Fields of Research (FoR)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customary law, Human geography, Cultural studies of agriculture, food and wine, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural determinants of healthSEO tags
Dr Miri (Margaret) Raven (a Noongar-Yamatji and non-Indigenous woman from Western Australia) is a Senior Scientia Lecture, UNSW Australia, Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC); and Environment & Society (E&S) Group, Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture (ADA).
Dr Raven is a geographer with research interests on Indigenous food stories, protocols, policies, and the role of Indigenous knowledge(s) in biodiversity conservation. Their PhD,...view more
Dr Miri (Margaret) Raven (a Noongar-Yamatji and non-Indigenous woman from Western Australia) is a Senior Scientia Lecture, UNSW Australia, Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC); and Environment & Society (E&S) Group, Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture (ADA).
Dr Raven is a geographer with research interests on Indigenous food stories, protocols, policies, and the role of Indigenous knowledge(s) in biodiversity conservation. Their PhD, Gatekeepers, guardians and gatecrashers: the enactment of protocols to protect Indigenous knowledge, and how protocols order these practices, explored the enactment of protocols in an Australian Cooperative Research Centre (CRC). Her current research explores protocol in the context of Indigenous food security at the household level, and the implementation of biodiversity conservation.
Dr Raven's current research explores protocol in the context of Indigenous food security at the household level; the implementation of biodiversity conservation legislation; COVID-19 and Indigenous peoples; and Aboriginal cultural resilience, health and wellbeing in NSW.
Dr Raven is a member of the Australian Research Council College of Experts and the Institute of Australian Geographers (IAG).
Dr Raven has engaged in international negotiations through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the UN Convention on Biodiversity Conservation. She was a 2016-2019 Macquarie University Fellowship for Indigenous Researchers, Department of Geography, Macquarie University, Sydney NSW; a 2003/2004 PhD Fellow with the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), Yokohama, Japan; and a 2009 Indigenous Fellow with the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland.
My Grants
Australian New Zealand School of Governance (ANZSOG) Would adopting more co-governance arrangements with communities build public trust? Prof Bingqin Li, Dr Miri (Margaret) Raven, Prof Ilan Katz, Dr Fiona Haigh, Dr Shona Bates, Dr Ciara Smyth (2023-2024) https://www.unsw.edu.au/research/sprc/our-projects/how-can-co-governance-arrangements-develop-better-policy
ARC Discovery Project Indigenous knowledge futures: protecting and promoting Indigenous knowledge (DP180100507) a 5 year project (2018-2022)(extended due to Covid-19 interruptions) CI Prof Daniel Robinson, CI Dr Margaret Raven (Environmental Humanities, UNSW Sydney)
APPRISE (Australian Partnership for Preparedness Research on Infectious Disease Emergencies) APPRISE First Nations-led Research on COVID-19 funding call outcomes, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic. CI Dr Margaret Raven, CI Prof Ilan Katz, 2 year project (2020-2022 extended)
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) grant (2009522) Understanding how cultural resilience impacts Aboriginal health & quality of life. Dr. Aryati Yashadhana, , Prof. Evelyne de Leeuw, Dr. Brett Biles, Dr. Jonathan ‘Yotti’ Kingsley (Swinburne University), Mr. Ted Fields, Ms. Wendy Jopson, Prof. Anthony Zwi, Dr. Margaret Raven, Darren Green, A/Prof. Stephanie Topp (James Cook University (2020-2022 extended due to Covid-19) https://cphce.unsw.edu.au/research/gaawaadhi-gadudha-study-understanding-how-cultural-resilience-impacts-aboriginal-health-and
My Qualifications
2000 – Bachelor of Science, Geography (Honours), University of Western Australia
2016 -– Doctor of Philosophy, School of Management and Governance, Murdoch University
My Research Supervision
Areas of supervision
Food policy and food security
Indigenous research
Indigenous knowledge related to biological resources and biodiversity conservation
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