Select Publications

Journal articles

Yiu A; Mihrshahi S; Webb K; Peat JK; Marks GB; Leaded SR, 2001, 'Compliance with the dietary regimen in a five-year trial of the primary prevention of asthma', Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 10

Downs SH; Marks GB; Mitakakis TZ; Lëuppi JD; Car NG; Peat JK, 2001, 'Having lived on a farm and protection against allergic diseases in Australia', Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 31, pp. 570 - 575,

Xuan W; Marks G; Toelle B; Belousova E; Peat J; Berry G; Woolcock A, 2001, 'Longitudinal predicting equations for lung function between 8 and 20 ye ars of age', Respirology, 6

Mihrshahi S; Vanlaar C; Tovey E; Marks G; Peat J, 2001, 'Predictors of high house dust mite allergen (der p 1) concentrations in sydney homes', Respirology, 6

Haby MM; Peat JK; Marks GB; Woolcock AJ; Leeder SR, 2001, 'Asthma in preschool children: Prevalence and risk factors', Thorax, 56, pp. 589 - 595,

Woolcock AJ; Bastiampillai SA; Marks GB; Keena VA, 2001, 'The burden of asthma in Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, 175, pp. 141 - 145,

Haby MM; Peat JK; Marks GB; Woolcock AJ; Leeder SR, 2001, 'Asthma in preschool children: prevalence and risk factors', Thorax, 56, pp. 589 - 595,

Downs SH; Mitakakis TZ; Marks GB; Car NG; Belousova EG; Leüppi JD; Xuan W; Downie SR; Tobias A; Peat JK, 2001, 'Clinical importance of Alternaria exposure in children', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 164, pp. 455 - 459,

Downs SH; Marks GB; Belosouva EG; Peat JK, 2001, 'Asthma and hayfever in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children living in non-remote rural towns', Medical Journal of Australia, 175, pp. 10 - 13,

Mihrshahi S; Peat JK; Webb K; Tovey ER; Marks GB; Mellis CM; Leeder SR, 2001, 'The Childhood Asthma Prevention Study (CAPS): Design and research protocol of a randomized trial for the primary prevention of asthma', Controlled Clinical Trials, 22, pp. 333 - 354,

Marks GB; Colquhoun JR; Girgis ST; Hjelmroos Koski M; Treloar ABA; Hansen P; Downs SH; Car NG, 2001, 'Thunderstorm outflows preceding epidemics of asthma during spring and summer', Thorax, 56, pp. 468 - 471,

Marks GB; Colquhoun JR; Girgis ST; Koski MH; Treloar ABA; Hansen P; Downs SH; Car NG, 2001, 'Thunderstorm outflows preceding epidemics of asthma during spring and summer', Thorax, 56, pp. 468 - 471,

Peat JK; Mellis CM; Toelle BG; Marks GB, 2001, 'Continuing the debate about measuring asthma in population studies', Thorax, 56, pp. 406 - 411,

Heard AR; Heard SR; Pilotto LS; Beilby JJ; Smith BJ, 2001, 'Asthma clinics in general practice: What is the evidence? (multiple letters)', Medical Journal of Australia, 174, pp. 483 - 484,

Downs SH; Marks GB; Sporik R; Belosouva EG; Car NG; Peat JK, 2001, 'Continued increase in the prevalence of asthma and atopy', Archives of Disease in Childhood, 84, pp. 20 - 23,

Marks GB, 2001, 'Airborne concentrations of alternaria spores and emergency hospital attendance for asthma', Respirology, 6

Marks GB, 2001, 'Commentary: Geographical heterogeneity of asthma', International Journal of Epidemiology, 30, pp. 179 - 180,

Downie S; Downs S; Mitakakis T; Salome C; Marks G, 2001, 'No association between atopy and month of birth', Respirology, 6

Peat JK; Keena V; Harakeh Z; Marks G, 2001, 'Parental smoking and respiratory tract infections in children', Paediatric Respiratory Reviews, 2, pp. 207 - 213,

Leuppi JD; Salome CM; Jenkins CR; Anderson SD; Xuan W; Marks GB; Koskela H; Brannan JD; Freed R; Andersson M; Chan HK; Woolcock AJ, 2001, 'Predictive markers of asthma exacerbation during stepwise dose reduction of inhaled corticosteroids', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 163, pp. 406 - 412,

Marks GB, 2001, 'What should we tell allergic families about pets?', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 108, pp. 500 - 502,

Marks GB; Bai J; Stewart GJ; Simpson SE; Sullivan EA, 2001, 'Effectiveness of postmigration screening in controlling tuberculosis among refugees: a historical cohrt study, 1984-1998', American Journal of Public Health, 91, pp. 1797 - 1799

Jalaludin BB; Marks GB, 2001, 'Epidemiology of asthma in children. Who gets asthma and why?', Australian Family Physician, 30, pp. 109 - 113

Marks GB; Bai J; Simpson SE; Stewart GJ; Sullivan EA, 2001, 'The incidence of tuberculosis in a cohort of South-East Asian refugees arriving in Australia 1984-94', Respirology, 6, pp. 71 - 74

Kongs A; Marks GB; Verle P; Van der Stuyft P, 2001, 'The unreliability of the Kato-Katz technique limits its usefulness for evaluating S.mansoni infections', Tropical Medicine and International Health, 6, pp. 163 - 169

Marks G, 2001, 'Using New South Wales Health Survey data to monitor asthma prevalence and management in New South Wales.', N S W Public Health Bull, 12, pp. 221 - 223,

Haby MM; Marks GB; Peat JK; Leeder SR, 2000, 'Daycare attendance before the age of two protects against atopy in preschool age children', Pediatric Pulmonology, 30, pp. 377 - 384,<377::AID-PPUL3>3.0.CO;2-3

Marks GB; Jalaludin BB; Williamson M; Atkin NL; Bauman A, 2000, 'Use of 'preventer' medications and written asthma management plans among adults with asthma in New South Wales', Medical Journal of Australia, 173, pp. 407 - 410,

Marks GB; Jalaludin BB; Williamson M; Atkin NL; Bauman A, 2000, 'Use of "preventer" medications and written asthma management plans among adults with asthma in New South Wales. NSW Health Department Asthma Data Working Group.', Med J Aust, 173, pp. 407 - 410,

Reddel HK; Jenkins CR; Marks GB; Ware SI; Xuan W; Salome CM; Badcock CA; Woolcock AJ, 2000, 'Optimal asthma control, starting with high doses of inhaled budesonide (vol 16, pg 226, 2000)', EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL, 16, pp. 579 - 579,

Salome CM; Marks GB; Savides P; Xuan W; Woolcock AJ, 2000, 'The effect of insecticide aerosols on lung function, airway responsiveness and symptoms in asthmatic subjects', European Respiratory Journal, 16, pp. 38 - 43,

Girgis ST; Marks GB; Downs SH; Kolbe A; Car GN; Paton R, 2000, 'Thunderstorm-associated asthma in an inland town in south-eastern Australia. Who is at risk?', European Respiratory Journal, 16, pp. 3 - 8,

Marks GB; Heslop W; Yates DH, 2000, 'Prehospital management of exacerbations of asthma: Relation to patient and disease characteristics', Respirology, 5, pp. 45 - 50,

Premaratne UN; Sterne JAC; Burney PGJ; Marks GB; Webb JR, 2000, 'Greenwich asthma study - Study's conclusions are premature - Reply', BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 320, pp. 580 - 581,

Feder G; Griffiths C; Foster G; Ahmed S; Maclaren D; Carter Y; Premaratne UN; Sterne JAC; Burney PGJ; Marks GB; Webb JR, 2000, 'Greenwich asthma study (multiple letters)', British Medical Journal, 320, pp. 580 - 581

Vanlaar CH; Peat JK; Marks GB; Rimmer J; Tovey ER, 2000, 'Domestic control of house dust mite allergen in children's beds', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 105, pp. 1130 - 1133,

Tovey ER; McDonald LG; Peat JK; Marks GB, 2000, 'Domestic mite species and der p 1 allergen levels in nine locations in Australia', Allergy and Clinical Immunology International, 12, pp. 226 - 231,

Reddel HK; Jenkins CR; Marks GB; Ware SI; Xuan W; Salome CM; Badcock CA; Woolcock AJ, 2000, 'Erratum: Optimal asthma control, starting with high doses of inhaled budesonide (European Respiratory Journal (2000) 16 (226-235))', European Respiratory Journal, 16, pp. 579

Marks GB; Bai J; Simpson SE; Sullivan EA; Stewart GJ, 2000, 'Incidence of tuberculosis among a cohort of tuberculin-positive refugees in Australia: Reappraising the estimates of risk', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 162, pp. 1851 - 1854,

Xuan W; Peat JK; Toelle BG; Marks GB; Berry G; Woolcock AJ, 2000, 'Lung function growth and its relation to airway hyperresponsiveness and recent wheeze: Results from a longitudinal population study', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 161, pp. 1820 - 1824,

Reddel HK; Jenkins CR; Marks GB; Ware SI; Xuan W; Salome CM; Badcock CA; Woolcock AJ, 2000, 'Optimal asthma control, starting with high doses of inhaled budesonide', European Respiratory Journal, 16, pp. 226 - 235,

Mitakakis TZ; Tovey ER; Xuan W; Marks GB, 2000, 'Personal exposure to allergenic pollen and mould spores in inland New South Wales, Australia', Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 30, pp. 1733 - 1739,

Garau G; Geremia S; Randaccio L; Vaccari L; Viezzoli MS, 2000, 'Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of two pH-dependent forms of cytochrome c2 from Rhodopseudomonas palustris.', Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr, 56, pp. 1699 - 1701,

Haby MM; Marks GB; Peat JK; Leeder SR, 2000, 'Daycare attendance before the age of two protects against atopy in preschool age children', Pediatric Pulmonology, 30, pp. 377 - 384,<377::aid-ppul3>;2-v

Marks GB; Bai J; Simpson JR; Sullivan EA; Stewart BW, 2000, 'Incidence of Tuberculosis among a cohort of tuberculin-positive refugees in Australia', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 162, pp. 1851 - 1854

Reddel H; Ware S; Marks G; Salome C; Jenkins C; Woolcock A, 1999, 'Differences between asthma exacerbations and poor asthma control', Pneumologie, 53, pp. 239

Girgis S; Marks G; Downs S; Car G; Kolbe T, 1999, 'Does inhaled steroid prevent asthma exacerbation during a thunderstorm?', Respirology, 4

Xuan W; Marks GB; Toelle BG; Peat JK; Woolcock AJ, 1999, 'Risk factors for onset and remission of atopy and asthma', Respirology, 4

Toelle B; Marks GB; Salome C; Peat JK; Woolcock AJ, 1999, 'Hyperresponsiveness and inflammation of the airways are independent predictors of wheeze.', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, 159, pp. A131 - A131,

Xuan W; Marks GB; Toelle BG; Peat JK; Woolcock AJ, 1999, 'Risk factors for onset and remission of atopy and asthma', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, 159, pp. A149 - A149,

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