Select Publications

Journal articles

Montet BT, 2018, 'Unbiased Inference of the Masses of Transiting Planets from Radial Velocity Follow-up', Research Notes of the AAS, 2, pp. 28 - 28,

Davenport JRA; Covey KR; Clarke RW; Laycock Z; Fleming SW; Boyajian TS; Montet BT; Shiao B; Million CC; Wilson DJ; Olmedo M; Mamajek EE; Olmedo D; Chávez M; Bertone E, 2018, 'The GALEX View of "boyajian's Star" (KIC 8462852)', Astrophysical Journal, 853,

Simon JD; Shappee BJ; Pojmański G; Montet BT; Kochanek CS; Van Saders J; Holoien TWS; Henden AA, 2018, 'Where Is the Flux Going? the Long-term Photometric Variability of Boyajian's Star', Astrophysical Journal, 853,

Karoff C; Metcalfe TS; Santos ÂRG; Montet BT; Isaacson H; Witzke V; Shapiro AI; Mathur S; Davies GR; Lund MN; Garcia RA; Brun AS; Salabert D; Avelino PP; Saders JV; Egeland R; Cunha MS; Campante TL; Chaplin WJ; Krivova N; Solanki SK; Stritzinger M; Knudsen MF, 2018, 'The Influence of Metallicity on Stellar Differential Rotation and Magnetic Activity', Astrophysical Journal, 852,

Montet BT; Tovar G; Foreman-Mackey D, 2017, 'Long-term Photometric Variability in Kepler Full-frame Images: Magnetic Cycles of Sun-like Stars', Astrophysical Journal, 851,

Morris BM; Hawley SL; Hebb L; Sakari C; Davenport JRA; Isaacson H; Howard AW; Montet BT; Agol E, 2017, 'Chromospheric Activity of HAT-P-11: An Unusually Active Planet-hosting K Star', Astrophysical Journal, 848,

Shan Y; Yee JC; Bowler BP; Cieza LA; Montet BT; Cánovas H; Liu MC; Close LM; Hinz PM; Males JR; Morzinski KM; Vaz A; Bailey VP; Follette KB, 2017, 'The Multiplicity of M Dwarfs in Young Moving Groups', Astrophysical Journal, 846,

Czekala I; Mandel KS; Andrews SM; Dittmann JA; Ghosh SK; Montet BT; Newton ER, 2017, 'Disentangling Time-series Spectra with Gaussian Processes: Applications to Radial Velocity Analysis', Astrophysical Journal, 840,

Montet BT; Yee JC; Penny MT, 2017, 'Measuring the galactic distribution of transiting planets with WFIRST', Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 129,

Otor OJ; Montet BT; Johnson JA; Charbonneau D; Collier-Cameron A; Howard AW; Isaacson H; Latham DW; Lopez-Morales M; Lovis C; Mayor M; Micela G; Molinari E; Pepe F; Piotto G; Phillips DF; Queloz D; Rice K; Sasselov D; Ségransan D; Sozzetti A; Udry S; Watson C, 2016, 'THE ORBIT and MASS of the THIRD PLANET in the KEPLER-56 SYSTEM', Astronomical Journal, 152,

Crepp JR; Gonzales EJ; Bechter EB; Montet BT; Johnson JA; Piskorz D; Howard AW; Isaacson H, 2016, 'THE TRENDS HIGH-CONTRAST IMAGING SURVEY. VI. DISCOVERY of A MASS, AGE, and METALLICITY BENCHMARK BROWN DWARF', Astrophysical Journal, 831,

Montet BT; Simon JD, 2016, 'KIC 8462852 FADED THROUGHOUT the KEPLER MISSION', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 830,


Balser DS; Roshi DA; Jeyakumar S; Bania TM; Montet BT; Shitanishi JA, 2016, 'Magnetic field strengths in photodissociation regions', Astrophysical Journal, 816,

Montet BT; Bowler BP; Shkolnik EL; Deck KM; Wang J; Horch EP; Liu MC; Hillenbrand LA; Kraus AL; Charbonneau D, 2015, 'Dynamical masses of young m dwarfs: Masses and orbital parameters of GJ 3305 AB, the wide binary companion to the imaged exoplanet host 51 ERI', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 813,

Yu L; Winn JN; Gillon M; Albrecht S; Rappaport S; Bieryla A; Dai F; Delrez L; Hillenbrand L; Holman MJ; Howard AW; Huang CX; Isaacson H; Jehin E; Lendl M; Montet BT; Muirhead P; Sanchis-Ojeda R; Triaud AHMJ, 2015, 'Tests of the planetary hypothesis for PTFO 8-8695b', Astrophysical Journal, 812,

Montet BT; Morton TD; Foreman-Mackey D; Johnson JA; Hogg DW; Bowler BP; Latham DW; Bieryla A; Mann AW, 2015, 'Stellar and planetary properties of K2 campaign 1 candidates and validation of 17 planets, including a planet receiving Earth-like insolation', Astrophysical Journal, 809,

Barclay T; Quintana EV; Adams FC; Ciardi DR; Huber D; Foreman-Mackey D; Montet BT; Caldwell D, 2015, 'The five planets in the Kepler-296 binary system all orbit the primary: A statistical and analytical analysis', Astrophysical Journal, 809,

Swift JJ; Montet BT; Vanderburg A; Morton T; Muirhead PS; Johnson JA, 2015, 'CHARACTERIZING the COOL KOIs. VIII. PARAMETERS of the PLANETS ORBITING KEPLER'S COOLEST DWARFS', Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 218,

Foreman-Mackey D; Montet BT; Hogg DW; Morton TD; Wang D; Schölkopf B, 2015, 'A SYSTEMATIC SEARCH FOR TRANSITING PLANETS IN THE K2 DATA', Astrophysical Journal, 806,

Bowler BP; Shkolnik EL; Liu MC; Schlieder JE; Mann AW; Dupuy TJ; Hinkley S; Crepp JR; Johnson JA; Howard AW; Flagg L; Weinberger AJ; Aller KM; Allers KN; Best WMJ; Kotson MC; Montet BT; Herczeg GJ; Baranec C; Riddle R; Law NM; Nielsen EL; Wahhaj Z; Biller BA; Hayward TL, 2015, 'PLANETS AROUND LOW-MASS STARS (PALMS). V. AGE-DATING LOW-MASS COMPANIONS to MEMBERS and INTERLOPERS of YOUNG MOVING GROUPS', Astrophysical Journal, 806,

Montet BT; Johnson JA; Muirhead PS; Villar A; Vassallo C; Baranec C; Law NM; Riddle R; Marcy GW; Howard AW; Isaacson H, 2015, 'Characterizing the cool KOIs. VII. Refined physical properties of the transiting brown dwarf LHS 6343 C', Astrophysical Journal, 800,

Vanderburg A; Montet BT; Johnson JA; Buchhave LA; Zeng L; Pepe F; Cameron AC; Latham DW; Molinari E; Udry S; Lovis C; Matthews JM; Cameron C; Law N; Bowler BP; Angus R; Baranec C; Bieryla A; Boschin W; Charbonneau D; Cosentino R; Dumusque X; Figueira P; Guenther DB; Harutyunyan A; Hellier C; Kuschnig R; Lopez-Morales M; Mayor M; Micela G; Moffat AFJ; Pedani M; Phillips DF; Piotto G; Pollacco D; Queloz D; Rice K; Riddle R; Rowe JF; Rucinski SM; Sasselov D; Ségransan D; Sozzetti A; Szentgyorgyi A; Watson C; Weiss WW, 2015, 'Characterizing K2 planet discoveries: A super-earth transiting the bright K dwarf HIP 116454', Astrophysical Journal, 800,

Bechter EB; Crepp JR; Ngo H; Knutson HA; Batygin K; Hinkley S; Muirhead PS; Johnson JA; Howard AW; Montet BT; Matthews CT; Morton TD, 2014, 'WASP-12b and HAT-P-8b are members of triple star systems', Astrophysical Journal, 788,

Knutson HA; Fulton BJ; Montet BT; Kao M; Ngo H; Howard AW; Crepp JR; Hinkley S; Bakos GA; Batygin K; Johnson JA; Morton TD; Muirhead PS, 2014, 'Friends of hot jupiters. I. A radial velocity search for massive, long-period companions to close-in gas giant planets', Astrophysical Journal, 785,

Montet BT; Crepp JR; Johnson JA; Howard AW; Marcy GW, 2014, 'The trends high-contrast imaging survey. iv. the occurrence rate of giant planets around m dwarfs', Astrophysical Journal, 781,

Hogg DW; Angus R; Barclay T; Dawson R; Fergus R; Foreman-Mackey D; Harmeling S; Hirsch M; Lang D; Montet BT; Schiminovich D; Schölkopf B, 2013, 'Maximizing Kepler science return per telemetered pixel: Detailed models of the focal plane in the two-wheel era', ,

Swift JJ; Johnson JA; Morton TD; Crepp JR; Montet BT; Fabrycky DC; Muirhead PS, 2013, 'Characterizing the cool kois. IV. Kepler-32 as a prototype for the formation of compact planetary systems throughout the galaxy', Astrophysical Journal, 764,

Montet BT; Johnson JA, 2013, 'Model-independent stellar and planetary masses from multi-transiting exoplanetary systems', Astrophysical Journal, 762,

Huber D; Carter JA; Barbieri M; Miglio A; Deck KM; Fabrycky DC; Montet BT; Buchhave LA; Chaplin WJ; Hekker S; Montalbán J; Sanchis-Ojeda R; Basu S; Bedding TR; Campante TL; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Elsworth YP; Stello D; Arentoft T; Ford EB; Gilliland RL; Handberg R; Howard AW; Isaacson H; Johnson JA; Karoff C; Kawaler SD; Kjeldsen H; Latham DW; Lund MN; Lundkvist M; Marcy GW; Metcalfe TS; Aguirre VS; Winn JN, 2013, 'Stellar spin-orbit misalignment in a multiplanet system', Science, 342, pp. 331 - 334,

Crepp JR; Johnson JA; Howard AW; Marcy GW; Fischer DA; Hillenbrand LA; Yantek SM; Delaney CR; Wright JT; Isaacson HT; Montet BT, 2012, 'The trends high-contrast imaging survey. I. Three benchmark M dwarfs orbiting solar-type stars', Astrophysical Journal, 761,

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