
My Expertise

Fetal physiology; renal physiology; developmental programming


Fields of Research (FoR)

Medical Physiology, Reproduction, Nephrology and Urology

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Dr Karen Gibson is a Senior Lecturer in Physiology in the School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, UNSW.

Qualifications: MB BS, BMedSc, PhD, GCULT, UNSW

Education Focussed Academic.

Teaching: Phase 1 Convenor for BMed/MD program. Course convenor of PHSL3221 Endocrine, Reproductive and Developmental Physiology. I teach physiology to both medical and science students. My particular areas of expertise are renal physiology,...view more


Department of Physiology, School of Biomedical Sciences.
Office location: Wallace Wurth Building Room 315.


+61 2 90655166