
My Expertise

  • Green technologies for urban stormwater management (e.g. bioretention systems, green walls)
  • Stormwater quality monitoring, modelling, and risk assessment
  • Water Recycling
  • Integrated urban water planning
  • Water Sensitive Urban Design (sponge city)

Fields of Research (FoR)

Water Resources Engineering, Environmental Engineering Modelling, Water Quality Engineering, Applied Hydrology (Drainage, Flooding, Irrigation,, Simulation and Modelling


Senior Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering's Water Research Centre (WRC)

Kefeng is a dedicated researcher with a strong focus on urban water management and the implementation of nature-based green technologies such as bioretention systems and green walls. His expertise lies in understanding the pollution and risks associated with various water sources, including stormwater, greywater, and pre-treated wastewater, and...view more


Room 138, Vallentine Annex, Building H22, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052

Map reference (Google map)


+61 2 9385 5072