Select Publications

Journal articles

Zhou LL; Yang RY; Tian ZA; Mo YF; Liu RS, 2017, 'Molecular dynamics simulation on structural evolution during crystallization of rapidly super-cooled Cu50Ni50alloy', Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 690, pp. 633 - 639,

Leung CMS; Tong Z; Zhou Q; Chan JGY; Tang P; Sun S; Yang R; Chan HK, 2016, 'Understanding the Different Effects of Inhaler Design on the Aerosol Performance of Drug-Only and Carrier-Based DPI Formulations. Part 1: Grid Structure', AAPS Journal, 18, pp. 1159 - 1167,

Tong Z; Zhong W; Yu A; Chan HK; Yang R, 2016, 'CFD-DEM investigation of the effect of agglomerate-agglomerate collision on dry powder aerosolisation', Journal of Aerosol Science, 92, pp. 109 - 121,

An XZ; Dong KJ; Yang RY; Zou P; Wang CC; Yu AB, 2016, 'Quasi-universality in the packing of uniform spheres under gravity', Granular Matter, 18,

Flynn SJ; Tong ZB; Yang RY; Kamiya H; Yu AB; Chan HK, 2015, 'Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) investigation of the gas-solid flow and performance of Andersen cascade impactor', Powder Technology, 285, pp. 128 - 137,

Leung SSY; Tang P; Zhou Q; Tong Z; Leung C; Decharaksa J; Yang R; Chan HK, 2015, 'De-agglomeration Effect of the US Pharmacopeia and Alberta Throats on Carrier-Based Powders in Commercial Inhalation Products', AAPS Journal, 17, pp. 1407 - 1416,

Tong Z; Yu A; Chand HK; Yang R, 2015, 'Discrete modelling of powder dispersion in dry powder inhalers - A brief review', Current Pharmaceutical Design, 21, pp. 3966 - 3973,

He Y; Wang Z; Evans TJ; Yu AB; Yang RY, 2015, 'DEM study of the mechanical strength of iron ore compacts', International Journal of Mineral Processing, 142, pp. 73 - 81,

Tong Z; Kamiya H; Yu A; Chan HK; Yang R, 2015, 'Multi-scale modelling of powder dispersion in a carrier-based inhalation system', Pharmaceutical Research, 32, pp. 2086 - 2096,

Tjakra JD; Bao J; Hudon N; Yang R, 2013, 'Collective dynamics modeling of polydisperse particulate systems via Markov chains', Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91, pp. 1646 - 1659,

Liu PY; Yang RY; Yu AB, 2013, 'The effect of liquids on radial segregation of granular mixtures in rotating drums', Granular Matter, 15, pp. 427 - 436,

Liu PY; Yang RY; Yu AB, 2013, 'Self-diffusion of wet particles in rotating drums', Physics of Fluids, 25, pp. 063301,

Adi S; Di H; Chan H; Tong Z; Yang R; Yu ABOYAOYA-B, 2013, 'Effects of mechanical impaction on aerosol performance of particles with different surface roughness', Powder Technology, 236, pp. 164 - 170,

Tjakra JD; Bao J; Hudon N; Yang R, 2013, 'Modeling collective dynamics of particulate systems under time-varying operating conditions based on Markov chains', Advanced Powder Technology, 24, pp. 451 - 458,

Liu P; Yang R; Yu ABOYAOYA-B, 2012, 'DEM study of the transverse mixing of wet particles in rotating drums', Chemical Engineering Science, 86, pp. 99 - 107,

Jayasundara CT; Yang R; Yu ABOYAOYA-B, 2012, 'Discrete particle simulation of particle flow in a stirred mill: Effect of mill properties and geometry', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 51, pp. 1050 - 1061,

Jayasundara CT; Yang R; Yu AB, 2012, 'Effect of the size of media on grinding performance in stirred mills', Minerals Engineering, 33, pp. 66 - 71,

Adi S; Adi H; Chan H; Finlay WH; Tong Z; Yang R; Yu ABOYAOYA-B, 2011, 'Agglomerate strength and dispersion of pharmaceutical powders', Journal of Aerosol Science, 42, pp. 285 - 294,

Jayasundara CT; Yang R; Yu ABOYAOYA-B; Guo B; Rubenstein J, 2011, 'CFD-DEM modelling of particle flow in IsaMills - Comparison between simulations and PEPT measurements', Minerals Engineering, 24, pp. 181 - 187,

Wang M; Yang R; Yu ABOYAOYA-B, 2011, 'DEM investigation of energy distribution and particle breakage in tumbling ball mills', Powder Technology, pp. 83 - 91,

An XZ; Yang R; Yu ABOYAOYA-B; Dong K, 2011, 'DEM study of crystallization of monosized spheres under mechanical vibrations', Computer Physics Communications, 182, pp. 1989 - 1994,

Liu PY; Yang R; Yu ABOYAOYA-B, 2011, 'Dynamics of wet particles in rotating drums: Effect of liquid surface tension', Physics of Fluids, 23,

Li CX; An XZ; Yang R; Zou R; Yu ABOYAOYA-B, 2011, 'Experimental study on the packing of uniform spheres under three-dimensional vibration', Powder Technology, 208, pp. 617 - 622,

Tong Z; Adi S; Yang R; Chan H; Yu ABOYAOYA-B, 2011, 'Numerical investigation of the de-agglomeration mechanisms of fine powders on mechanical impaction', Journal of Aerosol Science, 42, pp. 811 - 819,

Jayasundara CT; Yang R; Yu ABOYAOYA-B; Curry D, 2011, 'Prediction of the disc wear in a model IsaMill and its effect on the flow of grinding media', Minerals Engineering, 24, pp. 1586 - 1594,

Mcelroy LP; Bao J; Yang R; Yu A, 2009, 'A soft-sensor approach to flow regime detection for milling processes', Powder Technology, 188, pp. 234 - 241

Dong KJ; Yang R; Zou R; An X; Yu A, 2009, 'Critical states and phase diagram in the packing of uniform spheres', Europhysics Letters, 86, pp. 46003 - 46008

Dong KJ; Zou R; Yang R; Yu A; Roach G, 2009, 'DEM simulation of cake formation in sedimentation and filtration', Minerals Engineering, 22, pp. 921 - 930

Jayasundara CT; Yang R; Guo B; Yu A; Rubenstein J, 2009, 'Effect of slurry properties on particle motion in IsaMills', Minerals Engineering, 22, pp. 886 - 892

An X; Li CX; Yang R; Zou R; Yu A, 2009, 'Experimental study of the packing of mono-sized spheres subjected to one-dimensional vibration', Powder Technology, 196, pp. 50 - 55

Yu A, 2009, 'Foreword', Minerals Engineering, 22, pp. 879

Tong Z; Yang R; Yu A; Adi S; Chan H, 2009, 'Numerical modelling of the breakage of loose agglomerates of fine particles', Powder Technology, 196, pp. 213 - 221

Mcelroy LP; Bao J; Yang R; Yu A, 2009, 'Soft-sensors for prediction of impact energy in horizontal rotating drums', Powder Technology, 195, pp. 177 - 183,

Yang R; Yu A; Choi SK; Coates M; Chan HK, 2008, 'Agglomeration of fine particles subjected to centripetal compaction', Powder Technology, 184, pp. 122 - 129,

Yang R; Zou R; Yu A; Choi SK, 2008, 'Characterization of interparticle forces in the packing of cohesive fine particles', Physical Review E, 78, pp. 031302

Jayasundara CT; Yang R; Yu A; Curry DC, 2008, 'Discrete particle simulation of particle flow in IsaMill-Effect of grinding medium properties', Chemical engineering journal, 135, pp. 103 - 112,

Zhu H; Zhou Z; Yang R; Yu A, 2008, 'Discrete particle simulation of particulate systems: A review of major applications and findings', Chemical Engineering Science, 63, pp. 5728 - 5770

An X; Yang R; Zou R; Yu A, 2008, 'Effect of vibration condition and inter-particle frictions on the packing of uniform spheres', Powder Technology, 188, pp. 102 - 109

Yang R; Yu A; McElroy LP; Bao J, 2008, 'Numerical simulation of particle dynamics in different flow regimes in a rotating drum', Powder Technology, 188, pp. 170 - 177

Adi S; Adi H; Traini D; Yang R; Yu A; Chan H; Young P, 2008, 'Scanning white-light interferometry as a novel technique to quantify the surface roughness of micron-sized particles for inhalation', Langmuir, 24, pp. 11307 - 11312

Jayasundara CT; Yang RY; Yu AB; Curry D, 2007, 'DEM modelling of disc wear in the IsaMill process', 9th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transportation, ICBMH 2007

Zhu H; Zhou Z; Yang R; Yu A, 2007, 'Discrete particle simulation of particulate systems: Theoretical developments', Chemical Engineering Science, 62, pp. 3378 - 3396,

Yang R; Zou R; Dong KJ; An X; Yu A, 2007, 'Simulation of the packing of cohesive particles', Computer Physics Communications, 177, pp. 206 - 209,

Yang RY; Zou RP; Yu AB; Choi SK, 2006, 'DEM simulation of the unconfined compaction of fine powders', AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings

Dong KJ; Yang RY; Zou RP; Yu AB, 2006, 'Erratum: Publisher's note: Role of interparticle forces in the formation of random loose packing (Physical Review Letter (2006) 96 (145505))', Physical Review Letters, 96,

Yang RY; Weng MH; Ho YS; Su YK; Yeh YM, 2006, 'Effect of thickness on the structural and electrical properties of sol-gel-derived (Zr, Sn)TiO4 thin films', ELECTROCHEMICAL AND SOLID STATE LETTERS, 9, pp. F31 - F33,

Yang R; Jayasundara CT; Yu A; Curry D, 2006, 'DEM simulation of the flow of grinding media in IsaMill', Minerals Engineering, 19, pp. 984 - 994,

Jayasundara CT; Yang R; Yu A; Curry D, 2006, 'Discrete particle simulation of particle flow in the IsaMill process', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 45, pp. 6349 - 6359,

Yang R; Zou R; Yu A; Choi S, 2006, 'Pore structure of the packing of fine particles', Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 299, pp. 719 - 725,

Dong KJ; Yang R; Zou R; Yu A, 2006, 'Role of interparticle forces in the formation of random loose packing', Physical Review Letters, 96, pp. 145505,

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