Select Publications
Journal articles
2007, 'The response of aboriginal burning practices to population levels and El Nino-Southern oscillation events during the mid- to late-Holocene: a case study from the Sydney basin using charcoal and pollen analysis', Australian Geographer, 38, pp. 37 - 52
,2007, 'Using the paleorecord to evaluate climate and fire interactions in Australia', Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 35, pp. 215 - 239
,2006, 'A > 43,000 year vegetation and fire history from Lake Baraba, New South Wales, Australia', Quaternary Science Reviews, 25, pp. 3003 - 3016
,2006, 'Holocene fire history from the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, New South Wales, Australia: the climate, humans and fire nexus', REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE, 6, pp. 41 - 51
,2006, 'Integration of ice-core, marine and terrestrial records for the Australian Last Glacial Maximum and Termination: a contribution from the OZ INTIMATE group', Journal of Quaternary Science, 21, pp. 751 - 761
,2006, 'Reconstructing El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) from high-resolution palaeoarchives', Journal of Quaternary Science, 21, pp. 707 - 722,
,2006, 'Two proxy records revealing the late Holocene fire history at a site on the central coast of New South Wales, Australia', Austral Ecology, 31, pp. 682 - 695,
,2003, 'A palynological reconstruction of pre-European riparian vegetation at Wollombi, New South Wales and its application to stream bank management and revegetation', Ecological Management and Restoration, 4, pp. 69 - 78
,2003, 'A simple and fast method for calculating the area of macroscopic charcoal isolated from sediments', Quaternary Australasia, 20, pp. 18 - 20
,2003, 'The use of mineral magnetic parameters to characterize archaeological ochres', Journal of Archaeological Science, 30, pp. 511 - 523
,2002, 'An assessment of historic human impact on south-eastern Australian environmental systems, using late Holocene rates of environmental change', Australian Journal of Botany, 50, pp. 455 - 464
,2001, 'A comparison of the environmental changes of the post-European period with those of the preceding 2000 years at Lake Keilambete, Soth-western Victoria', Australian Geographer, pp. 163 - 179
,2001, 'A simple and fast method for the quantification of macroscopic charcoal from sediments', Quaternary Australasia, 19
,2001, 'Clues to the `burning question`: Pre-European fire in the Sydney coastal region from sedimentary charcoal and palynology', Ecological Management and Restoration, 2, pp. 203 - 212
,2000, 'Workshop report: BIOME 300', Quaternary Australasia, 18, pp. 10 - 11
,1998, 'BIOMES and plant functional types for Australia, New Guinea and Indonesia', Quaternary Australasia, 16, pp. 38 - 42
,1997, 'A fine resolution paleoclimatic reconstruction from Lake Keilambete, southeastern Australia', Holocene, pp. 139 - 149
,1997, 'Late Holocene environmental change in an upper montane area of the Snowy Mountains, New South Wales', Australian Geographer, pp. 185 - 200
,1994, 'Environmental Systems and Human Impact at Cobrico Crater, South‐western Victoria', Australian Geographical Studies, 32, pp. 27 - 40,