
My Expertise

As Director of the UNSW Nuclear Innovation Centre, I lead the UNSW program of nuclear engineering research, education, and social engagement. I am program coordinator of the postgraduate nuclear courses at UNSW. As a nuclear materials engineer, my research in nuclear materials develops nuclear fuel materials that open new design possibilities in high temperature, space and deployable nuclear technology.



  • Invited expert in IAEA member state support program task: Exploratory Cooperation on Safeguards Applications of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
  • Leading 3-year Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering program 2023-2025 for Accelerated Qualification of Nuclear fuels, part of $21.7m SUNRISE nuclear research consortium.
  • 2021 Innovation in Global Security Prize, Geneva Centre for Security Policy for development of first blockchain prototype for nuclear materials accounting and control (NMAC).
  • CI on ARC Linkage Project ($665k + $360k from Tokamak Energy and partners, incl. ANSTO) to develop advanced shielding materials for Tokamak fusion reactors
  • Convening advanced postgraduate courses in: Reactor Physics (ENGG9742), Nuclear Safety Security and Safeguards (ENGG9744) and Introduction to Nuclear Engineering (ENGG9741).



Nuclear engineers in Australia work in vital industry, government and research.

  • Nuclear medicine 
  • Uranium mining
  • Radiation safety
  • Research
  • Safety critical systems
  • Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear safeguards
  • Nuclear regulatory agencies
  • Nuclear engineering education and training

Fields of Research (FoR)

Nuclear Engineering (incl. Fuel Enrichment and Waste Processing and Storage), Metals and Alloy Materials, Mineralogy and Crystallography, Condensed Matter Physics, Synchrotrons; Accelerators; Instruments and Techniques, Radiation and Matter, Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage Engineering, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety, Performance Evaluation; Testing and Simulation of Reliability, Virtual Reality and Related Simulation, Design Innovation

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I am a nuclear materials engineer in the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW Sydney. I obtained my PhD in materials science in 2010, at the Chinese Academy of Science Institute of Metal Research and I previously studied Mechanical Design, Materials and Manufacture at the University of Nottingham, UK. I apply fundamental knowledge of materials to industrial problems in nuclear and manufacturing engineering. I have...view more


UNSW Cubesat 2018 talk
UNSW Engineering Excellence Champions
VR Masters Project with S1T2 Pty.
Student Interview - MEng.Sci Nuclear Engineering
Totally awesome nuclear debunk by Arjen Lubach in the NL