My Expertise
History of Economic Thought, Post Keynesian Economics, The Australian Economy, Economic Methodology, Economic Perspectives on Human Rights
Peter Kriesler prior to taking up his current appointment at UNSW studied at the University of Sydney before completing a PhD at the University of Cambridge. He is Director of the Society of Heterodox Economists, and Deputy Director of the Centre for Applied Economic Research. He is Executive Editor of The Economics Labour Relations Review, and is on the editorial board of a number of journals. His research interests include history of...view more
Peter Kriesler prior to taking up his current appointment at UNSW studied at the University of Sydney before completing a PhD at the University of Cambridge. He is Director of the Society of Heterodox Economists, and Deputy Director of the Centre for Applied Economic Research. He is Executive Editor of The Economics Labour Relations Review, and is on the editorial board of a number of journals. His research interests include history of economic thought, heterodox economics, the Australian economy, labour economics, impacts of globalisation and economic perspectives on human rights.
Research Interests:
- History of economic thought
- Post Keynesian economics
- The Australian economy, economic methodology
- Economic perspectives on human rights
ASB Profile: http://www.asb.unsw.edu.au/schools/Pages/PeterKriesler.aspx
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