

Fields of Research (FoR)

Nutrition and dietetics, Endocrinology, Epigenetics (incl. genome methylation and epigenomics), Biochemistry and cell biology not elsewhere classified

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Can nutritional supplementation prevent a rise in the obesity epidemic?
I am currently investigating nutritional approaches to prevent the transmission of effects from an obese parent to the first and second generation thru the supplementation of micronutrients. My research is centred on the ‘fetal programming of adult diseases’ namely Obesity and Diabetes.

The question I am seeking to answer is “How is it that poor Maternal or Paternal...view more


Level 2,
West Wing, Wallace Wurth Building
Exercise Physiology,
School of Health Sciences,
UNSW Medicine,
The University of New South Wales,
Sydney, NSW 2052


+61 2 9385 1362