Fields of Research (FoR)
Numerical analysisBiography
Alexander Gilbert completed a BSc (Hons) in Applied Mathematics at UNSW Sydney in 2013, followed by a PhD in Applied Mathematics in 2018 also at UNSW. For both degrees his focus was on computational mathematics. After completing his PhD, Dr Gilbert spent two years as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Germany at the University of Heidelberg from 2018-2020. In late 2020, he returned to UNSW to work as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow.
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Alexander Gilbert completed a BSc (Hons) in Applied Mathematics at UNSW Sydney in 2013, followed by a PhD in Applied Mathematics in 2018 also at UNSW. For both degrees his focus was on computational mathematics. After completing his PhD, Dr Gilbert spent two years as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Germany at the University of Heidelberg from 2018-2020. In late 2020, he returned to UNSW to work as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow.
My Qualifications
PhD in Applied Mathematics, UNSW Sydney, 2018
BSc (Hons) in Applied Mathematics, UNSW Sydney, 2013
My Research Activities
Dr Gilbert's research is on computational mathematics and numerical analysis. He is interested in numerical methods for approximating integrals with very high dimension, with a particular focus on applications coming from uncertainty quantification. His research spans a broad range of areas of numerical integration, including algorithms, software implementation, new applications in uncertainty quantification, numerical analysis/theory and quasi-Monte Carlo quadrature rules.
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
Areas of supervision
Possible topics are numerical integration, quasi-Monte Carlo methods and uncertainty quantification.