Select Publications

Journal articles

Naghavi M; Wang H; Lozano R; Davis A; Liang X; Zhou M; Vollset SE; Abbasoglu Ozgoren A; Abdalla S; Abd-Allah F; Abdel Aziz MI; Abera SF; Aboyans V; Abraham B; Abraham JP; Abuabara KE; Abubakar I; Abu-Raddad LJ; Abu-Rmeileh NME; Achoki T; Adelekan A; Ademi Z; Adofo K; Adou AK; Adsuar JC; Ärnlov J; Agardh EE; Akena D; Al Khabouri MJ; Alasfoor D; Albittar M; Alegretti MA; Aleman AV; Alemu ZA; Alfonso-Cristancho R; Alhabib S; Ali MK; Ali R; Alla F; Al Lami F; Allebeck P; AlMazroa MA; Al-Shahi Salman R; Alsharif U; Alvarez E; Alviz-Guzman N; Amankwaa AA; Amare AT; Ameli O; Amini H; Ammar W; Anderson HR; Anderson BO; Antonio CAT; Anwari P; Apfel H; Argeseanu Cunningham S; Arsic Arsenijevic VS; Artaman A; Asad MM; Asghar RJ; Assadi R; Atkins LS; Atkinson C; Badawi A; Bahit MC; Bakfalouni T; Balakrishnan K; Balalla S; Banerjee A; Barber RM; Barker-Collo SL; Barquera S; Barregard L; Barrero LH; Barrientos-Gutierrez T; Basu A; Basu S; Basulaiman MO; Beardsley J; Bedi N; Beghi E; Bekele T; Bell ML; Benjet C; Bennett DA; Bensenor IM; Benzian H; Bertozzi-Villa A; Beyene TJ; Bhala N; Bhalla A; Bhutta ZA; Bikbov B; Bin Abdulhak A; Biryukov S; Blore JD; Blyth FM; Bohensky MA; Borges G; Boufous S; Marks G; Degenhardt L; Vallely A; Naidoo K; Satpathy M; Jha V; Pesudovs K; Huffman M, 2015, 'Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013', The Lancet, 385, pp. 117 - 171,

Stelzer-Braid S; Tovey ER; Willenborg CM; Toelle BG; Ampon R; Garden FL; Oliver BG; Strachan R; Belessis Y; Jaffe A; Reddel HK; Crisafulli D; Marks GB; Rawlinson WD, 2015, 'Absence of back to school peaks in human rhinovirus detections and respiratory symptoms in a cohort of children with asthma', Journal of Medical Virology,

Gnatiuc L; Buist AS; Kato B; Janson C; Aït-Khaled N; Nielsen R; Koul PA; Nizankowska-Mogilnicka E; Obaseki D; Idolor LF; Harrabi I; Burney PGJ; Vollmer W; Gillespie S; McBurnie M; Jithoo A; Coton S; Azhar H; Zhong NS; Liu SM; Lu JC; Ran PX; Wang DL; Zheng JP; Zhou YM; Kocabas A; Hancioglu A; Hanta I; Kuleci S; Turkyilmaz AS; Umut S; Unalan T; Studnicka M; Dawes T; Lamprecht B; Schirhofer L; Bateman E; Jithoo A; Adams D; Barnes E; Freeman J; Hayes A; Hlengwa S; Johannisen C; Koopman M; Louw I; Ludick I; Olckers A; Ryck J; Storbeck J; Gislason T; Benedikdtsdottir B; Jorundsdottir K; Gudmundsdottir L; Gudmundsdottir S; Gundmundsson G; Frey J; Harat R; Mejza F; Nastalek P; Pajak A; Skucha W; Szczeklik A; Twardowska M; Welte T; Bodemann I; Geldmacher H; Schweda-Linow A; Gulsvik A; Endresen T; Svendsen L; Tan WC; Wang W; Mannino DM; Cain J; Copeland R; Hazen D; Methvin J; Dantes RB; Amarillo L; Berratio LU; Fernandez LC; Francisco NA; Garcia GS; De Guia TS; Naval SS; Reyes T; Roa CC; Sanchez MF; Simpao LP; Jenkins C; Marks G; Bird T; Espinel P; Hardaker K; Toelle B; Amor C; Potts J; Tumilty M, 2015, 'Gaps In using bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids and influenza vaccine among 23 high- and low-income sites', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 19, pp. 21 - 30,

, 2015, 'Revisiting Styblo's law: Could mathematical models aid in estimating incidence from prevalence data?', Epidemiology and Infection, 143, pp. 1556 - 1565,

Cai Y; Cai X; Qasem A; Melki C; Butlin M; Ayer J; O’Meagher S; Toelle B; Marks G; Alvolio A; Celermajer D; Skilton M, 2015, 'Central blood pressure can be validly assessed from radial pulse waveforms in growing children – a longitudinal study', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 24, pp. S123 - S123,

Barraclough J; Skilton M; Nakhla S; Toelle B; Marks G; Celermajer D, 2015, 'Telomere length in early childhood predicts carotid intima-media thickness in adolescence - the CardioCAPS study', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 24, pp. S130 - S130,

Ivey MA; Johns DP; Stevenson C; Maguire GP; Toelle BG; Marks GB; Abramson MJ; Wood-Baker R, 2014, 'Assessing the performance of two lung age equations on the Australian population: using data from the cross-sectional BOLD-Australia study', Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 16, pp. 1629 - 1637,

Marks GB; Billo NE, 2014, 'Chronic respiratory disease: The forgotten NCD?', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 18, pp. 1261,

Burney P; Kato B; Janson C; Mannino D; Studnicka M; Tan W; Bateman E; Kocabas A; Vollmer WM; Gislason T; Marks G; Koul PA; Gnatiuc L; Buist S, 2014, 'Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease mortality and prevalence: the associations with smoking and poverty: a BOLD analysis--authors' reply', Thorax, 69, pp. 869 - 870,

Brew BK; Toelle BG; Webb KL; Almqvist C; Marks GB, 2014, 'Omega-3 supplementation during the first 5 years of life and later academic performance: a randomised controlled trial', European Journal of Clinical Nutrition,

Gupta RP; Perez-Padilla R; Marks G; Vollmer W; Menezes A; Burney P, 2014, 'Summarising published results from spirometric surveys of COPD: The problem of inconsistent definitions', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 18, pp. 998 - 1003,

Fox GJ; Sy DN; Nhung NV; Yu B; Ellis MK; Van Hung N; Cuong NK; Lien LT; Marks GB; Saunders BM; Britton WJ, 2014, 'Polymorphisms of SP110 are associated with both pulmonary and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis among the Vietnamese', PLoS ONE, 9,

Bissell K; Viney K; Brostrom R; Gounder S; Khogali M; Kishore K; Kool B; Kumar AMV; Manzi M; Marais B; Marks G; Linh N; Ram S; Reid S; Roseveare C; Tayler-Smith K; Van den Bergh R; Harries AD, 2014, 'Building operational research capacity in the Pacific', PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION, 4, pp. S2 - +,

Hansell AL; Rose N; Cowie CT; Belousova EG; Bakolis I; Ng K; Toelle BG; Marks GB, 2014, 'Weighted road density and allergic disease in children at high risk of developing asthma', PLoS ONE, 9,

Weber-Chrysochoou C; Crisafulli D; Kemp AS; Britton WJ; Marks GB, 2014, 'Allergen-specific IL-5 responses in early childhood predict asthma at age eight', PLoS ONE, 9,

Burney P; Jithoo A; Kato B; Janson C; Mannino D; Nizankowska-Mogilnicka E; Studnicka M; Tan WC; Bateman E; Koçabas A; Vollmer WM; Gislason T; Marks G; Koul PA; Harrabi I; Gnatiuc L; Buist S; Zhong NS; Liu S; Lu J; Ran P; Wang D; Zheng J; Zhou Y; Hancioglu A; Hanta I; Kuleci S; Turkyilmaz AS; Umut S; Unalan T; Dawes T; Lamprecht B; Schirhofer L; Adams D; Barnes E; Freeman J; Hayes A; Hlengwa S; Johannisen C; Koopman M; Louw I; Ludick I; Olckers A; Ryck J; Storbeck J; Benedikdtsdottir B; Jörundsdottir K; Gudmundsdottir L; Gudmundsdottir S; Gundmundsson G; Frey J; Harat R; Mejza F; Nastalek P; Pajak A; Skucha W; Szczeklik A; Twardowska M; Welte T; Bodemann I; Geldmacher H; Schweda-Linow A; Gulsvik A; Endresen T; Svendsen L; Wang W; Cain J; Copeland R; Hazen D; Methvin J; Dantes RB; Amarillo L; Berratio LU; Fernandez LC; Francisco NA; Garcia GS; De Guia TS; Idolor LF; Naval SS; Reyes T; Roa CC; Sanchez MF; Simpao LP; Jenkins C; Bird T; Espinel P; Hardaker K; Toelle B; Amor C; Potts J; Tumilty M; McLean F; Wouters EFM; Wesseling GJ; Bárbara C; Rodrigues F; Dias H; Cardoso J, 2014, 'Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease mortality and prevalence: The associations with smoking and poverty - A BOLD analysis', Thorax, 69, pp. 465 - 473,

Brew BK; Marks GB; Almqvist C; Cistulli PA; Webb K; Marshall NS; Haasdyk BB, 2014, 'Breastfeeding and snoring: A birth cohort study', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e84956,

Li S; Baker PJ; Jalaludin BB; Guo Y; Marks GB; Denison LS; Williams GM, 2014, 'An Australian national panel study of diurnal temperature range and children's respiratory health', Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 112,

Li S; Baker PJ; Jalaludin BB; Guo Y; Marks GB; Denison LS; Williams GM, 2014, 'Are children's asthmatic symptoms related to ambient temperature? A panel study in Australia', Environmental Research, 133, pp. 239 - 245,

Roth TN; Weber KP; Wettstein VG; Marks GB; Rosengren SM; Hegemann SCA, 2014, 'Ethanol consumption impairs vestibulo-ocular reflex function measured by the video head impulse test and dynamic visual acuity', Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium and Orientation, 24, pp. 289 - 295,

Skilton MR; Sullivan TR; Ayer JG; Garden FL; Harmer JA; Leeder SR; Toelle BG; Webb K; Marks GB; Celermajer DS, 2014, 'Weight gain in infancy is associated with carotid extra-medial thickness in later childhood', Atherosclerosis, 233, pp. 370 - 374,


Zheng M; Allman-Farinelli M; Heitmann BL; Toelle B; Marks G; Cowell C; Rangan A, 2014, 'Liquid versus solid energy intake in relation to body composition among Australian children', Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics,

Skilton M; Nakhla S; Marks G; Celermajer D, 2014, 'PM291 Risk Factors for Telomere Shortening in Early Childhood', Global Heart, 9, pp. e120 - e121,

Li S; Baker PJ; Jalaludin BB; Marks GB; Denison LS; Williams GM, 2013, 'Ambient temperature and lung function in children with asthma in Australia', European Respiratory Journal,

Graham SM; Marks GB, 2013, 'Pneumonia: A disease for all ages', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 17, pp. 1373 - 1374,

Graham SM; Marks GB, 2013, 'Pneumonia: a disease for all ages [Editorial].', Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 17, pp. 1373 - 1374,

Fox GJ; Nhung NV; Sy DN; Britton WJ; Marks GB, 2013, 'Household contact investigation for tuberculosis in Vietnam: Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial', Trials, 14,

Dobler CC; Luu Q; Marks GB, 2013, 'What Patient Factors Predict Physicians' Decision Not to Treat Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Tuberculosis Contacts?', PLoS ONE, 8,

Li S; Jalaludin B; Baker P; Marks G; Williams G, 2013, 'Are children’s asthmatic symptoms related to ambient temperature? A national panel study in Australia', ISEE Conference Abstracts, 2013,

Begun M; Newall AT; Marks GB; Wood JG, 2013, 'Contact Tracing of Tuberculosis: A Systematic Review of Transmission Modelling Studies', PLoS ONE, 8,

Revez JA; Bain L; Chapman B; Powell JE; Jansen R; Duffy DL; Tung JY; Collaborators AAGC; Matheson MC; Marks GB; Hui J; Le Souëf P; Danoy P; Baltic S; Nyholt DR; Jenkins M; Hayden C; Beilby J; Cheah F; Madden PA; Heath AC; Hopper JL; Musk B; Leeder SR; Walters EH; James A; Jones G; Abramson MJ; Robertson CF; Dharmage SC; Brown MA; Thompson PJ; Penninx BW; Visscher PM; De Geus EJC; Boomsma DI; Hinds DA; Martin NG; Montgomery GW; Ferreira MAR, 2013, 'A new regulatory variant in the interleukin-6 receptor gene associates with asthma risk', Genes and Immunity, 14, pp. 441 - 446,

Tovey ER; Willenborg CM; Crisafulli DA; Rimmer J; Marks GB, 2013, 'Most Personal Exposure to House Dust Mite Aeroallergen Occurs during the Day', PLoS ONE, 8,

Buonanno G; Marks GB; Morawska L, 2013, 'Health effects of daily airborne particle dose in children: Direct association between personal dose and respiratory health effects', Environmental Pollution, 180, pp. 246 - 250,

Poulos LM; Ampon RD; Marks GB; Reddel HK, 2013, 'Inappropriate prescribing of inhaled corticosteroids: Are they being prescribed for respiratory tract infections? a retrospective cohort study', Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 22, pp. 201 - 208,

Lau EMT; Morgan PE; Belousova EG; Toelle BG; Ayer JG; Celermajer DS; Marks GB, 2013, 'Asymmetric dimethylarginine and asthma: Results from the Childhood Asthma Prevention Study', European Respiratory Journal, 41, pp. 1234 - 1237,

Kidd T; Ramsay K; Hu H; Marks GB; Wainwright CE; Bye P; Elkins M; Robinson PA; Rose B; Wilson J; Grimwood K; Bell S; Jaffe A, 2013, 'Shared pseudomonas aeruginosa genotypes are common in australian cystic fibrosis centres', European Respiratory Journal, 41, pp. 1091 - 1100,

Abramson MJ; Toelle BG; James AL; Wood-Baker R; Burton D; Xuan W; Johns DP; Buist AS; Marks GB, 2013, 'Asthma diagnosis and treatment - 1016. Is atopy in people aged 40 and over related to fixed airflow obstruction?', World Allergy Organ J, 6 Suppl 1, pp. P16,

Reddel HK; Dennis SM; Hasan I; Hermiz O; Bunker J; Middleton S; Van Schayck CP; Crockett AJ; Vagholkar S; Marks GB; Zwar NA, 2013, 'ACCURACY OF CASE-FINDING FOR COPD BY PRACTICE NURSES', RESPIROLOGY, 18, pp. 37 - 37,

Tuinakelo LR; Tayler-Smith K; Khogali M; Marks GB, 2013, 'Prevalence of anaemia, syphilis and hepatitis B in pregnant women in Nausori, Fiji', PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION, 3, pp. 72 - 75,

Ramasamy A; Kuokkanen M; Vedantam S; Gajdos ZK; Alves AC; Lyon HN; Ferreira MAR; Strachan DP; Zhao JH; Abramson MJ; Brown MA; Coin L; Dharmage SC; Duffy DL; Haahtela T; Heath AC; Janson C; Kähönen M; Khaw KT; Laitinen J; Souef PL; Lehtimäki T; Madden PAF; Marks GB; Martin NG; Matheson MC; Palmer CD; Palotie A; Pouta A; Robertson CF; Viikari J; Widen E; Wjst M; Jarvis DL; Montgomery GW; Thompson PJ; Wareham N; Eriksson J; Jousilahti P; Laitinen T; Pekkanen J; Raitakari OT; O'Connor GT; Salomaa V; Jarvelin MR; Hirschhorn JN, 2013, 'Correction: Genome-wide association studies of asthma in population-based cohorts confirm known and suggested loci and identify an additional association near HLA (PLoS ONE)', PLoS ONE, 8,

Pearce N; Asher I; Billo N; Bissell K; Ellwood P; El Sony A; García-Marcos L; Chiang CY; Mallol J; Marks G; Strachan D, 2013, 'Asthma in the global NCD agenda: A neglected epidemic', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 1, pp. 96 - 98,

Charlesworth KE; Vogelnest L; Stephens N; Marks GB, 2013, 'Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin: Diagnosis, investigation and management of tuberculosis at an Australian zoo.', New South Wales public health bulletin, 24, pp. 49,

Fisher KE; Cook NF; Marks GB, 2013, 'Costs of a contact screening activity in a neonatal intensive care unit.', New South Wales public health bulletin, 24, pp. 29 - 31,

Toelle BG; Garden FL; Ng KKW; Belousova EG; Almqvist C; Cowell CT; Tovey ER; Webb KL; Leeder SR; Marks GB, 2013, 'Outcomes of the childhood asthma prevention study at 11.5 years', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 132,

Christensen A; Lowbridge C; Marks GB; Sintchenko V, 2013, 'Tuberculosis, public health and gathering new evidence to guide control efforts.', New South Wales public health bulletin, 24, pp. 1 - 2,

Marks GB; Christensen A; Sintchenko V; Lowbridge C, 2013, 'Tuberculosis: an old world disease providing new world challenges in NSW.', New South Wales public health bulletin, 24, pp. 22 - 23,

Borgdorff M; Yew W; Marks GB, 2013, 'Active tuberculosis case finding: why, when and how?', International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 17, pp. 285,

Garden F; Simpson JM; Marks GB, 2013, 'Atopy phenotypes in the Childhood Asthma Prevention Study (CAPS) cohort and the relationship with allergic disease', Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 43, pp. 633 - 641,

Singh S; Bingwor F; Tayler-Smith K; Manzi M; Marks GB, 2013, 'Congenital rubella syndrome in Fiji, 1995-2010', Journal of Tropical Medicine, Article 956234, pp. 956234,

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