Research Interests: Involved in research looking at the way vascular risk factors and vascular pathology effect the expression of various types of cognitive impairment and dementia, and in ways of preventing and treating these. Involved in research looking at the role cognitive impairment in precipitating and perpetuating homelessness in elderly people.
Broad Research Areas:
Psychiatry, Ageing, Neuroscience, Clinical Research, Neurodegenerative...view more
Research Interests: Involved in research looking at the way vascular risk factors and vascular pathology effect the expression of various types of cognitive impairment and dementia, and in ways of preventing and treating these. Involved in research looking at the role cognitive impairment in precipitating and perpetuating homelessness in elderly people.
Broad Research Areas:
Psychiatry, Ageing, Neuroscience, Clinical Research, Neurodegenerative Diseases
Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
Fellow Royal australian and New Zealand college of Psychiatrists, Member of RANZCP Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age, Member Royal College of Psychiatrists, Member of the RCPsych Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry, Memer of the RCPsych Faculty of Academic Psychiatry
Specific Research Keywords:
Neuroprotection, Exercise, Stress Physiology, Psychogeriatrics, Problem-based learning