Select Publications

Journal articles

Jetmalani K; Brown NJ; Boustany C; Toelle BG; Marks GB; Abramson MJ; Johns DP; James AL; Hunter M; Musk AW; Berend N; Farah CS; Chapman DG; Thamrin C; King GG, 2021, 'Normal limits for oscillometric bronchodilator responses and relationships with clinical factors', ERJ Open Research, 7,

Nhung NTT; Jegasothy E; Ngan NTK; Truong NX; Thanh NTN; Marks GB; Morgan G, 2021, 'Mortality burden due to long-term exposure to PM2.5 in Hanoi, Vietnam', ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2021,

Wark PAB; MacIntyre CR; Bell S; Oliver B; Marks GB, 2021, 'We are not doing enough to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses in Australian hospitals', Medical Journal of Australia, 215, pp. 152 - 153.e1,

Meghji J; Mortimer K; Jayasooriya S; Marks GB, 2021, 'Authors' reply', LANCET, 398, pp. 490 - 490,

Meghji J; Mortimer K; Jayasooriya S; Marks GB, 2021, 'Lung health in LMICs: tackling challenges ahead – Authors' reply', The Lancet, 398, pp. 490,

Raina MacIntyre C; Nguyen PY; Trent M; Seale H; Chughtai AA; Shah S; Marks GB, 2021, 'Adverse health effects in people with and without preexisting respiratory conditions during bushfire smoke exposure in the 2019/2020 australian summer', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 204, pp. 368 - 371,

Ewald B; Knibbs L; Marks G, 2021, 'Opportunity to reduce paediatric asthma in New South Wales through nitrogen dioxide control', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 45, pp. 400 - 402,

Poulos LM; Ampon RD; Currow DC; Marks GB; Toelle BG; Reddel HK, 2021, 'Prevalence and burden of breathlessness in Australian adults: The National Breathlessness Survey—a cross-sectional web-based population survey', Respirology, 26, pp. 768 - 775,

Ewald B; Knibbs LD; Campbell R; Marks GB, 2021, 'Public health opportunities in the Australian air quality standards review', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 45, pp. 307 - 310,

Marks GB; Nguyen TA; Fox GJ, 2021, 'Community-wide active case finding and tuberculosis infection in children', The Lancet Public Health, 6, pp. e447,

Fox GJ; Johnston JC; Marks GB; Velen K, 2021, 'Reply to: ''The impact of contact evaluation and TB preventive therapy on TB incidence'' and ''A new Paradigm: Testing household contacts of adolescents with incident TB infection''', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 25, pp. 601,

Niessen NM; Gibson PG; Baines KJ; Barker D; Yang IA; Upham JW; Reynolds PN; Hodge S; James AL; Jenkins C; Peters MJ; Marks GB; Baraket M; Simpson JL; Fricker M, 2021, 'Sputum TNF markers are increased in neutrophilic and severe asthma and are reduced by azithromycin treatment', Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 76, pp. 2090 - 2101,

Wu WW; Zhang X; Li M; Liu Y; Chen ZH; Xie M; Zhao SZ; Wang G; Zhang HP; Wang T; Qin L; Wang L; Oliver BG; Wan HJ; Zhang J; McDonald VM; Marks GB; Li WM; Birring SS; Gibson PG, 2021, 'Treatable Traits in Elderly Asthmatics from the Australasian Severe Asthma Network: A Prospective Cohort Study', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 9, pp. 2770 - 2782,

Hasan T; Pham TN; Nguyen TA; Le HTT; Van Le D; Dang TT; Van TD; Pham YN; Nguyen HV; Tran GL; Nguyen VTC; Nguyen TT; Truong VQ; Dao TH; Le CT; Truong NT; Vo HT; Le PT; Nguyen TT; Van Luu V; Nguyen VD; Toelle BG; Marks GB; Fox GJ, 2021, 'Sero-prevalence of sars-cov-2 antibodies in high-risk populations in vietnam', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,

Brew B; Gibberd A; Marks GB; Strobel N; Allen CW; Jorm L; Chambers G; Eades S; McNamara B; Haasdyk BB, 2021, 'Identifying preventable risk factors for hospitalised asthma in young Aboriginal children: A whole-population cohort study', Thorax, 76, pp. 539 - 546,

Burney P; Patel J; Minelli C; Gnatiuc L; Amaral AFS; Kocabaş A; Cherkaski HH; Gulsvik A; Nielsen R; Bateman E; Jithoo A; Mortimer K; Sooronbaev TM; Lawin H; Nejjari C; Elbiaze M; El Rhazi K; Zheng JP; Ran P; Welte T; Obaseki D; Erhabor G; Elsony A; Osman NB; Ahmed R; Nizankowska-Mogilnicka E; Mejza F; Mannino DM; Bárbara C; Wouters EFM; Idolor LF; Loh LC; Rashid A; Juvekar S; Gislason T; Al Ghobain M; Studnicka M; Harrabi I; Denguezli M; Koul PA; Jenkins C; Marks G; Jõgi R; Hafizi H; Janson C; Tan WC; Aquart-Stewart A; Mbatchou B; Nafees AA; Gunasekera K; Seemungal T; Anand MP; Enright P; Vollmer WM; Blangiardo M; Elfadaly FG; Buist AS; Aliko A; Bardhi D; Tafa H; Thanasi N; Mezini A; Teferici A; Todri D; Nikolla J; Kazasi R; Bengrait A; Haddad T; Zgaoula I; Ghit M; Roubhia A; Boudra S; Atoui F; Yakoubi R; Benali R; Bencheikh A; Ait-Khaled N; Bird T; Espinel P; Hardaker K; Toelle B; Dawes T; Lamprecht B; Schirhofer L; Islam A; Ahmed SM; Islam S; Islam QS; Mesbah-Ul-Haque ; Chowdhury TR; Chatterjee SK; Mia D; Das SC; Rahman M; Islam N; Uddin S; Islam N; Khatun L; Parvin M; Khan AA, 2021, 'Prevalence and Population-Attributable Risk for Chronic Airflow Obstruction in a Large Multinational Study', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 203, pp. 1353 - 1365,

Morawska L; Allen J; Bahnfleth W; Bluyssen PM; Boerstra A; Buonanno G; Cao J; Dancer SJ; Floto A; Franchimon F; Greenhalgh T; Haworth C; Hogeling J; Isaxon C; Jimenez JL; Kurnitski J; Li Y; Loomans M; Marks G; Marr LC; Mazzarella L; Melikov AK; Miller S; Milton DK; Nazaroff W; Nielsen PV; Noakes C; Peccia J; Prather K; Querol X; Sekhar C; Seppänen O; Tanabe SI; Tang JW; Tellier R; Tham KW; Wargocki P; Wierzbicka A; Yao M, 2021, 'A paradigm shift to combat indoor respiratory infection', Science, 372, pp. 689 - 691,

Toelle BG; Ampon RD; Abramson MJ; James AL; Maguire GP; Wood-Baker R; Johns DP; Marks GB, 2021, 'Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with breathlessness in Australia: weighted using the 2016 Australian census', Internal Medicine Journal, 51, pp. 784 - 787,

Lam TT; Dang DA; Tran HH; Do DV; Le H; Negin J; Jan S; Marks GB; Nguyen TA; Fox GJ; Beardsley J, 2021, 'What are the most effective community-based antimicrobial stewardship interventions in low-and middle-income countries? A narrative review', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 76, pp. 1117 - 1129,

Meghji J; Mortimer K; Agusti A; Allwood BW; Asher I; Bateman ED; Bissell K; Bolton CE; Bush A; Celli B; Chiang CY; Cruz AA; Dinh-Xuan AT; El Sony A; Fong KM; Fujiwara PI; Gaga M; Garcia-Marcos L; Halpin DMG; Hurst JR; Jayasooriya S; Kumar A; Lopez-Varela MV; Masekela R; Mbatchou Ngahane BH; Montes de Oca M; Pearce N; Reddel HK; Salvi S; Singh SJ; Varghese C; Vogelmeier CF; Walker P; Zar HJ; Marks GB, 2021, 'Improving lung health in low-income and middle-income countries: from challenges to solutions', The Lancet, 397, pp. 928 - 940,

Tong A; Baumgart A; Evangelidis N; Viecelli AK; Carter SA; Azevedo LC; Cooper T; Bersten A; Cervantes L; Chew DP; Crowe S; Douglas IS; Flemyng E; Elliott JH; Hannan E; Horby P; Howell M; Ju A; Lee J; Lorca E; Lynch D; Manera KE; Marshall JC; Gonzalez AM; McKenzie A; Mehta S; Mer M; Morris AC; Needham DM; Nseir S; Povoa P; Reid M; Sakr Y; Shen N; Smyth AR; Simpson AJ; Snelling T; Strippoli GFM; Teixeira-Pinto A; Torres A; Turner T; Webb S; Williamson PR; Woc-Colburn L; Zhang J; Craig JC; Abdullah A; Anumudu S; Arriaga P; Azevedo L; Barlow D; Barrantes Perez J; Bozza F; Carter S; Chan E; Conway Morris A; Cuellar F; De Leon C; Dheda K; Douglas I; Claire DS; Garner P; Goytia C; Granja C; Haverlid A; Hidalgo J; Howell M; Johnson TMJ; Jubb A; Kusel J; Laidlaw L; Landowski S; Lee J; Macdonald J; Marks G; Marshall J; Matus Gonzalez A; McLeod C; Mesa P; Morgans J; Needham D; Ng B; O'Hara M; Ranzani O, 2021, 'Core Outcome Measures for Trials in People with Coronavirus Disease 2019: Respiratory Failure, Multiorgan Failure, Shortness of Breath, and Recovery', Critical Care Medicine, 49, pp. 503 - 516,

Tu Y; Williams GM; Cortés de Waterman AM; Toelle BG; Guo Y; Denison L; Babu GR; Yang BY; Dong GH; Jalaludin B; Marks GB; Knibbs LD, 2021, 'A national cross-sectional study of exposure to outdoor nitrogen dioxide and aeroallergen sensitization in Australian children aged 7–11 years', Environmental Pollution, 271,

Fox GJ; Johnston JC; Nguyen TA; Majumdar SS; Denholm JT; Asldurf H; Nguyen CB; Marks GB; Velen K, 2021, 'Active case-finding in contacts of people with TB', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 25, pp. 95 - 105,

Zhang X; Zhang L; Wang G; Feng M; Liang R; McDonald VM; Zhang HP; Yu H; Liang ZA; Wang L; Marks GB; Li WM; Gibson PG, 2021, 'Clinical Phenotypes of Patients Hospitalized for an Asthma Exacerbation: Prognostic Implications', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 9, pp. 830 - 841.e14,

Nguyen TA; Nguyen BTC; Duong DT; Marks GB; Fox GJ, 2021, 'Experience in responding to COVID-19 outbreaks from Vietnam', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 7,

Linh NN; Miller C; Marks GB, 2021, 'Potential benefits of active case finding to reduce the burden of TB', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 25, pp. 93 - 94,

Maltby S; McDonald VM; Upham JW; Bowler SD; Chung LP; Denton EJ; Fingleton J; Garrett J; Grainge CL; Hew M; James AL; Jenkins C; Katsoulotos G; King GG; Langton D; Marks GB; Menzies-Gow A; Niven RM; Peters M; Reddel HK; Thien F; Thomas PS; Wark PAB; Yap E; Gibson PG, 2021, 'Severe asthma assessment, management and the organisation of care in Australia and New Zealand: expert forum roundtable meetings', Internal Medicine Journal, 51, pp. 169 - 180,

O Neill C; Gibson PG; Heaney LG; Upham JW; Yang IA; Reynolds PN; Hodge S; Jenkins CR; Peters M; Marks GB; James AL; Simpson JL, 2021, 'The cost-effectiveness of azithromycin in reducing exacerbations in uncontrolled asthma', European Respiratory Journal, 57,

Huang WC; Fox GJ; Pham NY; Nguyen TA; Vu VG; Ngo QC; Nguyen VN; Jan S; Negin J; Le TTL; Marks GB, 2021, 'A syndromic approach to assess diagnosis and management of patients presenting with respiratory symptoms to healthcare facilities in Vietnam', ERJ Open Research, 7,

Zawahir S; Le H; Nguyen TA; Beardsley J; Duc AD; Bernays S; Viney K; Hung TC; McKinn S; Tran HH; Tu SN; Velen K; Minh TL; Mai HTT; Viet NN; Viet HN; Cam VNT; Trung TN; Jan S; Marais BJ; Negin J; Marks GB; Fox G, 2021, 'Standardised patient study to assess tuberculosis case detection within the private pharmacy sector in Vietnam', BMJ Global Health, 6,

Petrie K; Toelle BG; Wood-Baker R; Maguire GP; James AL; Hunter M; Johns DP; Marks GB; George J; Abramson MJ, 2021, 'Undiagnosed and misdiagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Data from the bold australia study', International Journal of COPD, 16, pp. 467 - 475,

Ragonnet R; Williams B; Largen A; Nasa J; Jack T; Langinlur M; Ko E; Rahevar K; Islam T; Denholm J; Marais B; Marks G; McBryde E; Trauer J, 2021, 'Long-term effects of mass screening for latent and active tuberculosis in the Marshall Islands', ,

Hasan T; Pham TN; Anh NT; Le HTT; Le DV; Dang TT; Van TD; Pham YN; Nguyen HV; Tran GL; Nguyen VTC; Nguyen TT; Truong VQ; Dao TH; Le CT; Truong NT; Vo HT; Le PT; Nguyen TT; Luu VV; Nguyen VD; Toelle B; Marks G; Fox G, 2021, 'Sero-Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in High-Risk Populations in Vietnam', ,

Wilson N; Marks G; Eckhardt A; Clarke A; Young F; Garden F; Stewart W; Cook T; Tovey E, 2021, 'The effect of respiratory activity, ventilatory therapy and facemasks on total aerosol emissions', ,

Davis S; Ampon R; Poulos L; Marks G; Toelle B; Reddel H, 2021, 'Willingness to receive vaccination against COVID-19: results from a large nationally representative Australian population survey', ,

Guo L; Salimi F; Wang H; Hofmann W; Johnson GR; Toelle BG; Marks GB; Morawska L, 2020, 'Experimentally determined deposition of ambient urban ultrafine particles in the respiratory tract of children', Environment International, 145,

Cole-Hunter T; Johnston FH; Marks GB; Morawska L; Morgan GG; Overs M; Porta-Cubas A; Cowie CT, 2020, 'The health impacts of waste-to-energy emissions: A systematic review of the literature', Environmental Research Letters, 15,

Cowie CT; Yi Y; Toelle BG; Hanigan IC; Knibbs LD; Jegasothy E; Marks GB; Garden FL, 2020, 'Comparison of LUR, satellite LUR and Bayesian NO2 exposure measures on effect estimates of respiratory and allergic disease in a children’s cohort', ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2020,

Jalaludin B; Garden F; Chrzanowska A; Haryanto B; Cowie C; Lestari F; Morgan G; Mazumdar S; Metcalf K; Marks G, 2020, 'Effects of the Sumatran forest fires (haze) on cognitive function in Indonesian children', ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2020,

Cowie CT; Salimi F; Ezz W; Clifford S; Mazaheri M; Morawska L; Robinson PD; Toelle BG; Marks GB, 2020, 'UFP exposure and biomarkers of exposure/effect on small airways in school children', ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2020,

Toelle BG; Garden FL; McIntyre PB; Wood N; Marks GB, 2020, 'Pertussis vaccination and allergic illness in Australian children', Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 31, pp. 857 - 861,

Zosky G; Vanderhoorn ; Abramson ; Green D; Dwyer ; Heyworth ; Jalaludin B; McCrindle-Fuchs J; Tham ; Marks , 2020, 'Principles for setting air quality guidelines to protect human health in Australia', Medical Journal of Australia

Toelle BG; Marks GB; Dunn SM, 2020, 'Validation of the inhaler adherence questionnaire', BMC Psychology, 8,

Nguyen TBP; Nguyen TA; Luu BK; Le TTO; Nguyen VS; Nguyen KC; Duong KD; Nguyen HB; Nguyen NL; Fox GJ; Nguyen NV; Marks GB, 2020, 'A comparison of digital chest radiography and XpertW MTB/RIF in active case finding for tuberculosis', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 24, pp. 934 - 940,

Morawska L; Tang JW; Bahnfleth W; Bluyssen PM; Boerstra A; Buonanno G; Cao J; Dancer S; Floto A; Franchimon F; Haworth C; Hogeling J; Isaxon C; Jimenez JL; Kurnitski J; Li Y; Loomans M; Marks G; Marr LC; Mazzarella L; Melikov AK; Miller S; Milton DK; Nazaroff W; Nielsen PV; Noakes C; Peccia J; Querol X; Sekhar C; Seppänen O; Tanabe SI; Tellier R; Tham KW; Wargocki P; Wierzbicka A; Yao M, 2020, 'How can airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors be minimised?', Environment International, 142,

Toelle BG; Marks GB; Dunn SM, 2020, 'Psychological and medical characteristics associated with non-adherence to prescribed daily inhaled corticosteroid', Journal of Personalized Medicine, 10, pp. 1 - 12,

Ho J; Bokil NJ; Nguyen PTB; Nguyen TA; Liu MY; Hare N; Fox GJ; Saunders BM; Marks GB; Britton WJ, 2020, 'A transcriptional blood signature distinguishes early tuberculosis disease from latent tuberculosis infection and uninfected individuals in a Vietnamese cohort', Journal of Infection, 81, pp. 72 - 80,

Marks GB, 2020, 'Editorial a new model for clinical trials to address the COVID-19 emergency', Breathe, 16, pp. 1 - 3,

Tham R; Morgan G; Dharmage S; Marks G; Cowie C, 2020, 'Scoping review to understand the potential for public health impacts of transitioning to lower carbon emission technologies and policies', ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 2,

Ong CWM; Goletti D, 2020, 'Adapting a TB contact investigation strategy for COVID-19', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 24, pp. 548 - 550,

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