; Smith R; Snoeijs M; Tordoir J; Vachharajani TJ; Vanholder R; Vergara LA; Wilkie M; Yang B; Yuo TH; Zou L; Hawley CM; Robison L; Welch A; Badve SV; Boudville N; Campbell K; Cho Y; Collins M; Fahim MA; Jardine M; Du Toit D; Mayne M; Stevenson K; James R; Vu Q; Allen K; Glancy L; Kumbikkal J; Burton S; Gordon L; McCarthy K; Forrester C; Lima S; Bourgault O; Drouault C; Teasdale F; Jiun LW; Abidin J; Kiang CJ; Leng LS; Yusoff YM; Ciochina A; van Loon M; Ophelders R; Vleugels MJ; Ferrari P; Brodeur MÈ; Giunzioni D; Molfese CB; Blackwell C; Dunn L; Gillis L; Gray B; Jenkins S, 2022, 'Study protocol for Vascular Access outcome measure for function: a vaLidation study In hemoDialysis (VALID): A multi-center, multinational validation study to assess the accuracy and feasibility of measuring vascular access function in clinical practice', BMC Nephrology, 23,

Baigent C; Emberson JR; Haynes R; Herrington WG; Judge P; Landray MJ; Mayne KJ; Ng SYA; Preiss D; Roddick AJ; Staplin N; Zhu D; Anker SD; Bhatt DL; Brueckmann M; Butler J; Cherney DZI; Green JB; Hauske SJ; Heerspink HJL; Inzucchi SE; Jardine MJ; Liu CC; Mahaffey KW; McCausland FR; McGuire DK; McMurray JJV; Neal B; Neuen BL; Packer M; Perkovic V; Sabatine MS; Solomon SD; Vaduganathan M; Wanner C; Wheeler DC; Wiviott SD; Zannad F, 2022, 'Impact of diabetes on the effects of sodium glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors on kidney outcomes: collaborative meta-analysis of large placebo-controlled trials', The Lancet, 400, pp. 1788 - 1801,

Sarraju A; Bakris G; Cannon CP; Cherney D; Damaraju CV; Figtree GA; Gogate J; Greene T; Heerspink HJL; Januzzi JL; Neal B; Jardine MJ; Blais J; Kosiborod M; Levin A; Lingvay I; Weir MR; Perkovic V; Mahaffey KW, 2022, 'Cardiovascular Effects of Canagliflozin in Relation to Renal Function and Albuminuria', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 80, pp. 1721 - 1731,

Li JW; Arnott C; Heerspink HJL; Mbiostat QL; Cannon CP; Wheeler DC; Charytan DM; Barraclough J; Figtree GA; Agarwal R; Bakris G; de Zeeuw D; Greene T; Levin A; Pollock C; Zhang H; Zinman B; Mahaffey KW; Perkovic V; Neal B; Jardine MJ, 2022, 'Effect of Canagliflozin on Total Cardiovascular Burden in Patients With Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease: A Post Hoc Analysis From the CREDENCE Trial', Journal of the American Heart Association, 11, pp. e025045,

Neuen BL; Jardine MJ, 2022, 'SGLT2 inhibitors and finerenone: one or the other or both?', Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 37, pp. 1209 - 1211,

Liao J; Kang A; Xia C; Young T; Di Tanna GL; Arnott C; Pollock C; Krishnan AV; Agarwal R; Bakris G; Charytan DM; de Zeeuw D; Heerspink HJL; Levin A; Neal B; Wheeler DC; Zhang H; Zinman B; Mahaffey KW; Perkovic V; Jardine MJ; Smyth B, 2022, 'The impact of canagliflozin on the risk of neuropathy events: A post-hoc exploratory analysis of the CREDENCE trial', Diabetes and Metabolism, 48, pp. 101331,

Hockham C; Bao L; Tiku A; Badve SV; Bello AK; Jardine MJ; Jha V; Toyama T; Woodward M; Jun M, 2022, 'Sex differences in chronic kidney disease prevalence in Asia: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Clinical Kidney Journal, 15, pp. 1144 - 1151,

Gallagher A; Agresta B; Smyth B; Jardine M; Ferro C; Morton RL, 2022, 'Trimming the fat: Is there a health economic case for the use of new lipid-lowering drugs in chronic kidney disease? A scoping review', Clinical Kidney Journal, 15, pp. 1049 - 1059,

Lv J; Wong MG; Hladunewich MA; Jha V; Hooi LS; Monaghan H; Zhao M; Barbour S; Jardine MJ; Reich HN; Cattran D; Glassock R; Levin A; Wheeler DC; Woodward M; Billot L; Stepien S; Rogers K; Chan TM; Liu ZH; Johnson DW; Cass A; Feehally J; Floege J; Remuzzi G; Wu Y; Agarwal R; Zhang H; Perkovic V, 2022, 'Effect of Oral Methylprednisolone on Decline in Kidney Function or Kidney Failure in Patients With IgA Nephropathy: The TESTING Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 327, pp. 1888 - 1898,

Kang A; Sukkar L; Hockham C; Jun M; Young T; Scaria A; Foote C; Neuen BL; Cass A; Pollock C; Comino E; Lung T; Pecoits-Filho R; Rogers K; Jardine MJ; Chow C; Gallagher M; Jan S; Knight J; Liu B; McNamara M; Peiris D; Ssullivan D; Wong G; Zoungas S; Wilson R, 2022, 'Risk factors for incident kidney disease in older adults: an Australian prospective population-based study', Internal Medicine Journal, 52, pp. 808 - 817,

Feng Y; Li Q; Finfer S; Myburgh J; Bellomo R; Perkovic V; Jardine M; Wang AY; Gallagher M, 2022, 'A Novel Risk Prediction Model for Severe Acute Kidney Injury in Intensive Care Unit Patients Receiving Fluid Resuscitation', Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 9,

Fu EL; Clase CM; Janse RJ; Lindholm B; Dekker FW; Jardine MJ; Carrero JJ, 2022, 'Comparative effectiveness of SGLT2i versus GLP1-RA on cardiovascular outcomes in routine clinical practice', International Journal of Cardiology, 352, pp. 172 - 179,

Yi TW; Laing C; Kretzler M; Nkulikiyinka R; Legrand M; Jardine M; Rossignol P; Smyth B, 2022, 'Digital health and artificial intelligence in kidney research: A report from the 2020 Kidney Disease Clinical Trialists (KDCT) meeting', Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 37, pp. 620 - 627,

Vinson AJ; Singh S; Chadban S; Cherney D; Gaber O; Gill JS; Helgeson E; Herzog CA; Jardine M; Jha V; Kasiske BL; Mannon RB; Michos ED; Mottl AK; Newby K; Roy-Chaudhury P; Sawinski D; Sharif A; Sridhar VS; Tuttle KR; Vock DM; Matas A, 2022, 'Premature Death in Kidney Transplant Recipients: The Time for Trials is Now', Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 33, pp. 665 - 673,

O’Hara DV; Jardine MJ, 2022, 'SGLT2 inhibitors may prevent diabetes', Nature Reviews Nephrology, 18, pp. 203 - 204,

Campain A; Hockham C; Sukkar L; Rogers K; Chow CK; Lung T; Jun M; Pollock C; Cass A; Sullivan D; Comino E; Peiris D; Jardine M, 2022, 'Prior Cardiovascular Treatments—A Key Characteristic in Determining Medication Adherence After an Acute Myocardial Infarction', Frontiers in Pharmacology, 13,

Charytan DM; Yu J; Jardine MJ; Cannon CP; Agarwal R; Bakris G; Greene T; Levin A; Pollock C; Powe NR; Arnott C; Mahaffey KW, 2022, 'Potential Effects of Elimination of the Black Race Coefficient in eGFR Calculations in the CREDENCE Trial', Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 17, pp. 361 - 373,

Natale P; Palmer SC; Saglimbene VM; Ruospo M; Razavian M; Craig JC; Jardine MJ; Webster AC; Strippoli GFM, 2022, 'Antiplatelet agents for chronic kidney disease', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2022,

Heerspink HJL; Oshima M; Zhang H; Li J; Agarwal R; Capuano G; Charytan DM; Craig J; de Zeeuw D; Di Tanna GL; Levin A; Neal B; Perkovic V; Wheeler DC; Yavin Y; Jardine MJ, 2022, 'Canagliflozin and Kidney-Related Adverse Events in Type 2 Diabetes and CKD: Findings From the Randomized CREDENCE Trial', American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 79, pp. 244 - 256.e1,

Xu Y; Fu EL; Clase CM; Mazhar F; Jardine MJ; Carrero JJ, 2022, 'GLP-1 receptor agonist versus DPP-4 inhibitor and kidney and cardiovascular outcomes in clinical practice in type-2 diabetes', Kidney International, 101, pp. 360 - 368,

Jardine MJ; Kotwal SS; Bassi A; Hockham C; Jones M; Wilcox A; Pollock C; Burrell LM; McGree J; Rathore V; Jenkins CR; Gupta L; Ritchie A; Bangi A; D'Cruz S; McLachlan AJ; Finfer S; Cummins MM; Snelling T; Jha V, 2022, 'Angiotensin receptor blockers for the treatment of covid-19: Pragmatic, adaptive, multicentre, phase 3, randomised controlled trial', BMJ, 379, pp. e072175,

Clase CM; Dicks E; Holden R; Sood MM; Levin A; Kalantar-Zadeh K; Moore LW; Bartlett SJ; Bello AK; Bohm C; Bridgewater D; Bouchard J; Burger D; Carrero JJ; Donald M; Elliott M; Goldenberg MJ; Jardine M; Lam NN; Maddigan WJ; Madore F; Mavrakanas TA; Molnar AO; Prasad GVR; Rigatto C; Tennankore KK; Torban E; Trainor L; White CA; Hartwig S, 2022, 'Can Peer Review Be Kinder? Supportive Peer Review: A Re-Commitment to Kindness and a Call to Action', Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease, 9,

Yi TW; Atiquzzaman M; Zheng Y; Smyth B; Jardine M; Levin A, 2022, 'Findings of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitor Kidney Outcome Trials Applied to a Canadian Chronic Kidney Disease Population: A Retrospective Cohort Study', Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease, 9,

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