Select Publications

Journal articles

Kasumovic M, 2010, 'Vibratory communication in the jumping spider Phidippus clarus: Polyandry, male courtship signals, and mating success.', Behavioral Ecology, 21, pp. 1308 - 1314

Kasumovic M, 2010, 'Vibratory communication in the jumping spider Phidippus clarus: Substrate-borne courtship signals are important for male mating success', Ethology, 116, pp. 990 - 998

Kasumovic MM; Bruce MJ; Herberstein ME; Andrade MCB, 2009, 'Evidence for developmental plasticity in response to demographic variation in nature', Ecology, 90, pp. 2287 - 2296,

Kasumovic M; Andrade M, 2009, 'A change in competitive context reverses sexual selection on male size', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22, pp. 324 - 333

Kasumovic M; Brooks RC; Andrade M, 2009, 'Body condition but not dietary restriction prolongs lifespan in a semelparous capital breeder', Biology Letters, 5, pp. 636 - 638

Kasumovic M, 2009, 'Evolution: Exposing the buried costs of reproduction', Current Biology, 19, pp. R1117 - R1119

Kasumovic M; Elias D; Punzalan D; Mason A; Andrade M; Ma C, 2009, 'Experience affects the outcome of agonistic contests without affecting the selective advantage of size', Animal Behaviour, 77, pp. 1533 - 1538

Kasumovic M; Radcliffe L; Boag P, 2009, 'Habitat Fragmentation and Paternity in Least Flycatchers', The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 121, pp. 306 - 313

Kasumovic M; Bruce M; Andrade M; Herberstein M, 2009, 'Plasticity in response to demographic variation may help explain continuous phenotypic variation in nature', Ecology, 90, pp. 2287 - 2296

Elias D; Kasumovic M; Punzalan D; Andrade M; Mason A; Ma C, 2008, 'Assessment during aggressive contests between male jumping spiders.', Animal Behaviour, 76, pp. 901 - 910

Schneider J; Herberstein M; Bruce M; Kasumovic M; Thomas M; Elgar M, 2008, 'Male copulation frequency, sperm competition and genital damage in the golden orb-web spider, Nephila plumipes.', Australian Journal of Zoology, 56, pp. 233 - 238

Kasumovic M; Andrade M; Bruce M; Herberstein M, 2008, 'Spatial and temporal demographic variation drives within-season fluctuations in sexual selection.', Evolution, 62, pp. 2316 - 2325

Kasumovic M; Bruce M; Herberstein M; Andrade M, 2007, 'Risky mate search and mate preference in the golden orb-web spider (Nephila plumipes).', Behavioral Ecology, 18, pp. 189 - 195

Kasumovic M; Andrade M, 2006, 'Male development tracks rapidly shifting sexual versus natural selection pressures.', Current Biology, 16, pp. R242 - R243

Tarof S; Radcliffe L; Kasumovic M; Boag P, 2005, 'Are least flycatcher (Empidonax minimus) clusters hidden leks?', Behavioral Ecology, 16, pp. 207 - 217

Andrade M; Kasumovic M, 2005, 'Terminal investment and male mate choice: Extreme tests of Bateman.', Integrative and Comparative Biology, 45, pp. 838 - 847

Kasumovic MM; Andrade MCB, 2004, 'Discrimination of airborne pheromones by mate-searching male western black widow spiders (Latrodectus hesperus): Species- and population-specific responses', Canadian Journal of Zoology, 82, pp. 1027 - 1034,

Kasumovic M; Andrade M, 2004, 'Discrimination of airborne pheromones by mate-searching black widow males: species- and population-specific responses.', Canadian Journal of Zoology - Revue Canadienne de Zoologie, 82, pp. 1027 - 1034

Kasumovic M; Radcliffe L; Boag P, 2003, 'A method to improve confidence in paternity assignment in an open mating system.', Canadian Journal of Zoology - Revue Canadienne de Zoologie, 81, pp. 2073 - 2076

Kasumovic M; Ratcliffe L; Boag P, 2003, 'Song structure may differ between male and female least flycatchers.', Wilson Bulletin, pp. 241 - 245

Kasumovic MM; Gibbs HL; Woolfenden BE; Sealy SG; Nakamura H, 2002, 'Primary sex-ratio variation in two brood parasitic birds: Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) and Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)', Auk, 119, pp. 561 - 566,

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