Select Publications
Journal articles
2021, 'Improving outcomes for marginalised rural families through a care navigator program', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32, pp. 285 - 294,
,2021, 'Smoking and epidemics of respiratory infections', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, online first, pp. 164 - 165,
,2021, 'Community Health Workers Can Provide Psychosocial Support to the People During COVID-19 and Beyond in Low- and Middle- Income Countries', Frontiers in public health, 9, pp. 666753,
,2021, 'Impact of social isolation and living alone on health service use, morbidity and mortality over time in Central and Eastern Sydney, Australia', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE, 20,
,2021, 'Recognizing The Roles Of Primary Health Care In Addressing Non-Communicable Diseases In Low-And Middle-Income Countries: Lesson From Covid-19, Implications For The Future', Journal of Global Health, 11, pp. 1 - 6,
,2020, 'General practitioner follow-up after hospitalisation in Central and Eastern Sydney, Australia: access and impact on health services', Australian Health Review, 45, pp. 247 - 254,
,2020, 'Implementing the patient activation measure (PAM) in clinical settings for patients with chronic conditions: a scoping review', BMJ Integrated Healthcare Journal, 2, pp. e000032,
,2020, 'Current Global Health Impact Assessment Practice', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, pp. 2988 - 2988,
,2019, 'Do general practice management and/or team care arrangements reduce avoidable hospitalisations in Central and Eastern Sydney, Australia?', BMC Health Services Research, 19, pp. 811,
,2019, 'Understanding the use and impact of allied health services for people with chronic health conditions in Central and Eastern Sydney, Australia: a five-year longitudinal analysis', Primary health care research & development, 20, pp. e141 - e141,
,2019, 'Increasing use of general practice management and team care arrangements over time in New South Wales, Australia', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 25, pp. 168 - 175,
,2019, 'Advance care planning for patients with advanced illnesses attending hospital outpatient clinics study: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 9, pp. e023107,
,2019, 'Provider-focused interventions in primary healthcare improving outcomes for people with type 2 diabetes: A rapid review', Public Health Research and Practice, Online early publication, pp. 1 - 19,
,2018, 'Shaping interventions to address waterpipe smoking in Arabic-speaking communities in Sydney, Australia: A qualitative study', BMC Public Health, 18, pp. 1379,
,2018, 'Care of patients with chronic disease: achievements in Australia over the past decade', Medical Journal of Australia, 209, pp. 55 - 57,
,2017, 'Health Impact Assessment', Global Health Promotion, 24,
,2017, 'Health impact assessment for health promotion, education and learning', Global Health Promotion, 24, pp. 3 - 4,
,2016, 'Crafting health promotion: from Ottawa to beyond Shanghai', Environnement, Risques & Santé, 15, pp. 461 - 464,
,2015, 'What makes health impact assessments successful? Factors contributing to effectiveness in Australia and New Zealand Health policies, systems and management in high-income countries', BMC Public Health, 15, pp. 1009,
,2015, 'Health Impact Assessment', Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 17, pp. 11 - 22,
,2014, 'Evaluating the impact of equity focused health impact assessment on health service planning: Three case studies', BMC Health Services Research, 14,
,2013, 'Characteristics of health impact assessments reported in Australia and New Zealand between 2005 and 2009', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 37, pp. 534 - 546,
,2013, 'The effectiveness of health impact assessment in influencing decision-making in Australia and New Zealand 2005–2009', BMC Public Health, 13, pp. 1188 - 1188,
,2013, 'The impact and effectiveness of health impact assessment: A conceptual framework', Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 42, pp. 51 - 59,
,2012, 'Health impact assessment: the state of the art', Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 30, pp. 43 - 52,
,2011, 'A rapid equity focused health impact assessment of a policy implementation plan: An Australian case study and impact evaluation', International Journal for Equity in Health, 10(1) (6), pp. 1 - 12,
,2011, 'Differing forms, differing purposes: A typology of Health Impact Assessment', Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 31 (4), pp. 396 - 403,
,2011, 'Enhancing benefits in health impact assessment through stakeholder consultation', Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 29 (3), pp. 195 - 204,
,2011, 'Health Impact assessment in the Asia Pacific (Editorial)', Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 31 (4), pp. 393 - 395,
,2011, 'The use of Health Impact Assessment to determine the potential impact of an Australian Urban Development Proposal on Health and Well-Beingu', Urban Policy and Research, 29, pp. 125 - 139,
,2010, 'Health impact assessment for urban and land-use planning and policy development: Lessons from practice', Planning Practice and Research, 25, pp. 531 - 541,
,2010, 'Health in All Policies: A pathway for thinking about our broader societal goals', Public Health Bulletin South Australia, 7, pp. 43 - 46,
,2010, 'New international consensus on health impact assessment', Lancet, 376, 9751, pp. 1464 - 1465,
,2009, 'Human health and wellbeing in Environmental Impact Assessment in New South Wales, Australia: Auditing health impacts within environmental assessments of major projects', Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 29, pp. 310 - 318,
,2009, 'Process and Impact Evaluation of the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy Health Impact Assessment', BMC Public Health, 9, pp. 97 - 97,
,2009, 'The role of health impact assessment in promoting population health and health equity', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 20, pp. 172 - 179
,2008, 'What`s in the box? Issues in evaluating interventions to develop strong and open communities', Community Development Journal, 43, pp. 459 - 469,
,2007, 'An overview of the regulatory planning system in New South Wales: identifying points of intervention for health impact assessment and consideration of health impacts.', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 18, pp. 190 - 191
,2007, 'Health Impact Assesment in Urban Settings', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 18, pp. 149 - 150
,2007, 'Health impact assessment and urbanisation: Lessons from the NSW HIA Project', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 18, pp. 198 - 201
,2007, 'Learning by doing: the value of case studies of health impact assessment', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 18, pp. 161 - 163
,2007, 'Rapid versus intermediate health impact assessment of foreshore development plans', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 18, pp. 174 - 176
,2006, 'Health Service staff attitudes to community representatives on committees', Journal of Health Organisation and Management, 20, pp. 551 - 559,
,2005, 'NSW Health Impact Assessment Project', NSW Public Health Bulletin, 16, pp. 120 - 123
,2004, 'Health impact assessment: an introduction to the what, why and how', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 15, pp. 150 - 151,