
Dr Erin Goddard


Fields of Research (FoR)

Vision science, Sensory processes, perception and performance, Neurosciences, Machine learning, Pattern recognition, Cognitive neuroscience

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I received my PhD in 2011 from the University of Sydney, before completing postdoctoral positions at the University of Sydney and Macquarie University in Sydney, and at McGill University in Montréal, Canada. I joined UNSW in 2020. My research aims to understand the workings of human visual system and its interaction with related brain systems (e.g the influences of task, attention and memory on visual processes). I use behavioural methods...view more

I received my PhD in 2011 from the University of Sydney, before completing postdoctoral positions at the University of Sydney and Macquarie University in Sydney, and at McGill University in Montréal, Canada. I joined UNSW in 2020. My research aims to understand the workings of human visual system and its interaction with related brain systems (e.g the influences of task, attention and memory on visual processes). I use behavioural methods (psychophysics) as well as neuroimaging (fMRI and MEG). I am currently funded by the Australian Research Council, working on projects to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying two phenomena in visual perception: feature binding and colour constancy, and in resolving visual ambiguity. For further details of my research, see

My Grants

ARC Discovery Project, 2022-2026. Making sense of ambiguity: brain system interactions and visual uncertainty. $554,463 (Goddard, E & Woolgar, A)

ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, 2020-2023. Understanding the neural dynamics of colour constancy and feature binding. $426,979 (Goddard, E)

My Research Activities

My Research Supervision

Supervision keywords

Areas of supervision

I am available to supervise PhD projects, along with honours projects in both the Psychology honours program and the Neuroscience (SoMS) honours program.

My Engagement

My Teaching

  • PSYC2071 Perception and Cognition
  • PSYC3361 Research Internship
  • PSYC3221 Vision and Brain
  • NEUR4411 Behavioural Perspectives in Neuroscience
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