Fields of Research (FoR)
Urban planning and health, Health equity, Social determinants of health, Urban policyBiography
Dr Jinhee Kim is Scientia academic at the Cities Institute. Her research interests include understanding the complexities of urban health paradigms relevant to addressing the spatial impacts of urban environments on human health. She applies her research findings in developing real-world transdisciplinary action that engages stakeholders from academic and non-academic backgrounds and across various disciplines and sectors. Prior to joining...view more
Dr Jinhee Kim is Scientia academic at the Cities Institute. Her research interests include understanding the complexities of urban health paradigms relevant to addressing the spatial impacts of urban environments on human health. She applies her research findings in developing real-world transdisciplinary action that engages stakeholders from academic and non-academic backgrounds and across various disciplines and sectors. Prior to joining UNSW, she has worked in all levels of government with a focus on healthy cities and health impact assessment as tools to prioritise health equity in urban policies.
My Qualifications
PhD, University of New South Wales (2023)
Thesis title: Paradigms, clusters and traditions on urban health: articulating diverse ontological perspectives to advance transdisciplinary approaches to urban health research and policymaking
Master of Public Health, Seoul National University (2005)
Bachelor of Science, Korea University (2002)
My Engagement
Editor-in-Chief, Urban Health Review (Journal of the Korean Academy of Urban Health)
Executive Board Member, Korean Academy of Urban Health
Member, Academic Committee, Alliance for Healthy Cities
Planning Committee, 10th Global Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities (25-27 Sept 2024, Seoul, Korea)
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