Select Publications

Journal articles

Leisman DE; Harhay MO; Lederer DJ; Abramson M; Adjei AA; Bakker J; Ballas ZK; Barreiro E; Bell SC; Bellomo R; Bernstein JA; Branson RD; Brusasco V; Chalmers JD; Chokroverty S; Citerio G; Collop NA; Cooke CR; Crapo JD; Donaldson G; Fitzgerald DA; Grainger E; Hale L; Herth FJ; Kochanek PM; Marks G; Moorman JR; Ost DE; Schatz M; Sheikh A; Smyth AR; Stewart I; Stewart PW; Swenson ER; Szymusiak R; Teboul JL; Vincent JL; Wedzicha JA; Maslove DM, 2020, 'Development and Reporting of Prediction Models: Guidance for Authors From Editors of Respiratory, Sleep, and Critical Care Journals', Critical Care Medicine, 48, pp. 623 - 633,

Vardoulakis S; Marks G; Abramson MJ, 2020, 'Lessons Learned from the Australian Bushfires: Climate Change, Air Pollution, and Public Health', JAMA Internal Medicine, 180, pp. 635 - 636,

Thanh HN; Van TN; Thu HNT; Van BN; Thanh BD; Thu HPT; Kieu ANT; Viet NN; Marks GB; Fox GJ; Nguyen TA, 2020, 'Outbreak investigation for COVID-19 in northern Vietnam', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20, pp. 535 - 536,

Maltby S; Gibson PG; Reddel HK; Smith L; Wark PAB; King GG; Upham JW; Clark VL; Hew M; Owens L; Oo S; James AL; Thompson B; Marks GB; McDonald VM, 2020, 'Severe Asthma Toolkit: An online resource for multidisciplinary health professionals - Needs assessment, development process and user analytics with survey feedback', BMJ Open, 10,

Marks GB; Maher D, 2020, 'Clare Pierard puts down her pen', PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION, 10, pp. 1 - 2,

Marks GB; Nguyen NV; Fox GJ, 2020, 'Community-wide Screening for Tuberculosis. Reply', The New England journal of medicine, 382, pp. 1186,

Chakaya JM; Harries AD; Marks GB, 2020, 'Ending tuberculosis by 2030—Pipe dream or reality?', International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 92, pp. S51 - S54,

Marks GB, 2020, 'Reducing the burden of respiratory symptoms and illness in the elderly and general population requires multi-pronged strategies', Respirology, 25, pp. 232 - 233,

Wei X; Marks G, 2020, 'Tobacco control', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 24, pp. 263,

Salimi F; Hanigan I; Jalaludin B; Guo Y; Rolfe M; Heyworth JS; Cowie CT; Knibbs LD; Cope M; Marks GB; Morgan GG, 2020, 'Associations between long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and Parkinson's disease prevalence: A cross-sectional study', Neurochemistry International, 133,

Studnicka M; Horner A; Sator L; Buist AS; Lamprecht B; Zhong NS; Liu S; Lu J; Ran P; Wang D; Zheng J; Zhou Y; Kocabaş A; Hancioglu A; Hanta I; Kuleci S; Turkyilmaz AS; Umut S; Unalan T; Dawes T; Bateman E; Jithoo A; Adams D; Barnes E; Freeman J; Hayes A; Hlengwa S; Johannisen C; Koopman M; Louw I; Ludick I; Olckers A; Ryck J; Storbeck J; Gislason T; Benedikdtsdottir B; Jörundsdottir K; Gudmundsdottir L; Gudmundsdottir S; Gundmundsson G; Nizankowska-Mogilnicka E; Frey J; Harat R; Mejza F; Nastalek P; Pajak A; Skucha W; Szczeklik A; Twardowska M; Welte T; Bodemann I; Geldmacher H; Schweda-Linow A; Gulsvik A; Endresen T; Svendsen L; Tan WC; Wang W; Mannino DM; Cain J; Copeland R; Hazen D; Methvin J; Dantes RB; Amarillo L; Berratio LU; Fernandez LC; Francisco NA; Garcia GS; de Guia TS; Idolor LF; Naval SS; Reyes T; Roa CC; Sanchez MF; Simpao LP; Jenkins C; Marks G; Bird T; Espinel P; Hardaker K; Toelle B; Burney PGJ; Amor C; Potts J; Tumilty M; McLean F; Wouters EFM; Wesseling GJ; Bárbara C; Rodrigues F; Dias H; Cardoso J; Almeida J; Matos MJ; Simão P; Santos M; Ferreira R; Janson C; Olafsdottir IS, 2020, 'COPD: Should Diagnosis Match Physiology?', Chest, 157, pp. 473 - 475,

Lu P; Zhang Y; Lin J; Xia G; Zhang W; Knibbs LD; Morgan GG; Jalaludin B; Marks G; Abramson M; Li S; Guo Y, 2020, 'Multi-city study on air pollution and hospital outpatient visits for asthma in China', Environmental Pollution, 257, pp. 113638,

Mason PH; Lyttleton C; Marks GB; Fox GJ, 2020, 'The technological imperative in tuberculosis care and prevention in Vietnam', Global Public Health, 15, pp. 307 - 320,

Fox GJ; Nguyen CB; Nguyen TA; Tran PT; Marais BJ; Graham SM; Nguyen BH; Velen K; Dowdy DW; Mason P; Britton WJ; Behr MA; Benedetti A; Menzies D; Nguyen VN; Marks GB, 2020, 'Levofloxacin versus placebo for the treatment of latent tuberculosis among contacts of patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (the VQUIN MDR trial): A protocol for a randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 10, pp. e033945,

Davies PDO; Marks GB; Maher D, 2020, 'Clare pierard puts down her pen', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 24, pp. 3 - 4,

Chaulk CP; Moonan PK, 2020, 'Clare Pierard puts down her pen.', Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 24, pp. 3 - 4,

Cheng S; Pheng SH; Heng S; Marks GB; Bañuls AL; Mao TE; Kerléguer A, 2020, 'Evaluation of Loopamp Assay for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Cambodia', BioMed Research International, 2020,

Han C; Xu R; Zhang Y; Yu W; Li S; Zhang Z; Morawska L; Heyworth J; Jalaludin B; Morgan G; Marks G; Abramson M; Sun L; Guo Y, 2020, 'Air pollution control efficacy and health impacts: A global observed study from 2000 to 2016', ,

Marks GB; Hansell AL; Johnston FH, 2019, 'The environment is a first order issue for lung health', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 23, pp. 1239 - 1240,

Morawska L; Miller W; Riley M; Vardoulakis S; Zhu YG; Marks GB; Garnawat P; Kumar P; Thynell M, 2019, 'Towards Urbanome the genome of the city to enhance the form and function of future cities', Nature Communications, 10, pp. 4014,

Marks GB; Nguyen NV; Nguyen PTB; Nguyen TA; Nguyen HB; Tran KH; Nguyen SV; Luu KB; Tran DTT; Vo QTN; Le OTT; Nguyen YH; Do VQ; Mason PH; Nguyen VAT; Ho J; Sintchenko V; Nguyen LN; Britton WJ; Fox GJ, 2019, 'Community-wide Screening for Tuberculosis in a High-Prevalence Setting', New England Journal of Medicine, 381, pp. 1347 - 1357,

Gibson PG; Yang IA; Upham JW; Reynolds PN; Hodge S; James AL; Jenkins C; Peters MJ; Marks GB; Baraket M; Powell H; Simpson JL, 2019, 'Efficacy of azithromycin in severe asthma from the AMAZES randomised trial', ERJ Open Research, 5, pp. 00056 - 02019,

Ivey MA; Maguire GP; Toelle BG; Marks GB; Abramson MJ; Wood-Baker R, 2019, 'Characteristics in stages of change and decisional balance among smokers: The burden of obstructive lung diseases (BOLD)-Australia study', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, pp. 3372,

Laba TL; Jan S; Zwar NA; Roughead E; Marks GB; Flynn AW; Goldman MD; Heaney A; Lembke KA; Reddel HK, 2019, 'Cost-Related Underuse of Medicines for Asthma—Opportunities for Improving Adherence', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 7, pp. 2298 - 2306.e12,

Taylor SL; Leong LEX; Mobegi FM; Choo JM; Wesselingh S; Yang IA; Upham JW; Reynolds PN; Hodge S; James AL; Jenkins C; Peters MJ; Baraket M; Marks GB; Gibson PG; Rogers GB; Simpson JL, 2019, 'Long-Term Azithromycin Reduces Haemophilus influenzae and Increases Antibiotic Resistance in Severe Asthma', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 200, pp. 309 - 317,

Sator L; Horner A; Studnicka M; Lamprecht B; Kaiser B; McBurnie MA; Buist AS; Gnatiuc L; Mannino DM; Janson C; Bateman ED; Burney P; Zhong NS; Liu S; Lu J; Ran P; Wang D; Zheng J; Zhou Y; Kocabaş A; Hancioglu A; Hanta I; Kuleci S; Turkyilmaz AS; Umut S; Unalan T; Dawes T; Jithoo A; Adams D; Barnes E; Freeman J; Hayes A; Hlengwa S; Johannisen C; Koopman M; Louw I; Ludick I; Olckers A; Ryck J; Storbeck J; Gislason T; Benedikdtsdottir B; Jörundsdottir K; Gudmundsdottir L; Gudmundsdottir S; Gundmundsson G; Nizankowska-Mogilnicka E; Frey J; Harat R; Mejza F; Nastalek P; Pajak A; Skucha W; Szczeklik A; Twardowska M; Welte T; Bodemann I; Geldmacher H; Schweda-Linow A; Gulsvik A; Endresen T; Svendsen L; Tan WC; Wang W; Cain J; Copeland R; Hazen D; Methvin J; Dantes RB; Amarillo L; Berratio LU; Fernandez LC; Francisco NA; Garcia GS; de Guia TS; Idolor LF; Naval SS; Reyes T; Roa CC; Sanchez MF; Simpao LP; Jenkins C; Marks G; Bird T; Espinel P; Hardaker K; Toelle B; Amor C; Potts J; Tumilty M; McLean F; Wouters EFM; Wesseling GJ; Bárbara C; Rodrigues F; Dias H; Cardoso J; Almeida J, 2019, 'Overdiagnosis of COPD in Subjects With Unobstructed Spirometry: A BOLD Analysis', Chest, 156, pp. 277 - 288,

Fricker M; Gibson PG; Powell H; Simpson JL; Yang IA; Upham JW; Reynolds PN; Hodge S; James AL; Jenkins C; Peters MJ; Marks GB; Baraket M; Baines KJ, 2019, 'A sputum 6-gene signature predicts future exacerbations of poorly controlled asthma', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 144, pp. 51 - 60.e11,

Cowie CT; Garden F; Jegasothy E; Knibbs LD; Hanigan I; Morley D; Hansell A; Hoek G; Marks GB, 2019, 'Comparison of model estimates from an intra-city land use regression model with a national satellite-LUR and a regional Bayesian Maximum Entropy model, in estimating NO2 for a birth cohort in Sydney, Australia', Environmental Research, 174, pp. 24 - 34,

Hanigan IC; Rolfe MI; Knibbs LD; Salimi F; Cowie CT; Heyworth J; Marks GB; Guo Y; Cope M; Bauman A; Jalaludin B; Morgan GG, 2019, 'All-cause mortality and long-term exposure to low level air pollution in the ‘45 and up study’ cohort, Sydney, Australia, 2006–2015', Environment International, 126, pp. 762 - 770,

McDonald VM; Fingleton J; Agusti A; Hiles SA; Clark VL; Holland AE; Marks GB; Bardin PP; Beasley R; Pavord ID; Wark PAB; Gibson PG; Anderson G; Bardin PP; Cheng A; Chung LP; Dabscheck E; Dharmage S; Hardy J; Hew M; James A; Lam K; Jayaram L; Katelaris C; Leong P; MacDonald M; Mangan N; McDonald C; Morgan L; Osadnik C; Plank M; Roberts M; Searles A; See H; Spencer A; Upham J, 2019, 'Treatable traits: A new paradigm for 21st century management of chronic airway diseases: Treatable Traits down under International Workshop report', European Respiratory Journal, 53,

Barraclough JY; Garden FL; Toelle BG; Marks GB; Baur LA; Ayer JG; Celermajer DS, 2019, 'Weight Gain Trajectories from Birth to Adolescence and Cardiometabolic Status in Adolescence', Journal of Pediatrics, 208, pp. 89 - 95.e4,

Phuong NTB; Anh NT; Van Son N; Sintchenko V; Ho J; Fox GJ; Nhung NV; Marks GB, 2019, 'Effect of two alternative methods of pooling sputum prior to testing for tuberculosis with genexpert MTB/RIF', BMC Infectious Diseases, 19, pp. 347,

Fox GJ; Nguyen VN; Dinh NS; Nghiem LPH; Le TN; Nguyen TA; Nguyen BH; Nguyen HD; Tran NB; Nguyen TL; Nguyen VH; Phan TL; Nguyen KC; Ho J; Pham DC; Britton WJ; Bestrashniy JRBM; Marks GB, 2019, 'Post-treatment mortality among patients with tuberculosis: A prospective cohort study of 10 964 patients in Vietnam', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 68, pp. 1359 - 1366,

Popovic I; Soares Magalhaes RJ; Ge E; Marks GB; Dong GH; Wei X; Knibbs LD, 2019, 'A systematic literature review and critical appraisal of epidemiological studies on outdoor air pollution and tuberculosis outcomes', Environmental Research, 170, pp. 33 - 45,

Barraclough JY; Skilton MR; Garden FL; Toelle BG; Marks GB; Celermajer DS, 2019, 'Early and late childhood telomere length predict subclinical atherosclerosis at age 14 yrs. – The CardioCAPS study', International Journal of Cardiology, 278, pp. 250 - 253,

Lung T; Marks GB; Nhung NV; Anh NT; Hoa NLP; Anh LTN; Hoa NB; Britton WJ; Bestrashniy J; Jan S; Fox GJ, 2019, 'Household contact investigation for the detection of tuberculosis in Vietnam: economic evaluation of a cluster-randomised trial', The Lancet Global Health, 7, pp. e376 - e384,

Byrne AL; Marais BJ; Mitnick CD; Garden FL; Lecca L; Contreras C; Yauri Y; Garcia F; Marks GB, 2019, 'Asthma and atopy prevalence are not reduced among former tuberculosis patients compared with controls in Lima, Peru', BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 19, pp. 40,

Laba TL; Reddel HK; Zwar NJ; Marks GB; Roughead E; Flynn A; Goldman M; Heaney A; Lembke K; Jan S, 2019, 'Does a Patient-Directed Financial Incentive Affect Patient Choices About Controller Medicines for Asthma? A Discrete Choice Experiment and Financial Impact Analysis', PharmacoEconomics, 37, pp. 227 - 238,

Bissell K; Ellwood P; Ellwood E; Chiang CY; Marks GB; El Sony A; Asher I; Billo N; Perrin C; Marks G, 2019, 'Essential medicines at the national level: The global asthma network’s essential asthma medicines survey 2014', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, pp. 605,

Sabbagh DK; Beasley R; Marks GB, 2019, 'The Immunological Mysteries of Tuberculosis', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 7, pp. 649 - 650,

Smith SMS; Jan S; Descallar J; Marks GB, 2019, 'An investigation of methods to improve recall for the patient-reported outcome measurement in COPD patients: A pilot randomised control trial and feasibility study protocol', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 5, pp. 92,

Asher I; Bissell K; Chiang CY; El Sony A; Ellwood P; García-Marcos L; Marks GB; Mortimer K; Pearce N; Strachan D, 2019, 'Calling time on asthma deaths in tropical regions—how much longer must people wait for essential medicines?', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 7, pp. 13 - 15,

Lederer DJ; Bell SC; Branson RD; Chalmers JD; Marshall R; Maslove DM; Ost DE; Punjabi NM; Schatz M; Smyth AR; Stewart PW; Suissa S; Adjei AA; Akdis CA; Azoulay É; Bakker J; Ballas ZK; Bardin PG; Barreiro E; Bellomo R; Bernstein JA; Brusasco V; Buchman TG; Chokroverty S; Collop NA; Crapo JD; Fitzgerald DA; Hale L; Hart N; Herth FJ; Iwashyna TJ; Jenkins G; Kolb M; Marks GB; Mazzone P; Moorman JR; Murphy TM; Noah TL; Reynolds P; Riemann D; Russell RE; Sheikh A; Sotgiu G; Swenson ER; Szczesniak R; Szymusiak R; Teboul JL; Vincent JL, 2019, 'Control of confounding and reporting of results in causal inference studies', Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 16, pp. 22 - 28,

Tudball J; Reddel HK; Laba TL; Jan S; Flynn A; Goldman M; Lembke K; Roughead E; Marks GB; Zwar N, 2019, 'General practitioners' views on the influence of cost on the prescribing of asthma preventer medicines: A qualitative study', Australian Health Review, 43, pp. 246 - 253,

McDonald VM; Hiles SA; Godbout K; Harvey ES; Marks GB; Hew M; Peters M; Bardin PG; Reynolds PN; Upham JW; Baraket M; Bhikoo Z; Bowden J; Brockway B; Chung LP; Cochrane B; Foxley G; Garrett J; Jayaram L; Jenkins C; Katelaris C; Katsoulotos G; Koh MS; Kritikos V; Lambert M; Langton D; Lara Rivero A; Middleton PG; Nanguzgambo A; Radhakrishna N; Reddel H; Rimmer J; Southcott AM; Sutherland M; Thien F; Wark PAB; Yang IA; Yap E; Gibson PG, 2019, 'Treatable traits can be identified in a severe asthma registry and predict future exacerbations', Respirology, 24, pp. 37 - 47,

L K; A CDW; B T; Y G; L D; B J; G M; G W, 2019, 'Long-term exposure to low levels of outdoor air pollution and children’s respiratory health in Australia', Environmental Epidemiology, 3, pp. 209 - 209,

G M; T C-H; C C; F J; G M; L M; M O; A P-C, 2019, 'Waste-to-Energy processes: what is the impact on air pollutants and health? A critical review of the literature', Environmental Epidemiology, 3, pp. 275 - 275,

Marks G, 2018, 'Causal inference studies: Improving the quality of evidence', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 22, pp. 1389,

Garden FL; Toelle BG; Mihrshahi S; Webb KL; Almqvist C; Tovey ER; Brew BK; Ayer JG; Skilton MR; Jones G; Ferreira MAR; Cowie CT; Weber-Chrysochoou C; Britton WJ; Celermajer DS; Leeder SR; Peat JK; Marks GB; Haasdyk BB, 2018, 'Cohort profile: The childhood asthma prevention study (CAPS)', International Journal of Epidemiology, 47, pp. 1736 - 1736K,

Salimi F; Morgan G; Rolfe M; Samoli E; Cowie CT; Hanigan I; Knibbs L; Cope M; Johnston FH; Guo Y; Marks GB; Heyworth J; Jalaludin B, 2018, 'Long-term exposure to low concentrations of air pollutants and hospitalisation for respiratory diseases: A prospective cohort study in Australia', Environment International, 121, pp. 415 - 420,

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