Select Publications

Journal articles

Dumm G; Fallon JB; Williams CE; Shivdasani MN, 2014, 'Virtual electrodes by current steering in retinal prostheses', Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 55, pp. 8077 - 8085,

Villalobos J; Fallon JB; Nayagam DAX; Shivdasani MN; Luu CD; Allen PJ; Shepherd RK; Williams CE, 2014, 'Cortical activation following chronic passive implantation of a wide- Field suprachoroidal retinal prosthesis', Journal of Neural Engineering, 11,

Nayagam DAX; Williams RA; Allen PJ; Shivdasani MN; Luu CD; Salinas-LaRosa CM; Finch S; Ayton LN; Saunders AL; McPhedran M; McGowan C; Villalobos J; Fallon JB; Wise AK; Yeoh J; Xu J; Feng H; Millard R; McWade M; Thien PC; Williams CE; Shepherd RK, 2014, 'Chronic electrical stimulation with a suprachoroidal retinal prosthesis: A preclinical safety and efficacy study', PLoS ONE, 9,

Ganesan K; Garrett DJ; Ahnood A; Shivdasani MN; Tong W; Turnley AM; Fox K; Meffin H; Prawer S, 2014, 'An all-diamond, hermetic electrical feedthrough array for a retinal prosthesis', Biomaterials, 35, pp. 908 - 915,

Shivdasani MN; Sinclair NC; Dimitrov PN; Varsamidis M; Ayton LN; Luu CD; Perera T; McDermott HJ; Blamey PJ, 2014, 'Factors affecting perceptual thresholds in a suprachoroidal retinal prosthesis', Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 55, pp. 6467 - 6481,

John SE; Shivdasani MN; Williams CE; Morley JW; Shepherd RK; Rathbone GD; Fallon JB, 2013, 'Suprachoroidal electrical stimulation: Effects of stimulus pulse parameters on visual cortical responses', Journal of Neural Engineering, 10,

Shepherd RK; Shivdasani MN; Nayagam DAX; Williams CE; Blamey PJ, 2013, 'Visual prostheses for the blind', Trends in Biotechnology, 31, pp. 562 - 571,

Crewther SG; Fifer JM; Barutchu A; Shivdasani MN, 2013, 'Verbal and novel multisensory associative learning in adults', F1000Research, 2, pp. 34,

Mauger SJ; Shivdasani MN; Rathbone GD; Paolini AG, 2012, 'An in vivo investigation of inferior colliculus single neuron responses to cochlear nucleus pulse train stimulation', Journal of Neurophysiology, 108, pp. 2999 - 3008,

Shivdasani MN; Fallon JB; Luu CD; Cicione R; Allen PJ; Morley JW; Williams CE, 2012, 'Visual cortex responses to single- and simultaneous multiple-electrode stimulation of the retina: Implications for retinal prostheses', Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 53, pp. 6291 - 6300,

Hadjinicolaou AE; Leung RT; Garrett DJ; Ganesan K; Fox K; Nayagam DAX; Shivdasani MN; Meffin H; Ibbotson MR; Prawer S; O'Brien BJ, 2012, 'Electrical stimulation of retinal ganglion cells with diamond and the development of an all diamond retinal prosthesis', Biomaterials, 33, pp. 5812 - 5820,

Cicione R; Shivdasani MN; Fallon JB; Luu CD; Allen PJ; Rathbone GD; Shepherd RK; Williams CE, 2012, 'Visual cortex responses to suprachoroidal electrical stimulation of the retina: Effects of electrode return configuration', Journal of Neural Engineering, 9,

Barutchu A; Toohey S; Shivdasani MN; Paolini AG, 2012, 'The interplay between multisensory integration and attention in children', Seeing and Perceiving, 25, pp. 203 - 203,

Innes-Brown H; Barutchu A; Shivdasani MN; Crewther DP; Grayden DB; Paolini A, 2011, 'Susceptibility to the flash-beep illusion is increased in children compared to adults', Developmental Science, 14, pp. 1089 - 1099,

John SE; Shivdasani MN; Leuenberger J; Fallon JB; Shepherd RK; Millard RE; Rathbone GD; Williams CE, 2011, 'An automated system for rapid evaluation of high-density electrode arrays in neural prostheses', Journal of Neural Engineering, 8,

Barutchu A; Crewther SG; Fifer J; Shivdasani MN; Innes-Brown H; Toohey S; Danaher J; Paolini AG, 2011, 'The relationship between multisensory integration and IQ in children', Developmental Psychology, 47, pp. 877 - 885,

Shivdasani MN; Mauger SJ; Argent RE; Rathbone GD; Paolini AG, 2010, 'Inferior colliculus responses to dual-site intralamina stimulation in the ventral cochlear nucleus', Journal of Comparative Neurology, 518, pp. 4226 - 4242,

Mauger SJ; Shivdasani MN; Rathbone GD; Argent RE; Paolini AG, 2010, 'An in vivo investigation of first spike latencies in the inferior colliculus in response to multichannel penetrating auditory brainstem implant stimulation', Journal of Neural Engineering, 7,

Barutchu A; Danaher J; Crewther SG; Innes-Brown H; Shivdasani MN; Paolini AG, 2010, 'Audiovisual integration in noise by children and adults', Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 105, pp. 38 - 50,

Shivdasani MN; Luu CD; Cicione R; Fallon JB; Allen PJ; Leuenberger J; Suaning GJ; Lovell NH; Shepherd RK; Williams CE, 2010, 'Evaluation of stimulus parameters and electrode geometry for an effective suprachoroidal retinal prosthesis.', Journal of neural engineering, 7, pp. 036008,

Shivdasani MN; Mauger SJ; Rathbone GD; Paolini AG, 2009, 'Neural synchrony in ventral cochlear nucleus neuron populations is not mediated by intrinsic processes but is stimulus induced: Implications for auditory brainstem implants', Journal of Neural Engineering, 6,

Crea KN; Shivdasani MN; Argent RE; Mauger SJ; Rathbone GD; O'Leary SJ; Paolini AG, 2009, 'Acute cochlear nucleus compression alters tuning properties of inferior colliculus neurons', Audiology and Neurotology, 15, pp. 18 - 26,

Youssoufian M; Couchman K; Shivdasani MN; Paolini AG; Walmsley B, 2008, 'Maturation of auditory brainstem projections and calyces in the congenitally deaf (dn/dn) mouse', Journal of Comparative Neurology, 506, pp. 442 - 451,

Shivdasani MN; Mauger SJ; Rathbone GD; Paolini AG, 2008, 'Inferior colliculus responses to multichannel microstimulation of the ventral cochlear nucleus: Implications for auditory brain stem implants', Journal of Neurophysiology, 99, pp. 1 - 13,

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