Select Publications

Journal articles

Ford E; Boyd A; Bowles JKF; Havard A; Aldridge RW; Curcin V; Greiver M; Harron K; Katikireddi V; Rodgers SE; Sperrin M, 2019, 'Our data, our society, our health: A vision for inclusive and transparent health data science in the United Kingdom and beyond', Learning Health Systems, 3,

Schaffer AL; Zoega H; Tran DT; Buckley NA; Pearson S; Havard A, 2019, 'Trajectories of antipsychotic use before and during pregnancy and associated maternal and birth characteristics', Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 53, pp. 000486741984776 - 000486741984776,

Havard A; Straka P; Sara G; Lujic S; Tran DT; Jorm LR, 2019, 'Identifying patients using antidepressants for the treatment of depression: A predictive algorithm for use in pharmaceutical and medical claims data', Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 28, pp. 354 - 361,

Kelty E; Tran D; Lavin T; Preen DB; Hulse G; Havard A, 2019, 'Prevalence and safety of acamprosate use in pregnant alcohol-dependent women in New South Wales, Australia', Addiction, 114, pp. 206 - 215,

Ahmed B; Tran DT; Zoega H; Kennedy SE; Jorm LR; Havard A, 2018, 'Maternal and perinatal outcomes associated with the use of renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blockers for chronic hypertension in early pregnancy', Pregnancy Hypertension, 14, pp. 156 - 161,

Roper L; Tran DT; Einarsdóttir K; Preen DB; Havard A, 2018, 'Algorithm for resolving discrepancies between claims for smoking cessation pharmacotherapies during pregnancy and smoking status in delivery records: The impact on estimates of utilisation', PLoS ONE, 13, pp. e0202999,

Randall DA; Lujic S; Havard A; Eades SJ; Jorm L, 2018, 'Multimorbidity among Aboriginal people in New South Wales contributes significantly to their higher mortality', Medical Journal of Australia, 209, pp. 19 - 23,

Ahmed B; Zoega H; Havard A, 2018, 'Renin-angiotensin system blockers in early pregnancy among women with chronic hypertension: Getting to the heart of the risk-benefit equation', International Journal of Epidemiology, 47, pp. 683 - 686,

Gibson A; Randall D; Tran DT; Byrne M; Lawler A; Havard A; Robinson M; Jorm LR, 2018, 'Emergency Department Attendance after Telephone Triage: A Population-Based Data Linkage Study', Health Services Research, 53, pp. 1137 - 1162,

Havard A; Tran DT; Kemp-Casey A; Einarsdóttir K; Preen DB; Jorm LR, 2017, 'Tobacco policy reform and population-wide antismoking activities in Australia: the impact on smoking during pregnancy.', Tob Control, 27, pp. 552 - 559,

Tran DT; Gibson A; Randall D; Havard A; Byrne M; Robinson M; Lawler A; Jorm LR, 2017, 'Compliance with telephone triage advice among adults aged 45 years and older: An Australian data linkage study', BMC Health Services Research, 17, pp. 512,

Tran DT; Havard A; Jorm LR, 2017, 'Data cleaning and management protocols for linked perinatal research data: A good practice example from the Smoking MUMS (Maternal Use of Medications and Safety) Study', BMC Medical Research Methodology, 17, pp. 97,

Knight A; Havard A; Shakeshaft A; Maple M; Snijder M; Shakeshaft B, 2017, 'The feasibility of embedding data collection into the routine service delivery of a multi-component program for high-risk young people', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, pp. 208,

Knight A; Shakeshaft A; Havard A; Maple M; Foley C; Shakeshaft B, 2017, 'The quality and effectiveness of interventions that target multiple risk factors among young people: a systematic review', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 41, pp. 54 - 60,

Skinner A; Havard A; Tran DT; Jorm LR, 2017, 'Access to subsidized smoking cessation medications by australian smokers aged 45 years and older: A population-based cohort study', Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 19, pp. 342 - 350,

Havard A, 2016, 'Questions about the validity of the binge or heavy drinking criterion have implications for more than just treatment evaluation', Addiction (Abingdon, England), 111, pp. 1731 - 1732,

Tran DT; Jorm LR; Havard A; Harris MF; Comino EJ, 2016, 'Variation in the use of primary care services for diabetes management according to country of birth and geography among older Australians', Primary Care Diabetes, 10, pp. 66 - 74,

Havard A; Shakeshaft AP; Conigrave KM, 2015, 'Randomized Controlled Trial of Mailed Personalized Feedback for Risky Drinkers in the Emergency Department: The Impact on Alcohol Consumption, Alcohol-Related Injuries, and Repeat Emergency Department Presentations', Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39, pp. 1260 - 1266,

Tran DT; Roberts CL; Jorm LR; Seeho S; Havard A, 2014, 'Change in smoking status during two consecutive pregnancies: A population-based cohort study', BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 121, pp. 1611 - 1620,

Havard A; Jorm LR; Lujic S, 2014, 'Risk adjustment for smoking identified through tobacco use diagnoses in hospital data: A validation study', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e95029,

Tran DT; Roberts CL; Havard A; Jorm LR, 2014, 'Linking birth records to hospital admission records enhances the identification of women who smoke during pregnancy', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 38, pp. 258 - 264,

Shakeshaft A; Doran C; Petrie D; Breen C; Havard A; Abudeen A; Harwood E; Clifford A; D'Este C; Gilmour S; Sanson-Fisher R, 2014, 'The Effectiveness of Community Action in Reducing Risky Alcohol Consumption and Harm: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial', PLoS Medicine, 11,

Havard A; Jorm LR; Preen D; Daube M; Kemp A; Einarsdóttir K; Randall D; Tran DT, 2013, 'The Smoking MUMS (Maternal Use of Medications and Safety) study: Protocol for a population-based cohort study using linked administrative data', BMJ Open, 3, pp. e003692,

Havard AE; Shakeshaft AP; Conigrave KM; Sanson-Fisher R, 2012, 'Prevalence and characteristics of alcohol-related presentations to emergency departments in rural Australia', Emergency Medicine Journal, 28, pp. 290 - 295,

Havard AE; Shakeshaft AP; Conigrave KM, 2012, 'Prevalence and characteristics of patients with risky alcohol consumption presenting to emergency departments in rural Australia', Emergency Medicine Australasia, 24, pp. 266 - 276,

Havard A; Shakeshaft AP; Conigrave KM; Doran CM, 2012, 'Randomized controlled trial of mailed personalized feedback for problem drinkers in the emergency department: the short term impact', Alcoholism : Clinical and Experimental Research, 36, pp. 523 - 531,

Newton NC; Havard AE; Teesson M, 2012, 'The association between moral disengagement, psychological distress, resistive self-regulatory efficacy and alcohol and cannabis use among adolescents in Sydney, Australia', Addiction Research and Theory, 20, pp. 261 - 269,

Calabria B; Shakeshaft AP; Havard AE, 2011, 'A systematic and methodological review of interventions for young people experiencing alcohol-related harm', Addiction, 106, pp. 1406 - 1418,

Darke S; Ross JE; Mills K; Teesson M; Williamson AB; Havard AE, 2010, 'Benzodiazepine use among heroin users: Baseline use, current use and clinical outcome', Drug and Alcohol Review, 29, pp. 250 - 255,

Webb G; Shakeshaft AP; Sanson-Fisher R; Havard AE, 2009, 'A systematic review of work-place intervention for alcohol-related problems', Addiction, 104, pp. 365 - 377

Darke S; Mills K; Teesson M; Ross JE; Williamson AB; Havard AE, 2009, 'Patterns of major depression and drug-related problems amongst heroin users across 36 months', Psychiatry Research, 166, pp. 7 - 14,

Darke S; Mills K; Ross JE; Williamson AB; Havard AE; Teesson M, 2009, 'The ageing heroin user: career length, clinical profile and outcomes across 36 months', Drug and Alcohol Review, 28, pp. 243 - 249,

Darke S; Ross JE; Williamson AB; Mills K; Havard AE; Teesson M, 2008, 'Injecting and noninjecting heroin administration: Transitions and treatment outcomes across 36 months', Journal of Drug Issues, 38, pp. 543 - 557

Havard AE; Shakeshaft AP; Sanson-Fisher R, 2008, 'Systematic review and meta-analyses of strategies targeting alcohol problems in emergency departments: interventions reduce alcohol-related injuries', Addiction, 103, pp. 368 - 376,

Teesson M; Mills K; Ross JE; Darke S; Havard AE, 2008, 'The impact of treatment on 3 years` outcome for heroin dependence: findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS)', Addiction, 103, pp. 80 - 88,

Darke S; Ross JE; Williamson AB; Mills K; Havard AE; Teesson M, 2007, 'Borderline personality disorder and persistently elevated levels of risk in 36-month outcomes for the treatment of heroin dependence', Addiction, 102, pp. 1140 - 1146

Darke S; Havard AE; Ross JE; Williamson AB; Mills K; Teesson M, 2007, 'Changes in the use of medical services and prescription drugs among heroin users over two years', Drug and Alcohol Review, 26, pp. 153 - 159

Darke S; Ross JE; Williamson AB; Mills K; Havard AE; Teesson M, 2007, 'Patterns and correlates of attempted suicide by heroin users over a 3-year peroid: Findings from the Australian treatment outcome study', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 87, pp. 146 - 152

Darke S; Williamson AB; Ross JE; Mills K; Havard AE; Teesson M, 2007, 'Patterns of nonfatal heroin overdose over a 3-year period: Findings from the Australian treatment outcome study', Journal of Urban Health - Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 84, pp. 283 - 291

Darke S; Ross JE; Mills K; Williamson AB; Havard AE; Teesson M, 2007, 'Patterns of sustained heroin abstinence amongst long-term, dependent heroin users: 36 months findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS)', Addictive Behaviors, 32, pp. 1897 - 1906

Havard AE; Teesson M; Darke S; Ross JE, 2006, 'Depression among heroin users: 12-Month outcomes from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS)', Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 30, pp. 355 - 362

Teesson M; Havard AE; Ross JE; Darke S, 2006, 'Outcomes after detoxification for heroin dependence: findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS)', Drug and Alcohol Review, 25, pp. 241 - 247

Shanahan MD; Havard AE; Teesson M; Mills K; Williamson AB; Ross JE, 2006, 'Patterns and costs of treatment for heroin dependence over 12 months: findings from the Australian Treatment Outcome Study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 30, pp. 305 - 311

Teesson M; Havard AE; Fairbairn S; Ross JE; Lynskey M; Darke S, 2005, 'Depression among entrants to treatment for heroin dependence in the Australian Treatment Outcome Study (ATOS): prevalence, correlates and treatment seeking', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 78, pp. 309 - 315,

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