Select Publications

Journal articles

Farhan AR; Lim S, 2011, 'Resilience assessment on coastline changes and urban settlements: A case study in Seribu Islands, Indonesia', Ocean and Coastal Management, 54, pp. 391 - 400,

Ratanavong ; Lim S; Lee HS, 2011, 'Spatio-temporal trends in temperature, acidification and dissolved oxygen in Lower Mekong Basin for 1985-2005', Journal of the Korean Society for Geo-Spatial Information Systems, XIX, pp. 3 - 12

Lim S; Norzahari F; Lee H, 2010, 'A GIS-Based Analysis of Potential Sewer Choke in Western Sydney Region', KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 14, pp. 601 - 612,

Lee H; Lim S; Paik H, 2010, 'An assessment of fire-damaged forest using spatial analysis techniques', Journal of Spatial Science, 55, pp. 289 - 301,

Lim S; Helinski B; Lee H, 2010, 'Geocorrelation of contributing factors to asthma in New South Wales', International Journal of Geoinformatics, 6, pp. 41 - 48

Farhan ; Lim S, 2010, 'Integrated coastal zone management towards Indonesia Global Ocean Observing System (Ina-GOOS): Review and recommendation', Ocean and Coastal Management, 53, pp. 421 - 427

Iqbal U; Lim S, 2010, 'Privacy implications of automated GPS tracking and profiling', IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 29, pp. 39 - 46

Park H; Lim S; Trinder J; Turner R, 2009, '3D modelling of individual trees using full-waveform lidar', 30th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2009, ACRS 2009, 1, pp. 190 - 195

Rizos C; Lim S; Musa TA; Ses S; Sharifuddin A; Zhang K, 2009, 'Atmospheric remote sensing using GNSS in the Australasian Region: From temperate climates to the tropics', International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2,

Feng Y; Rizos C; Higgins M; Lim S; Tang M, 2009, 'Developing regional precise positioning services using the legacy and future GNSS receivers', Journal of Global Positioning Systems, Electronic, 8, pp. 17 - 25,

Kazemi S; Lim S; Rizos C, 2009, 'Interactive and automated segmentation and generalisation of raster data', International Journal of Geoinformatics, 5, pp. 65 - 73,

MacGill IF; Jakrawatana N; Moore SJ; Lim S, 2009, 'Spatial-Temporal Enchancements of Material Flux Analysis Methods, with Application to Cadmium Management in an Agricultural Region in Australia', Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy

Lim S; Rizos C, 2008, 'A conceptual framework for server-based GNSS operations', Positioning, 7, pp. 35 - 42,

Iqbal U; Lim S, 2008, 'A survey on users willingness-to-pay for privacy in mobility pricing systems', International Journal of Liability & Scientific Enquiry, 1, pp. 306 - 317,

Lim S; Rizos C; Musa TA, 2008, 'Application of running average function to non-dispersive network-based Real-Time Kinematic positioning', Positioning, 7, pp. 58 - 65,

Iqbal U; Lim S, 2008, 'Legal and ethical implications of GPS vulnerabilities', Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology, 3, pp. 178 - 187,

Lim S; Rizos C, 2007, 'A new framework for server-based and thin-client GNSS operations for high accuracy applications in surveying and Navigation', 20th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation 2007 ION GNSS 2007, 2, pp. 2169 - 2177

Kazemi S; Lim S, 2007, 'Deriving multi-scale GEODATA from TOPO-250K road network data', Journal of Spatial Science, 52, pp. 171 - 182,

Iqbal U; Lim S, 2007, 'Designing privacy-aware mobility pricing systems based on user perspective', Journal of Location Based Services, 1, pp. 274 - 299,

Wang Z; Rizos C; Lim S, 2006, 'Single epoch algorithm based on Tikhonov Regularization for deformation monitoring using single frequency GPS receivers', Survey Review, 38, pp. 682 - 688

Lee HS; Park JK; Lim SS, 2005, 'Error assessment of attitude determination using wireless internet-based DGPS', Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, 23, pp. 101 - 108

Lim S; TRAM B, 2004, 'Convergence of Block Decorrelation Method for the Integer Ambiguity Fix', Positioning, 3, pp. 290 - 295,

Kygu CB; Lim S, 2004, 'Study on the Improvement of the Positioning Accuracy for Inverted RTK Using FARA', Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Photogrammetry, and Cartography, 22, pp. 217 - 223,

Han JH; Lim S, 2004, 'The Ionospheric Correction for the Stand-alone GPS', Journal of Korea Navigation Institute, 8

Lim S; Schutz BE, 1996, 'Repeat ground track analysis for the geoscience laser altimeter system', Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 93 PART 2, pp. 1615 - 1618

Aghighi H; Trinder J, 'Smoothing parameter estimation framework for Markov random field by using contextual and spectral information', , 8892, pp. 88920T-88920T-10 - 88920T-88920T-10,

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