Select Publications

Journal articles

Nicholls RJ, 2012, 'Right to Privacy: Interception and Access in Australia', IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 31, pp. 42 - 49,

Nicholls R, 2008, 'Axes of integration in the delivery of audiovisual services', Telecommunications Journal of Australia, 58, pp. 13.1 - 13.21

Nicholls R; Rowland M, 2008, 'Regulating the use of telecommunications location data by Australian law enforcement agencies', Criminal Law Journal, 32, pp. 343 - 350,

Nicholls R; Waters P, 2007, 'Fair Play or Foul: Digital Rights Management Challenges under Competition Law', King and Wood IP Bulletin, December,

Nicholls RJ, 2007, 'Technological protection measures: mobile digital rights management', Copyright Reporter, 25, pp. 40 - 54

Nicholls R, 2005, 'Digital Rights Management in Television', Communications Law Bulletin, 24, pp. 11 - 13,

Jew B; Nicholls R; Alston N, 2002, 'Bandwidth after Enron and Global Crossing: new game – new rules?', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law

Jew B; Nicholls R, 2002, 'Bandwidth trading', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law

Waters P; Jew B; Nicholls R, 2002, 'Getting a WiFi of 3G', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law

Jew B; Nicholls R, 2002, 'Rationalisation or technical evolution? The emergence of the ‘gatekeeper portal’', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law

Jew B; Nicholls R, 2001, 'Who Owns The Customer? Does "ARPU" have any value in the seamless grid of broadband networks?', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law

Nicholls R; Lidgerwood C, 2000, 'Ministerial Determination gives pause for thought to high speed internet providers', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law, 4, pp. 96 - 97

Jew B; Nicholls R; Floro A, 2000, 'New Issues for Internet Interconnection', Telecommunications International, 34, pp. 67 - 72,

Jew B; Reede M; Nicholls R, 1999, 'Connectivity on the Internet: open network provision or open competition?', Intermedia, 27, pp. 24 - 28,

Nicholls R; Garlick M, 1999, 'Proxy caching – a new fair dealing?', Telemedia: the monthly newsletter on Australian telecommunications and media law

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