Select Publications

Journal articles

Eldridge DJ; Travers S, 2013, 'Landscape modulators and resource accumulation in a post-fire eucalypt woodland', Forest Ecology and Management, 285, pp. 11 - 19,

Daryanto S; Eldridge DJ; Throop H, 2013, 'Managing semi-arid woodlands for carbon storage: Grazing and shrub effects on above- and belowground carbon', Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 169, pp. 1 - 11,

Daryanto S; Eldridge DJ; Wang L, 2013, 'Ploughing and grazing alter the spatial patterning of surface soils in a shrub-encroached woodland', Geoderma, 200-201, pp. 67 - 76,

Daryanto S; Eldridge DJ; Wang L, 2013, 'Spatial patterns of infiltration vary with disturbance in a shrub-encroached woodland', Geomorphology, 194, pp. 57 - 64,

Ruiz-colmenero M; Bienes R; Eldridge DJ; Marques MJ, 2013, 'Vegetation cover reduces erosion and enhances soil organic carbon in a vineyard in the central Spain', Catena, 104, pp. 153 - 160,

Borchard P; Eldridge DJ; Wright IA, 2012, 'Sarcoptes mange (Sarcoptes scabiei) increases diurnal activity of bare-nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus) in an agricultural riparian environment', Mammalian Biology, 77, pp. 244 - 248,

Reigart JR; Chamberlain KH; Eldridge D; O'Brien ES; Freeland KD; Larsen P; Goff D; Hartzog TH, 2012, 'Peripheral Intravenous Access in Pediatric Inpatients', CLINICAL PEDIATRICS, 51, pp. 468 - 472,

Eldridge DJ; Huang N; Bentley J; Hayward MW, 2012, 'Soil Disturbance by Invertebrates in a Semi-arid Eucalypt Woodland: Effects of Grazing Exclusion, Faunal Reintroductions, Landscape and Patch Characteristics', PROCEEDINGS OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 134, pp. A11 - A18,

Eldridge DJ; Maestre FT; Maltez-Mouro S; Bowker MA, 2012, 'A global database of shrub encroachment effects on ecosystem structure and functioning', Ecology, 93, pp. 2499 - 2499,

Travers S; Eldridge DJ; Koen T; Soliveres S, 2012, 'Animal foraging pit soil enhances the performance of a native grass under stressful conditions', Plant and Soil, 352, pp. 341 - 351,

Wang L; D'Odorico P; Evans JP; Eldridge DJ; McCabe MF; Caylor KK; King EG, 2012, 'Dryland ecohydrology and climate change: Critical issues and technical advances', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 9, pp. 4777 - 4825,

Moles AT; Flores-Moreno H; Bonser SP; Warton DI; Helm A; Warman L; Eldridge DJ; Jurado E; Hemmings F; Reich P; Cavender-Bares J; Seabloom EW; Mayfield MM; Sheil D; Djietror JC; Peri PL; Enrico L; Cabido MR; Setterfield SA; Lehmann CE; Thomson FJ, 2012, 'Invasions: The trail behind, the path ahead, and a test of a disturbing idea', Journal of Ecology, 100, pp. 116 - 127,

Smith JG; Eldridge DJ; Throop H, 2012, 'Landform and vegetation patch type moderate the effects of grazing-induced disturbance on carbon and nitrogen pools in a semi-arid woodland', Plant and Soil, 360, pp. 405 - 419,

Soliveres S; Eldridge DJ; Maestre FT; Bowker MA; Tighe M; Escudero A, 2012, 'Microhabitat amelioration and reduced competition among understorey plants as drivers of facilitation across environmental gradients: Towards a unifying framework', Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 13, pp. 247 - 258,

Soliveres S; Eldridge DJ; Hemmings F; Maestre FT, 2012, 'Nurse plant effects on plant species richness in drylands: The role of grazing, rainfall and species specificity', Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics, 14, pp. 402 - 410,

Maestre FT; Quero JL; Gotelli NJ; Escudero A; Ochoa V; Delgado-Baquerizo M; Garcia-Gomez M; Bowker MA; Soliveres S; Escolar C; Garcia-Palacios P; Berdugo M; Valencia E; Gozalo B; Gallardo A; Aquilera L; Arredondo T; Blones J; Boeken B; Bran D; Conceicao AA; Cabrera O; Chaieb M; Derak M; Eldridge DJ; Espinosa CI; Florentino A; Gaitan J; Gabriel Gatica M; Ghiloufi W; Gomez-Gonzalez S; Gutierrez J; Hernandez RM; Huang X; Huber-Sannwald E; Jankju M; Miriti M; Monerris J; Mau RL; Morici E; Naseri K; Ospina A; Polonis V; Prina A; Pucheta E; Ramirez-Collantes DA; Romao R; Tighe M; Torres-Diaz C; Val J; Veiga J; Wang D; Zaady E, 2012, 'Plant species richness and ecosystem multifunctionality in global drylands', Science, 335, pp. 214 - 218,

Howard KS; Eldridge DJ; Soliveres S, 2012, 'Positive effects of shrubs on plant species diversity do not change along a gradient in grazing pressure in an arid shrubland', Basic and Applied Ecology, 13, pp. 159 - 168,

Daryanto S; Eldridge DJ, 2012, 'Shrub Hummocks As Foci For Small Animal Disturbances In An Encroached Shrubland', Journal of Arid Environments, 80, pp. 35 - 39,

Daryanto S; Eldridge DJ; Koen T, 2012, 'Soil nutrients under shrub hummocks and debris mounds two decades after ploughing', Plant and Soil, 351, pp. 405 - 419,

Borchard P; Eldridge DJ, 2012, 'Vegetation changes associated with cattle (Bos taurus) andwombat (Vombatus ursinus) activity in a riparian forest', Applied Vegetation Science, 15, pp. 62 - 70,

Williams WJ; Eldridge DJ, 2011, 'Deposition of sand over a cyanobacterial soil crust increases nitrogen bioavailability in a semi-arid woodland', Applied Soil Ecology, 49, pp. 26 - 31,

Martin WK; Eldridge D; Murray PA, 2011, 'Bird assemblages in remnant and revegetated habitats in an extensively cleared landscape, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales', Pacific Conservation Biology, 17, pp. 110 - 120,

Eldridge DJ; Val J; James AI, 2011, 'Abiotic effects predominate under prolonged livestock–induced disturbance', Austral Ecology, 36, pp. 367 - 377,

Dean C; Roxburgh S; Harper RJ; Eldridge DJ; Watson IW; Wardell-Johnson GW, 2011, 'Accounting for space and time in soil carbon dynamics in timbered rangelands', Ecological Engineering, 38, pp. 51 - 64,

Eldridge DJ; Koen TB; Huang N; Killgore A; Whitford W, 2011, 'Animal foraging as a mechanism for sediment movement and soil nutrient development: evidence from the semi-arid Australian woodlands and the Chihuahuan Desert', Geomorphology, 157-158, pp. 131 - 141,

Martin ; Eldridge DJ; Murray PA, 2011, 'Bird assemblages in remnant and revegetated habitats in an extensively cleared landscape, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales.', Pacific Conservation Biology, 17, pp. 110 - 120

James A; Eldridge DJ; Koen T; Moseby KE, 2011, 'Can the invasive European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) assume the soil engineering role of locally-extinct natives?', Biological Invasions, 13, pp. 3027 - 3038,

Williams W; Eldridge DJ, 2011, 'Deposition of sand over a cyanobacterial soil crust increases nitrogen', Applied Soil Ecology, 49, pp. 26 - 31

Kwok A; Eldridge DJ; Oliver IA, 2011, 'Do landscape health indices reflect arthropod biodiversity status in the eucalypt woodlands of eastern Australia?', Austral Ecology, 36, pp. 800 - 813,

Lichner L; Eldridge DJ; Schacht K; Zhukova N; Holko L; Sir M; Pecho J, 2011, 'Grass cover influences hydrophysical parameters and heterogeneity of water flow in a sandy soil', Pedosphere, 21, pp. 719 - 729,

Eldridge DJ; Bowker MA; Maestre FT; Roger E; Reynolds JF; Whitford WG, 2011, 'Impacts of shrub encroachment on ecosystem structure and functioning: Towards a global synthesis', Ecology Letters, 14, pp. 709 - 722,

Borchard P; Eldridge DJ, 2011, 'The geomorphic signature of bare-nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus) and cattle (Bos taurus) in an agricultural riparian ecosystem', Geomorphology, 130, pp. 365 - 373,

Eldridge DJ, 2011, 'The resource coupling role of animal foraging pits in semi-arid woodlands', Ecohydrology

Larsen P; Eldridge D; Brinkley J; Newton D; Goff D; Hartzog T; Saad ND; Perkin R, 2010, 'Pediatric Peripheral Intravenous Access Does Nursing Experience and Competence Really Make a Difference?', JOURNAL OF INFUSION NURSING, 33, pp. 226 - 235,

Eldridge DJ; Bowker MA; Maestre FT; Alonso P; Mau RL; Papadopoulos J; Escudero A, 2010, 'Interactive effects of three ecosystem engineers on infiltration in a semi-arid Mediterranean grassland', Ecosystems, 13, pp. 499 - 510,

James A; Eldridge DJ; Moseby KE, 2010, 'Foraging pits, litter and plant germination in an arid shrubland', Journal of Arid Environments, 74, pp. 516 - 520,

Eldridge DJ; Bowker MA; Maestre FT; Alonso P; Mau RL; Papadopoulos J; Escudero A, 2010, 'Interactive effects of three ecosystem engineers on infiltration in a semi-arid Mediterranean grassland', Ecosystems, 13, pp. 495 - 510

Daryanto S; Eldridge DJ, 2010, 'Plant and soil surface responses to a combination of shrub removal and grazing in a shrub-encroached woodland.', Journal of Environmental Management, 91, pp. 2639 - 2648,

Eldridge DJ; Lunt I, 2010, 'Resilience of soil seed banks to site degradation in intermittently flooded riverine woodlands', Journal of Vegetation Science, 21, pp. 157 - 166

Borchard P; Ian AW; Eldridge DJ, 2010, 'Wombats and domestic livestock as potential vectors of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in an agricultural riparian area', Australian Journal of Zoology, 58, pp. 150 - 153

Eldridge DJ; Whitford WG, 2009, 'Badger (Taxidea taxus) disturbances increase soil heterogeneity in a degraded shrub-steppe ecosystem', Journal of Arid Environments, 73, pp. 66 - 73,

Eldridge DJ; Whitford W; Duval B, 2009, 'Animal disturbances promote shrub maintenance in a desertified grassland', Journal of Ecology, 97, pp. 1302 - 1310

Eldridge DJ, 2009, 'Badger (taxidea taxus) mounds affect soil hydrological properties in a degraded shrub-steppe', American Midland Naturalist, 161, pp. 350 - 358

James AI; Eldridge DJ; Hill B, 2009, 'Foraging animals create fertile patches in an Australian desert shrubland', Ecography, 32, pp. 723 - 732

O Bryan K; Prober S; Lunt I; Eldridge DJ, 2009, 'Frequent fire promotes diversity and cover of biological soil crusts in a derived temperate grassland', Oecologia, 159, pp. 827 - 838

Eldridge DJ; Whitford W, 2009, 'Soil disturbance by native animals along grazing gradients in an arid grassland', Journal of Arid Environments, 73, pp. 1144 - 1148

Eldridge DJ; James AI, 2009, 'Soil-disturbance by native animals plays a critical role in maintaining healthy Australian landscapes', Ecological Management and Restoration, 10

Dunn J; Rolland J; Lundquist P; Bishop S; Eldridge D; Kaim R, 2008, 'In situ chemical cleaning for improved ion implanter utilization', SOLID STATE TECHNOLOGY, 51, pp. 22 - 24,

Eldridge DJ; Koen T, 2008, 'Formation of nutrient-poor soil patches in a semi-arid woodland by the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.)', Austral Ecology, 33, pp. 88 - 98,

Williams W; Eldridge DJ; Alchin B, 2008, 'Grazing and drought reduce cyanobacterial soil crusts in an Australian Acacia woodland', Journal of Arid Environments, 72, pp. 1061 - 1072,

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