Select Publications
Journal articles
2017, 'Molecular dynamics simulation on structural evolution during crystallization of rapidly super-cooled Cu
2016, 'Understanding the Different Effects of Inhaler Design on the Aerosol Performance of Drug-Only and Carrier-Based DPI Formulations. Part 1: Grid Structure', AAPS Journal, 18, pp. 1159 - 1167,
,2016, 'CFD-DEM investigation of the effect of agglomerate-agglomerate collision on dry powder aerosolisation', Journal of Aerosol Science, 92, pp. 109 - 121,
,2016, 'Quasi-universality in the packing of uniform spheres under gravity', Granular Matter, 18,
,2015, 'Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) investigation of the gas-solid flow and performance of Andersen cascade impactor', Powder Technology, 285, pp. 128 - 137,
,2015, 'De-agglomeration Effect of the US Pharmacopeia and Alberta Throats on Carrier-Based Powders in Commercial Inhalation Products', AAPS Journal, 17, pp. 1407 - 1416,
,2015, 'Discrete modelling of powder dispersion in dry powder inhalers - A brief review', Current Pharmaceutical Design, 21, pp. 3966 - 3973,
,2015, 'DEM study of the mechanical strength of iron ore compacts', International Journal of Mineral Processing, 142, pp. 73 - 81,
,2015, 'Multi-scale modelling of powder dispersion in a carrier-based inhalation system', Pharmaceutical Research, 32, pp. 2086 - 2096,
,2013, 'Collective dynamics modeling of polydisperse particulate systems via Markov chains', Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91, pp. 1646 - 1659,
,2013, 'The effect of liquids on radial segregation of granular mixtures in rotating drums', Granular Matter, 15, pp. 427 - 436,
,2013, 'Self-diffusion of wet particles in rotating drums', Physics of Fluids, 25, pp. 063301,
,2013, 'Effects of mechanical impaction on aerosol performance of particles with different surface roughness', Powder Technology, 236, pp. 164 - 170,
,2013, 'Modeling collective dynamics of particulate systems under time-varying operating conditions based on Markov chains', Advanced Powder Technology, 24, pp. 451 - 458,
,2012, 'DEM study of the transverse mixing of wet particles in rotating drums', Chemical Engineering Science, 86, pp. 99 - 107,
,2012, 'Discrete particle simulation of particle flow in a stirred mill: Effect of mill properties and geometry', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 51, pp. 1050 - 1061,
,2012, 'Effect of the size of media on grinding performance in stirred mills', Minerals Engineering, 33, pp. 66 - 71,
,2011, 'Agglomerate strength and dispersion of pharmaceutical powders', Journal of Aerosol Science, 42, pp. 285 - 294,
,2011, 'CFD-DEM modelling of particle flow in IsaMills - Comparison between simulations and PEPT measurements', Minerals Engineering, 24, pp. 181 - 187,
,2011, 'DEM investigation of energy distribution and particle breakage in tumbling ball mills', Powder Technology, pp. 83 - 91,
,2011, 'DEM study of crystallization of monosized spheres under mechanical vibrations', Computer Physics Communications, 182, pp. 1989 - 1994,
,2011, 'Dynamics of wet particles in rotating drums: Effect of liquid surface tension', Physics of Fluids, 23,
,2011, 'Experimental study on the packing of uniform spheres under three-dimensional vibration', Powder Technology, 208, pp. 617 - 622,
,2011, 'Numerical investigation of the de-agglomeration mechanisms of fine powders on mechanical impaction', Journal of Aerosol Science, 42, pp. 811 - 819,
,2011, 'Prediction of the disc wear in a model IsaMill and its effect on the flow of grinding media', Minerals Engineering, 24, pp. 1586 - 1594,
,2009, 'A soft-sensor approach to flow regime detection for milling processes', Powder Technology, 188, pp. 234 - 241
,2009, 'Critical states and phase diagram in the packing of uniform spheres', Europhysics Letters, 86, pp. 46003 - 46008
,2009, 'DEM simulation of cake formation in sedimentation and filtration', Minerals Engineering, 22, pp. 921 - 930
,2009, 'Effect of slurry properties on particle motion in IsaMills', Minerals Engineering, 22, pp. 886 - 892
,2009, 'Experimental study of the packing of mono-sized spheres subjected to one-dimensional vibration', Powder Technology, 196, pp. 50 - 55
,2009, 'Foreword', Minerals Engineering, 22, pp. 879
,2009, 'Numerical modelling of the breakage of loose agglomerates of fine particles', Powder Technology, 196, pp. 213 - 221
,2009, 'Soft-sensors for prediction of impact energy in horizontal rotating drums', Powder Technology, 195, pp. 177 - 183,
,2008, 'Agglomeration of fine particles subjected to centripetal compaction', Powder Technology, 184, pp. 122 - 129,
,2008, 'Characterization of interparticle forces in the packing of cohesive fine particles', Physical Review E, 78, pp. 031302
,2008, 'Discrete particle simulation of particle flow in IsaMill-Effect of grinding medium properties', Chemical engineering journal, 135, pp. 103 - 112,
,2008, 'Discrete particle simulation of particulate systems: A review of major applications and findings', Chemical Engineering Science, 63, pp. 5728 - 5770
,2008, 'Effect of vibration condition and inter-particle frictions on the packing of uniform spheres', Powder Technology, 188, pp. 102 - 109
,2008, 'Numerical simulation of particle dynamics in different flow regimes in a rotating drum', Powder Technology, 188, pp. 170 - 177
,2008, 'Scanning white-light interferometry as a novel technique to quantify the surface roughness of micron-sized particles for inhalation', Langmuir, 24, pp. 11307 - 11312
,2007, 'DEM modelling of disc wear in the IsaMill process', 9th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transportation, ICBMH 2007
,2007, 'Discrete particle simulation of particulate systems: Theoretical developments', Chemical Engineering Science, 62, pp. 3378 - 3396,
,2007, 'Simulation of the packing of cohesive particles', Computer Physics Communications, 177, pp. 206 - 209,
,2006, 'DEM simulation of the unconfined compaction of fine powders', AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings
,2006, 'Erratum: Publisher's note: Role of interparticle forces in the formation of random loose packing (Physical Review Letter (2006) 96 (145505))', Physical Review Letters, 96,
,2006, 'Effect of thickness on the structural and electrical properties of sol-gel-derived (Zr, Sn)TiO4 thin films', ELECTROCHEMICAL AND SOLID STATE LETTERS, 9, pp. F31 - F33,
,2006, 'DEM simulation of the flow of grinding media in IsaMill', Minerals Engineering, 19, pp. 984 - 994,
,2006, 'Discrete particle simulation of particle flow in the IsaMill process', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 45, pp. 6349 - 6359,
,2006, 'Pore structure of the packing of fine particles', Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 299, pp. 719 - 725,
,2006, 'Role of interparticle forces in the formation of random loose packing', Physical Review Letters, 96, pp. 145505,