
My Expertise

tear metabolomics, corneal infection, cell culture, tear protein assay, orthoptics, vision, refraction, ocular diagnostics, contact lenses


Fields of Research (FoR)

Optometry and Ophthalmology


Associate Lecturer, School of Optometry and Vision Science, UNSW Sydney

Gauri was awarded his PhD from the University of New South Wales in Sydney Australia for his research on the characterisation of tear metabolite expression in bacterial keratitis with a highly prestigious scientia PhD scholarship. 

Gauri is an academic and clinical scientist, with experience in the higher education industry and hospital optometry practice. Gauri has...view more


Rupert Myers Building (M15), Southern Dr, UNSW, Kensington NSW 2052

Map reference (Google map)


How to structure an impactful research title
Microcapillary tube tear collection
Unravelling the MYSTERY of corneal infection from the MIST of tears